Star formation in some form appear to any one of the constellation, according to the 2nd century AD Ptolemy's star list a total of 48 constellations, each constellation to mythological figures, animals or objects named, there are 40 constellations are Greek and Roman times were later added to supplement the gap left by the day of areas (such as the Mediterranean region south YORK invisible day around the area); any of the constellations in the sky position
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No. 2
Convenience for the study of astronomy, the sky is divided into several regions, each called a constellation. Modern astronomy is divided into 88 constellations, such as Cygnus, Andromeda, Block and other telescopes. A similar concept in ancient China Star officials. Habits of a country also known constellation stars, such as three, Wenchang, Weaver, etc., can be called Constellation. Sima Zhen Tang "Official Records of the Historian-day book" problem solutions: "Constellation has to paying, if the officer who faithfully Cao, twenty years before and day of official." Tandoori Mu ", the self-Chi" Poetry: "Constellation dark night wolf mane, Shu F piper Huya busy. "Xu Chi," Goldbach conjecture Geological Light ":" Sometimes in the middle of the ocean, look around the vast, relying on the compass, theodolite and the sky's constellations, to set the direction. "
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No. 3
To facilitate the identification star, one by air, the natural distribution of the star divided into a number of areas. Sizes. Each region is called a constellation. Connected with lines within the same constellation of bright stars, the formation of a variety of graphics, according to its shape, respectively, similar to animals, objects or mythological figures named, such as Cygnus, Andromeda, etc.. Each constellation of stars, according to the brightness size, followed by lower case Greek letter layout, such as the Ursa Major star α, β Ursa magnitude. Is the world's total of 88 recognized constellations.
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No. 4
Origin of constellation constellation Constellation, one of four ancient civilizations originated in ancient Babylon, the ancient Babylonians divided into many regions of the sky, known as the "constellation", but the usefulness of the constellation was not much less was found and named. To bring the 12 zodiac constellations are used to measure the beginning of time, not like now to representative character. After 1000 BC, have been proposed 30 years ago, Constellation. Where the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates south-east from the northwest, into the Persian Gulf, known as "Mesopotamia" areas. Mesopotamia since ancient Greek culture spread to promote the cultural development of ancient Greece. Ancient Greek astronomers of Babylon, the constellation was supplemented and development, the preparation of the ancient Greek constellation table. 2nd century AD, the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy's astronomical achievements were consolidated, the preparation of 48 constellations. And with the illusion of the main lines of the bright stars in the constellation with up to them to imagine the image of animals or people, with fairy tales to them from a proper name, which is the constellation its name. Greek mythology in most of the 48 living in the northern sky and the constellation of the equatorial north and south. After the Middle Ages, the rise of European capitalism, you need to expand outwards, seafaring has been great development. Ship across the sea, at any time for navigation, the stars guiding light is the best. In the stars, the constellation shape is special, the most easily observed, therefore, the constellation has been widespread concern. Magellan sailed round the world in the 16th century, not only the use of directional navigation constellation, but also on the sign were studied. In 1922, the International Astronomical Union General Assembly decided to sky into 88 constellations, the name of the base according to the history of the name. In 1928, the International Astronomical Union officially announced the names of 88 constellations. This constellation of 88 into three days areas in the Northern Hemisphere 29 Southern Hemisphere 47, near the celestial equator and the ecliptic 12. Stars visible to the human eye, nearly six thousand, only one of each constellation of stars can be classified. Each sign can be composed of bright stars which form recognizable. In order to facilitate research, there is the sky divided into several regions, these regions called constellations. China took an early three-wall Ershibasu sky. "Historical Records official book" quite detailed records. Three Yuan is the north celestial pole around the three regions, namely Ziwei Yuan, Tai Wei Yuan, the day city wall. Ershibasu in yellow or white Road 28 near the area, that the East seven places: angle, Kang, Di, house, heart, tail, Kei; Latin text on astronomy constellation table Chinese name Latin name abbreviation Area Stars andromeda and Andromeda 722,100 antlia ant Antlia 23920 Apus apus aps 20620 aquarius aqr Aquarius 98090 65270 Aquila aquila aql ara ara Temple of Heaven, Block 23 730 aries ari Aries 44150 65790 Auriga auriga aur bootes boo Bootes 90790 caelum cae Caelum 12510 camelopardalis cam Camelopardalis 75750 cancer cnc Cancer 50660 canes venatici cvn Canes Venatici 46530 canis major cma Canis Major 38080 canis minor cmi Canis Minor 18320 capricornus cap Capricorn 41450 carina car Carina 494,110 cassiopeia cas Cassiopeia 59890 centaurus cen Centaurus 1,060,150 cepheus cep Cepheus 58860 cetus cet Cetus 1,231,100 chamaeleon cha Block 13220 Weir dragonfly circinus cir Circinus 9320 columba col Columba 27040 coma berenicescom Berenices 38650 corona austriliscra Corona Australis 12825 Corona Borealis corona borealiscrb 17920 Corvus corvus crv 18415 crater crt Crater 28220 crux cru Southern Cross 6830 Cygnus cygnus cyg 804,150 delphinus del Delphinus 18930 dorado dor Dorado 17920 draco dra Draco 108,380 equuleus equ Equuleus 7210 eridanus eri Eridanus 1,138,100 fornax for Fornax 39835 gemini gem Gemini 51470 Grus grus gru 36630 hercules her Hercules 1225140 horologium hor Clock Tower 24920 hydra hya Hydra 14320 hydrus hyi Hydrus 24320 indus ind Indus 29420 lacerta lac Lacerta 20135 Leo leo leo 94770 leo minorlmi Leo Minor 23220 lepus lep Lepus 29040 libra lib Libra 53850 lupus lup Lupus 33470 lynx lyn Lynx 54560 28615 Lyra lyra lyr mensa men Mensa 15315 microseopium mic Microscopium 21020 48285 Monoceros monoceros mon musca mus Musca 13830 norma nor Norma 16520 octans oct Octans 29135 ophiuchus oph Ophiuchus 948,100 orion ori Orion 594120 pavo pav Pavo 37845 pegasus peg Pegasus 1,121,100 perseus per Perseus 61590 phoenix phe phoenix 46940 pictor pic Pictor 24730 pisces psc Pisces 88975 Piscis piscis austrinuspsa 24525 puppis pup Puppis 673,140 pyxis pyx Pyxis 22125 reticulum ret Reticulum 11415 sagitta sge Sagitta 80 20 sagittarius sgr Sagittarius 867,115 scorpius sco Scorpio 497,100 sculptor scl Sculptor 47530 scutum sct Shield Block 10920 serpens ser Serpens 63760 sextans sex Sextans 31425 taurus tau Taurus 797 125 telescopium tel Telescopium 25230 triangulum tri Triangle 13215 triangulum australetra Southern Triangle 11020 tucana tuc Tucana 29525 ursa major uma Ursa 1,280,125 ursa minor umi Ursa 25620 vela vel Vela 500,110 virgo vir Virgo 129,495 (see "Virgo") volans vol Volans 14120 vulpecula vul Vulpecula 26845 Eighty-eight constellations are arranged according to size (Note: The following is brief introduction of the famous objects in the constellation does not mean that only these objects in the constellation.) 1. Hydra (hydrae): Greek mythology long water snake with nine head, and cut one another out of a president. He was eventually killed by the assassination of Claes. Ε is a Snap Hydra star system. There are three Messier objects. (110 Messier objects that appear comet objects, including galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, stars and the remains of a supernova.) 2. Virgo (virginis): Greek mythology, the goddess of justice in the Astoria. It has the brightest, the nearest super-cluster of galaxies - Virgo cluster. Contains hundreds of 8-inch telescope will be able to find galaxies. 11 Messier objects, and they are all galaxies. Virgo α +1 so blue stars, the brightest in the sky one of the 20 stars in China, known as Spica. m104 also known galaxy. One of the twelve constellations. 3. Ursa Major (ursae majoris): Greek mythology, Hera was jealous of it is a beautiful fairy Cary Stowe, Zeus to protect her and changed her into a bear. The astrological sign with the day's most famous - the Big Dipper. Has seven Messier objects. Ζ Ursa Major is the sixth Big Dipper stars, but also a double star, discovered in 1650, is the telescope, discovered the first binary era in China, known as Mizar. 4. Cetus (ceti): sea god Poseidon sent a sea monster punishment of the queen of Ethiopia, was killed by the hero Perseus. Contains hundreds of galaxies. A Messier objects. 