poetry of the Tang Dynasty Three hundred head : common saying > scale new heights; attain a yet higher goal
Higher level
  Explanation: To see further intended, would board the even higher. After the analogy to what has been achieved a further increase of step.
  Usage: Complex sentence; as object clause; with commendatory
  Source: Tang Wang Zhihuan "Guàn Crane House" poem: "sun mountains, river; For testimony thereof."
  Examples: Development of the situation, our work should also be ~.
gèng shàng yī céng lóu
  Tang Wang Zhihuan "Teng Guanquelou" Poem 'For testimony thereof. 'Then with a' higher level 'metaphor one step further this year and strive to improve the production of ~.
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gèng shàng yī céng lóu
更上一层楼 gèng shàng yī céng lóu
更上一层楼 gèng shàng yī céng lóu
更上一层楼 gèng shàng yī céng lóu
  Meaning is: To see far ahead, we must first climb. In recent years, often use "higher level" to describe the improvement of work or learning step
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No. 4
  Language of the Tang and the Audio "Teng Guanquelou" Poetry: "For testimony thereof." Is often used as meaning one step further to improve. Lines from "Lao She is always in": "He who is also a lot of duties, was more than even he himself also said a clear, work stress, communication busy, told me often over the situation than in Chongqing during the war over 'anti-agreement', when higher level of. "
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No. 5
  词 目 更上一层楼
  发 音 gèng shàng yī céng lóu
  释 义 原意是要想看得更远,就要登得更高。后比喻使已取得的成绩再提高一步。
  出 处 唐·王之涣《登鹳雀楼》诗:“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。”
  示 例 1.形势发展了,我们的工作也应该更上一层楼。 2.既道尼山出世,又召东山入梦,镜里是真木。炯炯明看汝,~。 ★清·王夫之《水调歌头·放言》词
  用 法 复句式;作宾语、分句;含褒义
  同 义 更进一竿
  反 义 江河日下
  典 故 唐朝著名诗人王之涣,他性格豪放,擅长做诗,经常与王昌龄、高适等在一块切磋诗技。王之涣被免职后,游遍黄河南北,他到薄州登鹳鹤楼,作诗一首:“白日依山尽,黄河入海流;欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。”
  成语名称 更上一层楼 汉语拼音 gèng shàng yī céng lóu 成语释义 原意是要想看得更远,就要登得更高。后比喻使已取得的成绩再提高一步。 成语出处 唐·王之涣《登鹳雀楼》诗:“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。” 使用例句 既道尼山出世,又召东山入梦,镜里是真木。炯炯明看汝,更上一层楼
English Expression
  1. n.:  scale new heights; attain a yet higher goal
fight against heaven and earth, live frugally, scholasticism, pussyfoot, watch out, proper, hold one's cards close to one's chest, Cuyilishi, Chuyisuoshi, eat sparingly because of poverty, Live in poverty, More into a pole, when bitterness is finished,sweetness begins, get a break, diligent and frugal, Plain living, hardworking and thrifty abstinence, economize on food and clothing, scrupulousness, ado Jiejue, Talk to pawn month, Clothes made of cloth Sparse food, wrestle, asperity build a business, showing the utmost fortitude, be in extreme poverty, Hungry intercept, hold buckle and thong together, Slum Basket for cooked rice scoop, Oufanpiaoyin, Not to Tailai, Suoyijiekou, To eat with fine, budget liberally and spend sparingly, Fresh thin clothing single, cycle, self-sufficient, circulation move back and forth, Eventually renew, circulation alternate, L-said, soonest mended .(=The least said the better.), Scoop basket for cooked rice, economize on food and clothing, cut one'scoataccording to one's cloth
Dwell Buy disaster, befaced with imminent disaster, splash one's money about, careless; negligent, luxury dissipate, s clothes, don't cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain condition, hot, listlessness, have (everything) one's own way, sort, monstrous, horrifying, amazing, railroading, breathtaking, allegro, slip, neglect, Careless Flotation, proud and arrogant, flighty and impatient coarse temperament, Flighty and impatient Qizao, Fail do cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain condition, perplex, ephemeral, transient, calamity comes by means of mouth, be lapped in luxury, abrupt, incaution, unthoughtful and rash, disorderly, culpa, furious, Jia disaster respect, the dazzling human world with its myriad temptations, incredible, Qingtianpili, life in luxury, Million of money on food, wind,flowers,snow and moon, romantic themes, T-much, and err much., Anon See the flowers, So so., Jiaoshe profligacy, coarse Flighty and impatient air, Thick floating, sudden, lightning, without scruple, Lin Shan breast meat, mellow wine woman, King fans, Jinmizhizui, alcohol Green light red, rich, close association during childhood, superficial, Plaguing the country Loudly, behave unscrupulously, careless (in handling things), chaos, addle, fail or neglect to do sth, unhoped-for, marvelous, misrule, chaotic, exorbitance, anarchy, Ecliptic Wan Qian, go off at half cock, abrupt, thunderbolt
Containing Phrases
attain a yet higher goalattain a yet higher goalattain a yet higher goal