idiom > Agency to seek Cao
Cao Society of the plan
  Explanation: "Zuo Duke Ai seven years": "At first, CAO or the dream of all the house of a gentleman stand society, and seek death Cao." Agency: Cao of the State Agency. Backward to "Cao community of seeking" refers to the demise of another country's conspiracy. Zhou G letter "Sadness": "Ghost of the plan with the community Cao, Qin tribunal people cry."
  Source: "Zuo Duke Ai seven years," the beginning of all the CAO or the dream house of a gentleman stand society, and seek death Cao. "
  Examples: Ghost with the ~, people cry Qin tribunal. Zhou G ★ letter "Sadness"
No. 2
  Agency: CAO of the State Agency. After the demise of other countries that conspiracy.
Translated by Google
No. 3
  【读音】:cáo shè zhī móu
  【示例】:鬼同~,人有秦庭之哭。 ◎北周·庚信《哀江南赋》