5. Hercules (herculis): Greek mythological heroes He assassination Claes, had to follow Jason and the Argonauts expedition to seize the Golden Fleece, who have completed "He assassination Claes twelve difficult." He is the grandson of Perseus, the illegitimate son of Zeus. There are two Messier objects, north of the equator where m13 is the biggest, brightest and most prominent globular clusters, only in South-day Centaurus ω, Tucana 47 and m22 over it. 6. Eridanus (eridani): All the ancient civilizations regarded it as a regional center of their lives in the river, there is a star of the first Eridanus α, is such a magnitude 0.5 blue-white big star in China, known as River appoint one. There are a lot of doubles. 7. Pegasus (pegasi): Medusa, turned the spray of blood in the neck cavity, landed at Helicon Mountain, creating a Lingquan become a source of poetic inspiration. Pegasus is a large rectangular area autumn day in central North Star the brightest stars, a Messier object. Stephen Quintet in its scope, it includes five known members of the galaxy and a dark - ngc 7320c. 8. Draco (draconis): Greek mythology, it is a dragon hidden in the golden apple garden, He was the hero Hercules assassination Claes killed. 9. Centaur (centauri): First Class with two big stars, α Centauri, and β, where α is a triple star, β is a blue-white star. 10. Aquarius (aquaril): world's most beautiful prince Gunnison United States Atlantis, by Zeus to the gods in the spirit world fancy pouring. One of the twelve constellations. 11. Ophiuchus (ophiuchi): Greek mythology, Asclepius was the famous snake husband, armed with two snakes, venom is a deadly, but can treat another. He was able to revive, so angered Hades Hades, Zeus Cisi be. Using eight-inch telescope to see it at least 20 globular clusters, including seven Messier objects, including the most secret of a globular star cluster Messier - m107. Barnard's Star is one of the fastest growing their own star. The thirteenth zodiac constellation, due to smaller share of the ecliptic region, has long been excluded from outside the ecliptic constellations. 12. Leo (leonis): the vast sky that it occupied a lot of galaxies. Meteor in the year to year, the Leonids is one of the most significant. Leo α is a large blue and white stars, magnitude +1.35 and so on, in China called Regulus. One of the twelve constellations. 13. Bootes (bootis): is a non-stop to catch up with Ursa Major, Canes Venatici hunters, including one north of the equator the brightest star the sky, Bootes α, called Arcturus in China, such as magnitude -0.1. 14. Pisces (piscium): Greek mythology, Eros and Aphrodite in Pisces on behalf of the embodiment of the water, they to escape the monster guise of a fish, dive into the Euphrates. Messier objects with an m74, but also one of the darkest of the Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 16. Cygnus (cygni): Ptolemy first identified one of the 48 constellations. Greek mythology, Zeus became the king of Sparta Houle Da printed with the Swan, the ancient Arabs considered to be a flying eagle. Cygnus α is the brightest star in the Milky Way, one of which fired 6 times the sun's light, magnitude +1.25 and so on, in China, known as Deneb. There are two Messier objects. 17. Taurus (tauri): In Greek mythology, it is turned into a white bull Zeus, madly in love with Phoenician princess. Taurus α is a red giant in China, known as Aldebaran, one of the Persian royal four star. Hyades is the nearest open clusters from the solar system. It has two Messier objects, in which m1 is also known as the Crab Nebula is the remains of a supernova is the only one of the Messier objects such objects, it is July 4, 1054 outbreak, China who observed this phenomenon, and left on "guest star" records. m45, also known as Pleiades or the Seven Sisters star cluster is the most famous open cluster in the sky. One of the twelve constellations. 19. Andromeda (andromedae): in Greek mythology, Andromache Mehta, is engraved with the King of Ethiopia 后卡西俄帕亚 Phillips and the daughter of the king, including a whole constellation can be observed through the binoculars to the bright star clusters , a main galaxy, a striking double star, a planetary nebula. 20. Puppis (puppis): Boats in the South Block, the ancient part of South Block, the ship was in Greek mythology the golden fleece was riding when the Argo expedition ship. It belongs to the sky covered with a large number of bright open clusters, very spectacular. Ζ Puppis is the largest galaxy in the blue supergiant, one of magnitude +2.25 and so on, the English common name from the Greek, meaning "sailing." 21. Auriga (aurigae): is the inventor of E Ruike carriage through the incarnation of Sri Lanka. Northern winter sky, one of the brightest constellations, bright yellow star Auriga first-class α, known as the Capella in China, there are three Messier objects. 22. Aquila (aquilae): Zeus into the eagle, is it Ghani carried to the United States Atlantis heaven. Leung-sing, which has a first-class Aquila α, in China, known as the Altair. 23. Serpens (serpentis): giant snake head and snake tail into two parts, consisting of two Messier objects, which is also called the Eagle Nebula m16. 25. Cassiopeia (cassiopeiae): 卡西俄帕亚 is the queen of Ethiopia, King carved Phillips. There are two Messier objects. 27. Cepheus (cephei): One of the oldest constellations, king of Ethiopia carved Phillips. 28. Lynx (lyncis): there is a faint starlight stars, from Hedwig Sirius identified in 1690, of which 12 and 19, Lynx is a triple star system. And unlike most ngc 2419 is a rotation around the galactic center, globular clusters, it is independent of outside of our galaxy, known as the intergalactic wanderer. 29. Libra (librae): Libra is an eclipsing binary δ (ie the two stars periodically after each other in front of each eclipse.) One of the twelve constellations. 30. Gemini (geminorun): They are twins Pollux and Castor, who is the king of Sparta Houle Da's son, Castor and Pollux is a mortal God, they showed a real brother love. Gemini α is a well-known star system Luk, its child stars Α magnitude +1.94 and so on, in China, known as the North River II. Gemini β magnitude +1.14 and so on, was a star of orange star in China, known as the North River III. Gemini is a Cepheid variable star ζ (brightness changes with time pulsating variable stars). A Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 31. Cancer (cancri): Legend of Cancer is the soul enter the body to reach the entrance to the ground. Greek mythology, he is a hero He was killed by assassination Claes messenger of Hera. One of the twelve constellations. 32. Vela (velorum): Boats in the South Block, part of the ancient. The sky is the search for the ideal of open cluster region. Vela is a bright double star γ, in which a child star, etc., etc. +1.88 called Wolf - Rayet stars, very hot, hair light, but quickly lost its substance a class of stars. ngc 2736 is a bright, pencil-shaped nebula is a supernova 12,000 years ago the remains of the outbreak of the eastern part. 33. Scorpio (scorpii): Scorpio α is known to one of the largest red supergiant, its diameter more than 966 million kilometers, if put it in the solar system, from the four planets nearest the sun and the asteroid belt in a the track will be a large number of members of its internal, it is also a double star, with stars such as +5.37, etc., in China called the Great Mars, it is also the four Royal Stars of Persia is one of the guardians of the sky. Scorpio star system ν is a Snap. Scorpio ξ is a triple star system. Scorpio has four Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 34. Carina (carinae): Germany and the astronomer Benjamin valley seat of ancient ship to transform the South out of the constellation. The second brightest star has a day - Carina α, called the Canopus in China, magnitude -0.72, as well as the brightest day of the nebula complex - ngc 3372, the η Carina nebula. 35. Monoceros (monocerotis): Astronomers from Germany in the 1624 Red Ball drawing a star map. He already has a number of known clusters and nebulae, but it also has a variety of multiple star and variable stars, by a Messier object. Monoceros β and ε are the triple star system, ngc 2237 and ngc 2244 nebula is a famous star cluster complex, also known as the Ro_set_te Nebula. ngc 2264 is a big and sparse clusters of stars, due to shape and is called "Christmas Tree Cluster." ngc 2261 is the Hubble's variable nebula, because the movement caused by the dark cloud of cold dust, changes in its brightness. 36. Sculptor (sculptoris): named by the Rakai in 1752. 37. Phoenix Block (phoenicis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Phoenix β is a triple star system. 38. Canes Venatici (canum venaticorum): Bootes chase the dogs. There are five Messier objects. 39. Aries (arae): long with golden golden sheep, was the god Hermes was dispatched to rescue the prince 弗里科索斯 and Heller. One of the twelve constellations. 40. Capricorn (capricorni): on being a sheep, under the animal as a fish, is the human soul ascend to heaven through which the door. A Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 41. Fornax (fornacis): named by the Rakai in 1752. A variety of objects including galaxies - Fornax cluster of galaxies, can identify at least 18 galaxies. 42. Berenices (comberenices): is the king of Egypt 后比俄内塞斯 hair. There are eight Messier objects. 