v.: show, appear, come into view or prominence, appear
vi.: emerge, visualize
French Expression
v. faire apparaître, montrer, manifester
Thesaurus Group
presentation, arise afford, arrivals, arise, reach, departure, accomplish, cause, off, end, covering, breakup, discover, debunk, walk, execute, Perform, Perform, leave, abandon, end, wish, plain, utter, dispatch, irradiate, off, elapse, Indeed the, utter, at or to a point distant in space, away, absence, downwards, erstwhile, in days gone by, aforetime, old, flatten, terminate, overthrow, bring down, yore, past, peep, perfect, implicit, dreadful, previous, mere, plain, mere, authentic, full, suspension, ample, caesura, at one time, unalloyed, absolute, unbound, absolute, implicit, walk, go, Chengxian Village show, in a triumphant or threatening way, display, bank, revelation, signalize, appear, show up, visible, debunk, disclose, uncover, reveal, participate parade, being paraded, continuous, succession, one after the other son, succession, apart from, one...after another/after the other