43. Canis Major (canis majoris): and Canis Minor to accompany the faithful dog of Orion, in Greek mythology, his name is Lara Phillips. A day the brightest star - Sirius. Have a Messier object. 44. Pavo (payonis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Greek mythology, He assassination monster with one hundred eyes of Argos, a peacock's tail feathers decorated. He has a beautiful globular cluster and a few galaxies. Pavo Κ is an optical variable star period 9065 days of the Cepheid variable stars. ngc 6752 is the sky in one of the best globular cluster. 45. Grus (gruis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Grus α is a giant blue star, magnitude +1.7 and so on. 46. Lupus (lupus): Ptolemy one of the first _set_ of 48 constellations. 47. Sextans (sextantis): 1680 年 Hedwig Sirius took its name. 48. Tucana (tucanae): Small Magellanic Cloud, in its range. Tucana is a β1 and β2 Luk star system. ngc 10 ω Centauri is the day after the second largest is the second brightest globular cluster. 49. Indian Block (indi) 50. Antarctic Block (octantis): determined by the Rakai in 1752. 51. Lepus (leporis): a constellation of Ptolemy is one of the 48 originally identified by a number of deep space objects. 52. Lyra (lyrae): Greek mythology, it is a harp, is made of Hermes with a tortoise shell dedicated to Apollo, and later gave it to Apollo, the Russian ear Phillips. He has a first-class big star - Lyra α, magnitude +0.03 and so on, in China, known as the Vega, the fifth is the sky bright star. Lyra ε1 and ε2 is the famous double star formed by two Tetraena stars. Two Messier objects, which m57 is the first nebula discovered. 53. Crater (crateris): Ptolemy's 48 constellations named after the first one. It is a huge image of Hydra on the back of the cup. 54. Columba (columbae): Hughes named by the astronomer Prong. 55. Vulpecula (vulpeculae): Hedwig Sirius by the establishment in 1660. A Messier objects m27. collinder 399, also known as brocchi cluster or clusters called racks. m27 is also called the Dumbbell Nebula. 56. Ursa Minor (ursae minoris): the sky is one of the most famous constellations. It only three stars is the naked eye visibility, that is, Ursa α, β, γ. Α Ursa Minor is Polaris, the star closest to the north celestial pole will be from the north celestial pole in 2102 recently. 57. Telescopes Block (telescopii): named by the Rakai in 1752. Where h 5033 is a Courtyard star system. 58. Clock Tower (horologii): named by the Rakai in 1752. 59. Pictor (pictoris): named by the Rakai in 1752. +8.8, Etc. with a red dwarf star - Kapteyn star after their own speed Barnard Ophiuchus star, ranking second. 60. Piscis (piscis austrini): Ptolemy one of the first _set_ of 48 constellations. Α Piscis magnitude +1.16 and so on, the English common name from the Arabic "fish head", in China known as Fomalhaut, it is also one of the Persians of the four royal stars. Rakai 9352 is such a magnitude +7.35 red dwarf star, self-discharge rate of the fourth. 61. Hydrus (hydri) 62. Antlia (antlia): Rakai in 1752, French astronomer named, shaped like a pump. 63. Temple Block (arae): It is the Centaur of the altar. Ptolemy divided the first one of the 48 constellations. 64. Leo Minor (leonis minoris): Hedwig Sirius by the name in 1660. 65. Pyxis (pyxidis): Boats in the South Block, part of the ancient. Pyxis Τ is a recurrent nova, occasionally the outbreak. 66. Microscopium (microscopii): determined by the Rakai in 1752. 67. Apus (apodis): a bird of paradise in 1603 by John Bayer named the stars, etc. in the +4 and so the Lord above. 68. Lacerta (lacertae): the sky, there are many very bright open cluster. 69. Delphinus (delphini): Greek mythology, the dolphin from the sub-group of poets based in the conspiracy to kill the pirates Weng rescued the poet. But I do not know why, it has a name, called Job's coffin. 70. Corvus (corvi): is sent to spy on her lover, Apollo Koronis faithful crow. Contains many galaxies, although most of them are not bright. 71. Canis Minor (canis minoris): with the Canis Major Orion faithfully accompany the dog. Only one α and β Canis Minor can be used in the city naked eye to see. Where α is called Procyon in China, ranked eighth in the all-day stars, such as magnitude +0.4, is a double star, is a white dwarf companion, magnitude only +10.7 and so on. 72. Dorado (doradus): Bayer in 1604 by the named. Large Magellanic Cloud, in its range. 73. Corona Borealis (coronae borealis): Greek mythology, Bacchus is given by Theseus abandoned Ariadne's crown. 74. Norma (normae): created in 1752 by the Rakai. 75. Mensa (mensae): determined by the Rakai in 1752. Part of the Large Magellanic Cloud in which the. 76. Volans (volantis): created in 1603 by the Bayer. 77. Musca (muscae) 78. Triangulum (trianguli): Although small, this is one of the stars clearly. A Messier objects. 79. Chamaeleon (chamaeleontis): John Bayer in 1604 by the name. 80. Corona Australis (coronae australis) 81. Caelum (caeli): One of the most inconspicuous constellation, astronomers from France described in Rakai in 1752. 82. Reticulum (reticuli): is the Rakai created a constellation. 83. Southern Triangle (trianguli australis) 84. Shield Block (scuti): 1690 年 Hedwig Sirius joined the constellation. It has two Messier objects, including m11 known as the "Wild Duck Cluster" is the sky one of the richest open clusters. 85. Circinus (circini): Rakai in 1752 by the astronomer named. 86. Sagitta (sagittae): Greek mythology, it is Apollo's arrows with over Seck Roper. Sagitta wz is a recurrent nova. A Messier objects. 87. Equuleus (equulei): The ancient Greeks that the seat is Hera pony horse to Pollux. 88. Southern Cross (crucis): the smallest constellation, known as the Coal Sack has a dark nebula in the galaxy 60 light-years extended. Ptolemy constellations In addition to twelve constellations, the Ptolemy lists the following thirty-six (now thirty-eight, as the South Block, the ship has been opened into three separate constellation): Ptolemy constellations Andromeda | Aquarius | Aquila | Temple of Heaven Block | Boats in the South Tower | Aries | Auriga | Bootes | Cancer | Canis Major | Canis Minor | Capricornus | Cassiopeia | Centaurus | Cepheus | Cetus | South Corona Australis | Corona Borealis | Corvus | Crater | Cygnus | Delphinus | Draco | pony Block | Eridanus | Gemini | Hercules | Hydra | Leo | Lepus | Libra | Lupus | Lyra | Ophiuchus | Orion | Pegasus | Perseus | Pisces | Piscis | Sagitta | Sagittarius | Scorpius | Serpens | Taurus | Triangulum | Ursa Major | Ursa Minor | Virgo Which Boats in the South Tower was opened ─ ─ Lord (nicolas louis de lacaille) split into Carina, Puppis and Vela Ophiuchus ─ ─ fact, it intersects with the ecliptic, but the tradition does not regard it as one of the zodiac constellations Later, the increasing number of constellations, mainly to fill vacancies among the constellations of Ptolemy (due to the bright constellation of the ancient Greeks that there is a dark, blank between the zone), another reason is that when European explorers when marching south able to see some previously unseen stars, so to add a new sign to fill the southern sky. Thirty-eight was a relatively new constellation: Antlia Apus Caelum Camelopardalis Canes Venatici Block weir slug Circinus Columba Coma Berenices Crux Dorado Fornax Grus Clock Tower Hydrus Indus Lacerta Leo Minor Lynx Mensa Block microscope Monoceros Musca Norma Block Antarctica Pavo Phoenix Block Pictor Pyxis Reticulum Sculptor Shield Block Sextans Telescope Block Southern Triangle Tucana Volans Vulpecula There are some signs the final nominees were not adopted as an official constellation, one of the better known as the Quadrantid (quadrans muralis, is now part of Bootes) ─ ─ Quadrantid meteor shower is named for the constellation. There are also less formal arrangement of stars called constellations, such as the Big Dipper. In fact, in the same constellation of stars, in most cases are nothing to do, they just happened in the same line of sight, but in fact may be far apart between them ─ ─ If we are in another solar system, galaxy, we see The sky will be completely different. Eighty-eight modern constellations Andromeda | Antlia | Apus | Aquarius | Aquila | Temple Tower | Aries | Auriga | Bootes | Caelum | Camelopardalis | Cancer | Canes Venatici | Canis Major | Canis Minor | Capricornus | Carina | Cassiopeia | Centaurus | Cepheus | Cetus | Weir slug Block | Circinus | Columba | Coma Berenices | Corona Australis | Corona Borealis | Corvus | Crater | Crux | Cygnus | Delphinus | Dorado | Draco | pony Block | Eridanus | Fornax | Gemini | Grus | Hercules | Horologium | Hydra | Hydrus | Indus | Lacerta | Leo | Leo Minor | Lepus | Libra | Lupus | Lynx | Lyra | Mensa | Microscope Block | Monoceros | Musca | Norma | Antarctic Block | Ophiuchus | Orion | Pavo | Pegasus | Perseus | Phoenix Block | Pictor | Pisces | Piscis | Puppis | Pyxis | Reticulum | Sagitta | Sagittarius | Scorpius | Sculptor | Scutum | Serpens | Sextans | Taurus | Telescope Block | Triangulum | Triangulum | Tucana | Ursa Major | Ursa Minor | Vela | Virgo | Volans | Vulpecula Naming a star In the West, most of the star is located in the constellation according to their naming. Such as α Centauri stars (Paya star nomenclature, bayer designation), 61 Cygni (Flamsteed star nomenclature, flamsteed designation), Lyra rr (variable name) and so on. But in Chinese, many Chinese will be used when the ancient star names, such as α Centauri star also called "Alpha Centauri" ("South Gate" is actually one of the Chinese Ancient Star officials). More information about the star naming names refer to the star. The constellation astrology As some ethnic groups in East Asia represented according to the animal year of birth to define a person's zodiac, in many countries, a person's birth month to correspond to the constellations. Birthday sign from astrology, it is trying to use people's place of birth, birth time and location of celestial bodies to explain the person's character and destiny. Birth month and the corresponding sun sign is as follows, due to the orbit of celestial bodies with the Gregorian calendar are different in different years will be the difference before and after 1-2 days, with the Chinese Lunar New Year in all twenty-four solar terms "section" the distance between the anastomosis, solar terms of time The accurate calculation to the minute (not midnight start), is also a constellation boundaries, different each year. Stars in the zodiac time (usually cognitive) stars in the constellation where the sun time to time corresponding to the lunar solar terms Aries March 21 -04 19 -05 15 April 15 April 19 April 13 May -05 equinox - the day before Guyu Taurus April 20 20 March -05 May 16 -06 15 -06 May 14 19 Guyu - the day before Xiaoman Gemini May 21 -06 21 -07 16 June 15 June 20 -07 January 20 Little Moon - the day before the summer solstice Cancer June 22 -07 22 -08 16 July 15 July 21 -08 June 09 summer solstice - the day before the Great Heat Leo July 23 -08 22 -09 16 August 15 August 10 -09 15 Great Heat - the day before the Limit of Heat Virgo August 23 -09 23 -10 16 September 15 September 16 -10 30 Limit of Heat - the day before the Autumnal Equinox Libra Sept. 24 -10 23 -11 16 October 15 October 31 -11 22
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Origin of constellation constellation Constellation, one of four ancient civilizations originated in ancient Babylon, the ancient Babylonians divided into many regions of the sky, known as the "constellation", but the usefulness of the constellation was not much less was found and named. To bring the 12 zodiac constellations are used to measure the beginning of time, not like now to representative character. After 1000 BC, have been proposed 30 years ago, Constellation. Where the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates south-east from the northwest, into the Persian Gulf, known as "Mesopotamia" areas. Mesopotamia since ancient Greek culture spread to promote the cultural development of ancient Greece. Ancient Greek astronomers of Babylon, the constellation was supplemented and development, the preparation of the ancient Greek constellation table. 2nd century AD, the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy's astronomical achievements were consolidated, the preparation of 48 constellations. And with the illusion of the main lines of the bright stars in the constellation with up to them to imagine the image of animals or people, with fairy tales to them from a proper name, which is the constellation its name. Greek mythology in most of the 48 living in the northern sky and the constellation of the equatorial north and south. After the Middle Ages, the rise of European capitalism, you need to expand outwards, seafaring has been great development. Ship across the sea, at any time for navigation, the stars guiding light is the best. In the stars, the constellation shape is special, the most easily observed, therefore, the constellation has been widespread concern. Magellan sailed round the world in the 16th century, not only the use of directional navigation constellation, but also on the sign were studied. In 1922, the International Astronomical Union General Assembly decided to sky into 88 constellations, the name of the base according to the history of the name. In 1928, the International Astronomical Union officially announced the names of 88 constellations. This constellation of 88 into three days areas in the Northern Hemisphere 29 Southern Hemisphere 47, near the celestial equator and the ecliptic 12. Stars visible to the human eye, nearly six thousand, only one of each constellation of stars can be classified. Each sign can be composed of bright stars which form recognizable. In order to facilitate research, there is the sky divided into several regions, these regions called constellations. China took an early three-wall Ershibasu sky. "Historical Records official book" quite detailed records. Three Yuan is the north celestial pole around the three regions, namely Ziwei Yuan, Tai Wei Yuan, the day city wall. Ershibasu in yellow or white Road 28 near the area, that the East seven places: angle, Kang, Di, house, heart, tail, Kei; Japan constellation astronomy Latin table Chinese name Latin name abbreviation Area Stars andromeda and Andromeda 722,100 antlia ant Antlia 23920 Apus apus aps 20620 aquarius aqr Aquarius 98090 65270 Aquila aquila aql ara ara Temple of Heaven, Block 23 730 aries ari Aries 44150 65790 Auriga auriga aur bootes boo Bootes 90790 caelum cae Caelum 12510 camelopardalis cam Camelopardalis 75750 cancer cnc Cancer 50660 canes venatici cvn Canes Venatici 46530 canis major cma Canis Major 38080 canis minor cmi Canis Minor 18320 capricornus cap Capricorn 41450 carina car Carina 494,110 cassiopeia cas Cassiopeia 59890 centaurus cen Centaurus 1,060,150 cepheus cep Cepheus 58860 cetus cet Cetus 1,231,100 chamaeleon cha Block 13220 Weir dragonfly circinus cir Circinus 9320 columba col Columba 27040 coma berenicescom Berenices 38650 corona austriliscra Corona Australis 12825 Corona Borealis corona borealiscrb 17920 Corvus corvus crv 18415 crater crt Crater 28220 crux cru Southern Cross 6830 Cygnus cygnus cyg 804,150 delphinus del Delphinus 18930 dorado dor Dorado 17920 draco dra Draco 108,380 equuleus equ Equuleus 7210 eridanus eri Eridanus 1,138,100 fornax for Fornax 39835 gemini gem Gemini 51470 Grus grus gru 36630 hercules her Hercules 1225140 horologium hor Clock Tower 24920 hydra hya Hydra 14320 hydrus hyi Hydrus 24320 indus ind Indus 29420 lacerta lac Lacerta 20135 Leo leo leo 94770 leo minorlmi Leo Minor 23220 lepus lep Lepus 29040 libra lib Libra 53850 lupus lup Lupus 33470 lynx lyn Lynx 54560 28615 Lyra lyra lyr mensa men Mensa 15315 microseopium mic Microscopium 21020 48285 Monoceros monoceros mon musca mus Musca 13830 norma nor Norma 16520 octans oct Octans 29135 ophiuchus oph Ophiuchus 948,100 orion ori Orion 594120 pavo pav Pavo 37845 pegasus peg Pegasus 1,121,100 perseus per Perseus 61590 phoenix phe phoenix 46940 pictor pic Pictor 24730 pisces psc Pisces 88975 Piscis piscis austrinuspsa 24525 puppis pup Puppis 673,140 pyxis pyx Pyxis 22125 reticulum ret Reticulum 11415 sagitta sge Sagitta 80 20 sagittarius sgr Sagittarius 867,115 scorpius sco Scorpio 497,100 sculptor scl Sculptor 47530 scutum sct Shield Block 10920 serpens ser Serpens 63760 sextans sex Sextans 31425 taurus tau Taurus 797 125 telescopium tel Telescopium 25230 triangulum tri Triangle 13215 triangulum australetra Southern Triangle 11020 tucana tuc Tucana 29525 ursa major uma Ursa 1,280,125 ursa minor umi Ursa 25620 vela vel Vela 500,110 virgo vir Virgo 129,495 (see "Virgo") volans vol Volans 14120 vulpecula vul Vulpecula 26845 Eighty-eight constellations are arranged according to size (Note: The following is brief introduction of the famous objects in the constellation does not mean that only these objects in the constellation.) 1. Hydra (hydrae): Greek mythology long water snake with nine head, and cut one another out of a president. He was eventually killed by the assassination of Claes. Ε is a Snap Hydra star system. There are three Messier objects. (110 Messier objects that appear comet objects, including galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, stars and the remains of a supernova.) 2. Virgo (virginis): Greek mythology, the goddess of justice in the Astoria. It has the brightest, the nearest super-cluster of galaxies - Virgo cluster. Contains hundreds of 8-inch telescope will be able to find galaxies. 11 Messier objects, and they are all galaxies. Virgo α +1 so blue stars, the brightest in the sky one of the 20 stars in China, known as Spica. m104 also known galaxy. One of the twelve constellations. 3. Ursa Major (ursae majoris): Greek mythology, Hera was jealous of it is a beautiful fairy Cary Stowe, Zeus to protect her and changed her into a bear. The astrological sign with the day's most famous - the Big Dipper. Has seven Messier objects. Ζ Ursa Major is the sixth Big Dipper stars, but also a double star, discovered in 1650, is the telescope, discovered the first binary era in China, known as Mizar. 4. Cetus (ceti): sea god Poseidon sent a sea monster punishment of the queen of Ethiopia, was killed by the hero Perseus. Contains hundreds of galaxies. A Messier objects. 5. Hercules (herculis): Greek mythological heroes He assassination Claes, had to follow Jason and the Argonauts expedition to seize the Golden Fleece, who have completed "He assassination Claes twelve difficult." He is the grandson of Perseus, the illegitimate son of Zeus. There are two Messier objects, north of the equator where m13 is the biggest, brightest and most prominent globular clusters, only in South-day Centaurus ω, Tucana 47 and m22 over it. 6. Eridanus (eridani): All the ancient civilizations regarded it as a regional center of their lives in the river, there is a star of the first Eridanus α, is such a magnitude 0.5 blue-white big star in China, known as River appoint one. There are a lot of doubles. 7. Pegasus (pegasi): Medusa, turned the spray of blood in the neck cavity, landed at Helicon Mountain, creating a Lingquan become a source of poetic inspiration. Pegasus is a large rectangular area autumn day in central North Star the brightest stars, a Messier object. Stephen Quintet in its scope, it includes five known members of the galaxy and a dark - ngc 7320c. 8. Draco (draconis): Greek mythology, it is a dragon hidden in the golden apple garden, He was the hero Hercules assassination Claes killed. 9. Centaur (centauri): First Class with two big stars, α Centauri, and β, where α is a triple star, β is a blue-white star. 10. Aquarius (aquaril): world's most beautiful prince Gunnison United States Atlantis, by Zeus to the gods in the spirit world fancy pouring. One of the twelve constellations. 11. Ophiuchus (ophiuchi): Greek mythology, Asclepius was the famous snake husband, armed with two snakes, venom is a deadly, but can treat another. He was able to revive, so angered Hades Hades, Zeus Cisi be. Using eight-inch telescope to see it at least 20 globular clusters, including seven Messier objects, including the most secret of a globular star cluster Messier - m107. Barnard's Star is one of the fastest growing their own star. The thirteenth zodiac constellation, due to smaller share of the ecliptic region, has long been excluded from outside the ecliptic constellations. 12. Leo (leonis): the vast sky that it occupied a lot of galaxies. Meteor in the year to year, the Leonids is one of the most significant. Leo α is a large blue and white stars, magnitude +1.35 and so on, in China called Regulus. One of the twelve constellations. 13. Bootes (bootis): is a non-stop to catch up with Ursa Major, Canes Venatici hunters, including one north of the equator the brightest star the sky, Bootes α, called Arcturus in China, such as magnitude -0.1. 14. Pisces (piscium): Greek mythology, Eros and Aphrodite in Pisces on behalf of the embodiment of the water, they to escape the monster guise of a fish, dive into the Euphrates. Messier objects with an m74, but also one of the darkest of the Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 16. Cygnus (cygni): Ptolemy first identified one of the 48 constellations. Greek mythology, Zeus became the king of Sparta Houle Da printed with the Swan, the ancient Arabs considered to be a flying eagle. Cygnus α is the brightest star in the Milky Way, one of which fired 6 times the sun's light, magnitude +1.25 and so on, in China, known as Deneb. There are two Messier objects. 17. Taurus (tauri): In Greek mythology, it is turned into a white bull Zeus, madly in love with Phoenician princess. Taurus α is a red giant in China, known as Aldebaran, one of the Persian royal four star. Hyades is the nearest open clusters from the solar system. It has two Messier objects, in which m1 is also known as the Crab Nebula is the remains of a supernova is the only one of the Messier objects such objects, it is July 4, 1054 outbreak, China who observed this phenomenon, and left on "guest star" records. m45, also known as Pleiades or the Seven Sisters star cluster is the most famous open cluster in the sky. One of the twelve constellations. 19. Andromeda (andromedae): in Greek mythology, Andromache Mehta, is engraved with the King of Ethiopia 后卡西俄帕亚 Phillips and the daughter of the king, including a whole constellation can be observed through the binoculars to the bright star clusters , a main galaxy, a striking double star, a planetary nebula. 20. Puppis (puppis): Boats in the South Block, the ancient part of South Block, the ship was in Greek mythology the golden fleece was riding when the Argo expedition ship. It belongs to the sky covered with a large number of bright open clusters, very spectacular. Ζ Puppis is the largest galaxy in the blue supergiant, one of magnitude +2.25 and so on, the English common name from the Greek, meaning "sailing." 21. Auriga (aurigae): is the inventor of E Ruike carriage through the incarnation of Sri Lanka. Northern winter sky, one of the brightest constellations, bright yellow star Auriga first-class α, known as the Capella in China, there are three Messier objects. 22. Aquila (aquilae): Zeus into the eagle, is it Ghani carried to the United States Atlantis heaven. Leung-sing, which has a first-class Aquila α, in China, known as the Altair. 23. Serpens (serpentis): giant snake head and snake tail into two parts, consisting of two Messier objects, which is also called the Eagle Nebula m16. 25. Cassiopeia (cassiopeiae): 卡西俄帕亚 is the queen of Ethiopia, King carved Phillips. There are two Messier objects. 27. Cepheus (cephei): One of the oldest constellations, king of Ethiopia carved Phillips. 28. Lynx (lyncis): there is a faint starlight stars, from Hedwig Sirius identified in 1690, of which 12 and 19, Lynx is a triple star system. And unlike most ngc 2419 is a rotation around the galactic center, globular clusters, it is independent of outside of our galaxy, known as the intergalactic wanderer. 29. Libra (librae): Libra is an eclipsing binary δ (ie the two stars periodically after each other in front of each eclipse.) One of the twelve constellations. 30. Gemini (geminorun): They are twins Pollux and Castor, who is the king of Sparta Houle Da's son, Castor and Pollux is a mortal God, they showed a real brother love. Gemini α is a well-known star system Luk, its child stars Α magnitude +1.94 and so on, in China, known as the North River II. Gemini β magnitude +1.14 and so on, was a star of orange star in China, known as the North River III. Gemini is a Cepheid variable star ζ (brightness changes with time pulsating variable stars). A Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 31. Cancer (cancri): Legend of Cancer is the soul enter the body to reach the entrance to the ground. Greek mythology, he is a hero He was killed by assassination Claes messenger of Hera. One of the twelve constellations. 32. Vela (velorum): Boats in the South Block, part of the ancient. The sky is the search for the ideal of open cluster region. Vela is a bright double star γ, in which a child star, etc., etc. +1.88 called Wolf - Rayet stars, very hot, hair light, but quickly lost its substance a class of stars. ngc 2736 is a bright, pencil-shaped nebula is a supernova 12,000 years ago the remains of the outbreak of the eastern part. 33. Scorpio (scorpii): Scorpio α is known to one of the largest red supergiant, its diameter more than 966 million kilometers, if put it in the solar system, from the four planets nearest the sun and the asteroid belt in a the track will be a large number of members of its internal, it is also a double star, with stars such as +5.37, etc., in China called the Great Mars, it is also the four Royal Stars of Persia is one of the guardians of the sky. Scorpio star system ν is a Snap. Scorpio ξ is a triple star system. Scorpio has four Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 34. Carina (carinae): Germany and the astronomer Benjamin valley seat of ancient ship to transform the South out of the constellation. The second brightest star has a day - Carina α, called the Canopus in China, magnitude -0.72, as well as the brightest day of the nebula complex - ngc 3372, the η Carina nebula. 35. Monoceros (monocerotis): Astronomers from Germany in the 1624 Red Ball drawing a star map. He already has a number of known clusters and nebulae, but it also has a variety of multiple star and variable stars, by a Messier object. Monoceros β and ε are the triple star system, ngc 2237 and ngc 2244 nebula is a famous star cluster complex, also known as the Ro_set_te Nebula. ngc 2264 is a big and sparse clusters of stars, due to shape and is called "Christmas Tree Cluster." ngc 2261 is the Hubble's variable nebula, because the movement caused by the dark cloud of cold dust, changes in its brightness. 36. Sculptor (sculptoris): named by the Rakai in 1752. 37. Phoenix Block (phoenicis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Phoenix β is a triple star system. 38. Canes Venatici (canum venaticorum): Bootes chase the dogs. There are five Messier objects. 39. Aries (arae): long with golden golden sheep, was the god Hermes was dispatched to rescue the prince 弗里科索斯 and Heller. One of the twelve constellations. 40. Capricorn (capricorni): on being a sheep, under the animal as a fish, is the human soul ascend to heaven through which the door. A Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 41. Fornax (fornacis): named by the Rakai in 1752. A variety of objects including galaxies - Fornax cluster of galaxies, can identify at least 18 galaxies. 42. Berenices (comberenices): is the king of Egypt 后比俄内塞斯 hair. There are eight Messier objects. 43. Canis Major (canis majoris): and Canis Minor to accompany the faithful dog of Orion, in Greek mythology, his name is Lara Phillips. A day the brightest star - Sirius. Have a Messier object. 44. Pavo (payonis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Greek mythology, He assassination monster with one hundred eyes of Argos, a peacock's tail feathers decorated. He has a beautiful globular cluster and a few galaxies. Pavo Κ is an optical variable star period 9065 days of the Cepheid variable stars. ngc 6752 is the sky in one of the best globular cluster. 45. Grus (gruis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Grus α is a giant blue star, magnitude +1.7 and so on. 46. Lupus (lupus): Ptolemy one of the first _set_ of 48 constellations. 47. Sextans (sextantis): 1680 年 Hedwig Sirius took its name. 48. Tucana (tucanae): Small Magellanic Cloud, in its range. Tucana is a β1 and β2 Luk star system. ngc 10 ω Centauri is the day after the second largest is the second brightest globular cluster. 49. Indian Block (indi) 50. Antarctic Block (octantis): determined by the Rakai in 1752. 51. Lepus (leporis): a constellation of Ptolemy is one of the 48 originally identified by a number of deep space objects. 52. Lyra (lyrae): Greek mythology, it is a harp, is made of Hermes with a tortoise shell dedicated to Apollo, and later gave it to Apollo, the Russian ear Phillips. He has a first-class big star - Lyra α, magnitude +0.03 and so on, in China, known as the Vega, the fifth is the sky bright star. Lyra ε1 and ε2 is the famous double star formed by two Tetraena stars. Two Messier objects, which m57 is the first nebula discovered. 53. Crater (crateris): Ptolemy's 48 constellations named after the first one. It is a huge image of Hydra on the back of the cup. 54. Columba (columbae): Hughes named by the astronomer Prong. 55. Vulpecula (vulpeculae): Hedwig Sirius by the establishment in 1660. A Messier objects m27. collinder 399, also known as brocchi cluster or clusters called racks. m27 is also called the Dumbbell Nebula. 56. Ursa Minor (ursae minoris): the sky is one of the most famous constellations. It only three stars is the naked eye visibility, that is, Ursa α, β, γ. Α Ursa Minor is Polaris, the star closest to the north celestial pole will be from the north celestial pole in 2102 recently. 57. Telescopes Block (telescopii): named by the Rakai in 1752. Where h 5033 is a Courtyard star system. 58. Clock Tower (horologii): named by the Rakai in 1752. 59. Pictor (pictoris): named by the Rakai in 1752. +8.8, Etc. with a red dwarf star - Kapteyn star after their own speed Barnard Ophiuchus star, ranking second. 60. Piscis (piscis austrini): Ptolemy one of the first _set_ of 48 constellations. Α Piscis magnitude +1.16 and so on, the English common name from the Arabic "fish head", in China known as Fomalhaut, it is also one of the Persians of the four royal stars. Rakai 9352 is such a magnitude +7.35 red dwarf star, self-discharge rate of the fourth. 61. Hydrus (hydri) 62. Antlia (antlia): Rakai in 1752, French astronomer named, shaped like a pump. 63. Temple Block (arae): It is the Centaur of the altar. Ptolemy divided the first one of the 48 constellations. 64. Leo Minor (leonis minoris): Hedwig Sirius by the name in 1660. 65. Pyxis (pyxidis): Boats in the South Block, part of the ancient. Pyxis Τ is a recurrent nova, occasionally the outbreak. 66. Microscopium (microscopii): determined by the Rakai in 1752. 67. Apus (apodis): a bird of paradise in 1603 by John Bayer named the stars, etc. in the +4 and so the Lord above. 68. Lacerta (lacertae): the sky, there are many very bright open cluster. 69. Delphinus (delphini): Greek mythology, the dolphin from the sub-group of poets based in the conspiracy to kill the pirates Weng rescued the poet. But I do not know why, it has a name, called Job's coffin. 70. Corvus (corvi): is sent to spy on her lover, Apollo Koronis faithful crow. Contains many galaxies, although most of them are not bright. 71. Canis Minor (canis minoris): with the Canis Major Orion faithfully accompany the dog. Only one α and β Canis Minor can be used in the city naked eye to see. Where α is called Procyon in China, ranked eighth in the all-day stars, such as magnitude +0.4, is a double star, is a white dwarf companion, magnitude only +10.7 and so on. 72. Dorado (doradus): Bayer in 1604 by the named. Large Magellanic Cloud, in its range. 73. Corona Borealis (coronae borealis): Greek mythology, Bacchus is given by Theseus abandoned Ariadne's crown. 74. Norma (normae): created in 1752 by the Rakai. 75. Mensa (mensae): determined by the Rakai in 1752. Part of the Large Magellanic Cloud in which the. 76. Volans (volantis): created in 1603 by the Bayer. 77. Musca (muscae) 78. Triangulum (trianguli): Although small, this is one of the stars clearly. A Messier objects. 79. Chamaeleon (chamaeleontis): John Bayer in 1604 by the name. 80. Corona Australis (coronae australis) 81. Caelum (caeli): One of the most inconspicuous constellation, astronomers from France described in Rakai in 1752. 82. Reticulum (reticuli): is the Rakai created a constellation. 83. Southern Triangle (trianguli australis) 84. Shield Block (scuti): 1690 年 Hedwig Sirius joined the constellation. It has two Messier objects, including m11 known as the "Wild Duck Cluster" is the sky one of the richest open clusters. 85. Circinus (circini): Rakai in 1752 by the astronomer named. 86. Sagitta (sagittae): Greek mythology, it is Apollo's arrows with over Seck Roper. Sagitta wz is a recurrent nova. A Messier objects. 87. Equuleus (equulei): The ancient Greeks that the seat is Hera pony horse to Pollux. 88. Southern Cross (crucis): the smallest constellation, known as the Coal Sack has a dark nebula in the galaxy 60 light-years extended. Ptolemy constellations Divided by the twelve constellations, the Ptolemy lists the following thirty-six (now thirty-eight, as the South Block, the ship has been opened into three separate constellation): Ptolemy constellations Andromeda | Aquarius | Aquila | Temple of Heaven Block | Boats in the South Tower | Aries | Auriga | Bootes | Cancer | Canis Major | Canis Minor | Capricornus | Cassiopeia | Centaurus | Cepheus | Cetus | South Corona Australis | Corona Borealis | Corvus | Crater | Cygnus | Delphinus | Draco | pony Block | Eridanus | Gemini | Hercules | Hydra | Leo | Lepus | Libra | Lupus | Lyra | Ophiuchus | Orion | Pegasus | Perseus | Pisces | Piscis | Sagitta | Sagittarius | Scorpius | Serpens | Taurus | Triangulum | Ursa Major | Ursa Minor | Virgo Which Boats in the South Tower was opened ─ ─ Lord (nicolas louis de lacaille) split into Carina, Puppis and Vela Ophiuchus ─ ─ fact, it intersects with the ecliptic, but the tradition does not regard it as one of the zodiac constellations Later, the increasing number of constellations, mainly to fill vacancies among the constellations of Ptolemy (due to the bright constellation of the ancient Greeks that there is a dark, blank between the zone), another reason is that when European explorers when marching south able to see some previously unseen stars, so to add a new sign to fill the southern sky. Thirty-eight was a relatively new constellation: Antlia Apus Caelum Camelopardalis Canes Venatici Block weir slug Circinus Columba Coma Berenices Crux Dorado Fornax Grus Clock Tower Hydrus Indus Lacerta Leo Minor Lynx Mensa Block microscope Monoceros Musca Norma Block Antarctica Pavo Phoenix Block Pictor Pyxis Reticulum Sculptor Shield Block Sextans Telescope Block Southern Triangle Tucana Volans Vulpecula There are some signs the final nominees were not adopted as an official constellation, one of the better known as the Quadrantid (quadrans muralis, is now part of Bootes) ─ ─ Quadrantid meteor shower is named for the constellation. There are also less formal arrangement of stars called constellations, such as the Big Dipper. In fact, in the same constellation of stars, in most cases are nothing to do, they just happened in the same line of sight, but in fact may be far apart between them ─ ─ If we are in another solar system, galaxy, we see The sky will be completely different. Finally, a total of 88 constellations: Eighty-eight modern constellations Andromeda | Antlia | Apus | Aquarius | Aquila | Temple Tower | Aries | Auriga | Bootes | Caelum | Camelopardalis | Cancer | Canes Venatici | Canis Major | Canis Minor | Capricornus | Carina | Cassiopeia | Centaurus | Cepheus | Cetus | Weir slug Block | Circinus | Columba | Coma Berenices | Corona Australis | Corona Borealis | Corvus | Crater | Crux | Cygnus | Delphinus | Dorado | Draco | pony Block | Eridanus | Fornax | Gemini | Grus | Hercules | Horologium | Hydra | Hydrus | Indus | Lacerta | Leo | Leo Minor | Lepus | Libra | Lupus | Lynx | Lyra | Mensa | Microscope Block | Monoceros | Musca | Norma | Antarctic Block | Ophiuchus | Orion | Pavo | Pegasus | Perseus | Phoenix Block | Pictor | Pisces | Piscis | Puppis | Pyxis | Reticulum | Sagitta | Sagittarius | Scorpius | Sculptor | Scutum | Serpens | Sextans | Taurus | Telescope Block | Triangulum | Triangulum | Tucana | Ursa Major | Ursa Minor | Vela | Virgo | Volans | Vulpecula Naming a star In the West, most of the star is located in the constellation according to their naming. Such as α Centauri stars (Paya star nomenclature, bayer designation), 61 Cygni (Flamsteed star nomenclature, flamsteed designation), Lyra rr (variable name) and so on. But in Chinese, many Chinese will be used when the ancient star names, such as α Centauri star also called "Alpha Centauri" ("South Gate" is actually one of the Chinese Ancient Star officials). More information about the star naming names refer to the star. The constellation astrology As some ethnic groups in East Asia represented according to the animal year of birth to define a person's zodiac, in many countries, a person's birth month to correspond to the constellations. Birthday sign from astrology, it is trying to use people's place of birth, birth time and location of celestial bodies to explain the person's character and destiny. Birth month and the corresponding sun sign is as follows, due to the orbit of celestial bodies with the Gregorian calendar are different in different years will be the difference before and after 1-2 days, with the Chinese Lunar New Year in all twenty-four solar terms "section" the distance between the anastomosis, solar terms of time The accurate calculation to the minute (not midnight start), is also a constellation boundaries, different each year. Stars in the zodiac time (usually cognitive) stars in the constellation where the sun time to time corresponding to the lunar solar terms Aries March 21 -04 19 -05 15 April 15 April 19 April 13 May -05 equinox - the day before Guyu Taurus April 20 20 March -05 May 16 -06 15 -06 May 14 19 Guyu - the day before Xiaoman Gemini May 21 -06 21 -07 16 June 15 June 20 -07 January 20 Little Moon - the day before the summer solstice Cancer June 22 -07 22 -08 16 July 15 July 21 -08 June 09 summer solstice - the day before the Great Heat Leo July 23 -08 22 -09 16 August 15 August 10 -09 15 Great Heat - the day before the Limit of Heat Virgo August 23 -09 23 -10 16 September 15 September 16 -10 30 Limit of Heat - the day before the Autumnal Equinox Libra Sept. 24 -10 23 -11 16 October 15 October 31 -11 22 autumnal equinox - the day before frost Scorpio October 24 -11 21 -12 16 November 15 November 23 -11 29 frost - snow the day before Ophiuchus - - November 30 -12 17 - Sagittarius November 22 -12 21 -01 16 December 14 December 18 -01 months
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Definition of the constellation
Refers to the groups of stars in the sky combined. In the three-dimensional universe, these stars in fact, no real relationship with each other, but the fact that a spherical surface of the celestial sphere similar position. Since ancient times, people for the arrangement and shape of the star are interested in, and it is natural to some location close to the star link together to form constellations. Constellation in astronomy an important role in accounting; under the guise of astrology, the ecliptic is also the image of 12 constellations, but astronomers do not regard the use of astrology as a true scientific method pseudo-science. Basically, the constellation of stars is a random process, different civilizations have formed by different stars in different constellations ─ ─ Although some of the more conspicuous by the stars of the constellation, about the same in different civilizations, such as the Orion and Scorpio. International Astronomical Union with the precise boundaries of the sky into eighty-eight official constellations, so that all belong to the sky each star to a particular constellation. Most of these are based on a constellation of formal medieval tradition handed down from ancient Greek constellations based. To facilitate the recognition stars that people by air, the natural distribution of the star divided into a number of areas. Sizes. Each region is called a constellation. With lines connecting the same constellation of bright stars, the formation of a variety of graphics, according to its shape, respectively, similar to animals, or mythical figure named objects, such as Cygnus, the Andromeda and so on. Stars in each constellation, according to the brightness size, arranged in order to lower case Greek letters, such as the Ursa Major star α, β Ursa Major stars and so on. Constellation is an area projected on the celestial objects in space on the sum, therefore, that such and such a constellation in the Milky Way inside / outside are not accurate to say that.
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[2] the origin of the constellation
Constellation, one of four ancient civilizations originated in ancient Babylon about 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia Babylonia where a group of shepherd's nomadic life led by grass door. Their sheep wandering life, still did not forget a day observing the stars flicker in the night sky, over time, from the stars seen in a very dynamic time for the rules change with the seasons. Every day in the evening, they watching the flock, observing a variety of side of the stars, the stars will be brighter interconnected, and the shape formed from the connection to the association of various animals, appliances, or even statues of their faith, etc. and named for them, creating the so-called constellations. It is said that if the so-called zodiac constellations such as 12, a total of more than 20 stars in, at that time already born. Since then, the ancient Babylonians divided the sky in many areas continue to put forward a new constellation. However, the usefulness of the constellation was not much less was found and named. To bring the 12 zodiac constellations is used to measure the beginning of time, not like now to representative character. After 1000 BC, have been proposed 30 years ago, Constellation. Where the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates south-east from the northwest, into the Persian Gulf, known as "Mesopotamia" areas. Mesopotamia since ancient Greek culture spread to promote the cultural development of ancient Greece. Ancient Greek astronomers of Babylon, the constellation was supplemented and development, the preparation of the ancient Greek constellation table. 2nd century AD, the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy's astronomical achievements were consolidated, the preparation of 48 constellations. And with the illusion of the main lines of the bright stars in the constellation with up to them to imagine the image of animals or people, with fairy tales to them from a proper name, which is the constellation its name. Greek mythology in most of the 48 living in the northern sky and the constellation of the equatorial north and south. After the Middle Ages, the rise of European capitalism, you need to expand outwards, seafaring has been great development. Ship across the sea, at any time for navigation, the stars guiding light is the best. In the stars, the constellation shape is special, the most easily observed, therefore, the constellation has been widespread concern. Magellan sailed round the world in the 16th century, not only the use of directional navigation constellation, but also on the sign were studied. In 1922, the International Astronomical Union General Assembly decided to sky into 88 constellations, the name of the base according to the history of the name. In 1928, the International Astronomical Union officially announced the names of 88 constellations. This constellation of 88 into three days areas in the Northern Hemisphere 29 Southern Hemisphere 47, near the celestial equator and the ecliptic 12. Stars visible to the human eye, nearly six thousand, only one of each constellation of stars can be classified. Each sign can be composed of bright stars which form recognizable. In order to facilitate research, there is the sky divided into several regions, these regions called constellations. China took an early three-wall Ershibasu sky. "Historical Records official book" quite detailed records. Three Yuan is the north celestial pole around the three regions, namely Ziwei Yuan, Tai Wei Yuan, the day city wall. Ershibasu in yellow or white Road 28 near the area that is east seven places, seven places south of the West seven places, seven places in North Orient House, the black dragon by Seven places are: angle, Kang, Di, house, heart, tail, Kei; Suzaku Palace belongs to seven places is: well, ghosts, Liu, Xing Zhang, wing, Zhen; Nishinomiya White Tiger by Seven places are: Kui, Lou, stomach, Subaru, Bi, mouth, ginseng; Kitamiya basaltic (Tortoise and Snake) by Seven places are: fighting, cattle, women, virtual, risk, room, wall. China's achievements in stargazing than in the West early, say three Chinese Yuan 28 places, the sky is divided into three large constellation of 28 categories, not just the 12 Western constellations. One of the most important thing is Zi Wei Yuan. China's viewing technique, now referred to Ziwei constellations, and the West to distinguish the twelve constellations. Ziwei Fourteen primary star constellation, namely, Ziwei, the secret, the sun, Wu Qu, the same day, Lian Chen, Tianfu, lunar, Tan Lang, giant doors, TX, Tian Liang, Qi Sha, breaking the military. Book is divided into yin and yang can be gender, corresponding to the human personality into four categories, and create a model, leadership type, support type, cooperative.
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Latin constellation names and table
Chinese name Latin name abbreviation Area Stars Andromeda And Andromeda 722,100 Antlia Ant Antlia 23920 Apus Aps Apus 20620 Aquarius Aqr Aquarius 98090 Aquila Aql Aquila 65270 Ara Ara Temple of Heaven, Block 23 730 Aries Ari Aries 44150 Auriga Aur Auriga 65790 Bootes Boo Bootes 90790 Caelum Cae Caelum 12510 Camelopardalis Cam Camelopardalis 75750 Cancer Cnc Cancer 50660 Canes Venatici CVn Canes Venatici 46530 Canis Major CMa Canis Major 38080 Canis Minor CMi Canis Minor 18320 Capricornus Cap Capricorn 41450 494 110 Carina Carina Car Cassiopeia Cas Cassiopeia 59890 Centaurus Cen Centaurus 1,060,150 Cepheus Cep Cepheus 58860 Cetus Cet Cetus 1,231,100 Chamaeleon Cha weir dragonfly Block 13220 Circinus Cir Circinus 9320 Columba Col Columba 27040 Coma Berenices Com Coma Berenices 38650 Corona Austrilis CrA Corona Australis 12825 Corona Borealis CrB Corona Borealis 17920 Corvus Crv Corvus 18415 Crater Crt Crater 28220 Southern Cross Crux Cru 6830 Cygnus Cyg Cygnus 804,150 Delphinus Del Delphinus 18930 Dorado Dor Dorado 17920 Draco Dra Draco 108,380 Equuleus Equ Equuleus 7210 Eridanus Eri Eridanus 1,138,100 Fornax For Fornax 39835 Gemini Gem Gemini 51470 Grus Gru Grus 36630 Hercules 1225140 Hercules Her Horologium Hor Horologium 24920 Hydra Hya Hydra 130,320 Hydrus Hyi Hydrus 24320 Indus Ind Indus 29420 Lacerta Lac Lacerta 20135 Leo Leo Leo 94770 Leo Minor LMi Leo Minor 23220 Lepus Lep Lepus 29040 Libra Lib Libra 53850 Lupus Lup Lupus 33470 Lynx Lyn Lynx 54560 Lyra Lyr Lyra 28615 Mensa Men Mensa 15315 Microseopium Mic Microscopium 21020 Monoceros Mon Monoceros 48285 Musca Mus Musca 13830 Norma Nor Norma 16520 Octans Oct Antarctic Block 29135 Ophiuchus Oph Ophiuchus 948,100 Orion 594120 Orion Ori Pavo Pav Pavo 37845 Pegasus Peg Pegasus 1,121,100 Perseus Per Perseus 61590 Phoenix Phe phoenix 46940 Pictor Pic Pictor 24730 Pisces Psc Pisces 88975 Piscis Austrinus PsA Piscis 24525 Puppis PuP Puppis 673,140 Pyxis Pyx Pyxis 22125 Reticulum Ret Reticulum 11415 Sagitta Sge Sagitta 80 20 Sagittarius Sgr Sagittarius 867,115 Scorpio Scorpius Sco 497 100 Sculptor Scl Sculptor 47530 Scutum Sct Scutum 10920 Serpens Ser Serpens 63760 Sextans Sex Sextans 31425 Taurus 797,125 Taurus Tau Telescopium Tel Telescopium 25230 Triangulum Tri Triangle 13215 Triangulum Australe TrA Triangulum 11020 Tucana Tuc Tucana 29525 Ursa Major UMa Ursa 1,280,125 Ursa Minor UMi Ursa 25620 Vela Vel Vela 500,110 Virgo Vir Virgo 129,495 (see "Virgo") Volans Vol Volans 14120 Vulpecula Vul Vulpecula 26845
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Constellation size of the order
(Note: The following is brief introduction of the famous objects in the constellation does not mean that only these objects in the constellation.) 1. Hydra (Hydrae): Greek mythology long water snake with nine head, and cut one another out of a president. Heracles finally killed. Ε is a Snap Hydra star system. There are three Messier objects. (Messier objects that appear to comets, the current total of 110, including galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, stars and the remains of a supernova.) 2. Virgo (Virginis): Greek mythology, the goddess of justice in the Astoria. It has the brightest, the nearest super-cluster of galaxies - Virgo cluster. Contains hundreds of 8-inch telescope will be able to find galaxies. 11 Messier objects, and they are all galaxies. Virgo α +1 so blue stars, the brightest in the sky one of the 20 stars in China, known as Spica. M104, also known galaxy. One of the twelve constellations. 3. Ursa Major (Ursae Majoris): Greek mythology, Hera was jealous of it is a beautiful fairy Cary Stowe, Zeus to protect her and changed her into a bear. The astrological sign with the day's most famous - the Big Dipper. Has seven Messier objects. Ζ Ursa Major is the sixth Big Dipper stars, but also a double star, discovered in 1650, is the telescope, discovered the first binary era in China, known as Mizar. 4. Cetus (Ceti): sea god Poseidon sent a sea monster punishment of the queen of Ethiopia, was killed by the hero Perseus. Contains hundreds of galaxies. A Messier objects. 5. Hercules (Herculis): Greek mythological heroes He assassination Claes, had to follow Jason and the Argonauts expedition to seize the Golden Fleece, who have completed "He assassination Claes twelve difficult." He is the grandson of Perseus, the illegitimate son of Zeus. There are two Messier objects, M13 is the north of the equator where the biggest, brightest and most prominent globular clusters, only in South-day Centaurus ω, Tucana 47 and M22 over it. 6. Eridanus (Eridani): All the ancient civilizations regarded it as a regional center of their lives in the river, there is a star of the first Eridanus α, is such a magnitude 0.5 blue-white big star in China, known as River appoint one. There are a lot of doubles. 7. Pegasus (Pegasi): Medusa, turned the spray of blood in the neck cavity, landed at Helicon Mountain, creating a Lingquan become a source of poetic inspiration. Pegasus is a large rectangular area autumn day in central North Star the brightest stars, a Messier object. Stephen Quintet in its scope, it includes five known members of the galaxy and a dark - NGC 7320C. 8. Draco (Draconis): Greek mythology, it is a dragon hidden in the golden apple garden, He was the hero Hercules assassination Claes killed. 9. Centaur (Centauri): First Class with two big stars, α Centauri, and β, where α is a triple star, β is a blue-white star. 10. Aquarius (Aquaril): world's most beautiful prince Gunnison United States Atlantis, by Zeus to the gods in the spirit world fancy pouring. One of the twelve constellations. 11. Ophiuchus (Ophiuchi): Greek mythology, Asclepius was the famous snake husband, armed with two snakes, venom is a deadly, but can treat another. He was able to revive, so angered Hades Hades, Zeus Cisi be. Using eight-inch telescope to see it at least 20 globular clusters, including seven Messier objects, including the most secret of a globular star cluster Messier - M107. Barnard's Star is one of the fastest growing their own star. The thirteenth zodiac constellation, due to smaller share of the ecliptic region, has long been excluded from outside the ecliptic constellations. 12. Leo (Leonis): its broad sky occupied many galaxies. Meteor in the year to year, the Leonids is one of the most significant. Leo α is a large blue and white stars, magnitude +1.35 and so on, in China called Regulus. One of the twelve constellations. 13. Bootes (Bootis): is a non-stop to catch up with Ursa Major, Canes Venatici hunters, including one north of the equator the brightest star the sky, Bootes α, called Arcturus in China, such as magnitude -0.1. 14. Pisces (Piscium): Greek mythology, Eros and Aphrodite in Pisces on behalf of the embodiment of the water, they to escape the monster guise of a fish, dive into the Euphrates. Have a Messier objects M74, is one of the darkest of the Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 16. Cygnus (Cygni): Ptolemy first identified one of the 48 constellations. Greek mythology, Zeus became the king of Sparta Houle Da printed with the Swan, the ancient Arabs considered to be a flying eagle. Cygnus α is the brightest star in the Milky Way, one of which fired 6 times the sun's light, magnitude +1.25 and so on, in China, known as Deneb. There are two Messier objects. 17. Taurus (Tauri): In Greek mythology, it is turned into a white bull Zeus, madly in love with Phoenician princess. Taurus α is a red giant in China, known as Aldebaran, one of the Persian royal four star. Hyades is the nearest open clusters from the solar system. It has two Messier objects, which is also known as the Crab Nebula M1, is the remains of a supernova is the only one of the Messier objects such objects, it is July 4, 1054 outbreak, China who observed this phenomenon, and left on "guest star" records. M45, also known as Pleiades or the Seven Sisters star cluster is the most famous open cluster of stars in the sky. One of the twelve constellations. 19. Andromeda (Andromedae): in Greek mythology, Andromache Mehta, is engraved with the King of Ethiopia 后卡西俄帕亚 Phillips and the daughter of the king, including a whole constellation can be observed through the binoculars to the bright star clusters , a main galaxy, a striking double star, a planetary nebula. 20. Puppis (Puppis): Boats in the South Block, the ancient part of South Block, the ship was in Greek mythology the golden fleece was riding when the Argo expedition ship. It belongs to the sky covered with a large number of bright open clusters, very spectacular. Ζ Puppis is the largest galaxy in the blue supergiant, one of magnitude +2.25 and so on, the English common name from the Greek, meaning "sailing." 21. Auriga (Aurigae): is the carriage of the inventor E Ruike Proteus in disguise. Northern winter sky, one of the brightest constellations, bright yellow star Auriga first-class α, known as the Capella in China, there are three Messier objects. 22. Aquila (Aquilae): Zeus into the eagle, is it Ghani carried to the United States Atlantis heaven. Leung-sing, which has a first-class Aquila α, in China, known as the Altair. 23. Serpens (Serpentis): giant snake head and snake tail into two parts, consisting of two Messier objects, which is also called the Eagle Nebula M16. 25. Cassiopeia (Cassiopeiae): 卡西俄帕亚 is the queen of Ethiopia, King carved Phillips. There are two Messier objects. 27. Cepheus (Cephei): One of the oldest constellations, king of Ethiopia carved Phillips. 28. Lynx (Lyncis): there is a faint starlight stars, from Hedwig Sirius identified in 1690, of which 12 and 19, Lynx is a triple star system. The NGC 2419 is different from most around the galactic center of a rotating globular clusters outside our Milky Way it is independent, is known as intergalactic wanderer. 29. Libra (Librae): Libra is an eclipsing binary δ (ie the two stars periodically after each other in front of each eclipse.) One of the twelve constellations. 30. Gemini (Geminorun): They are twins Pollux and Castor, who is the king of Sparta Houle Da's son, Castor and Pollux is a mortal God, they showed a real brother love. Gemini α is a well-known star system Luk, its child stars Α magnitude +1.94 and so on, in China, known as the North River II. Gemini β magnitude +1.14 and so on, was a star of orange star in China, known as the North River III. Gemini is a Cepheid variable star ζ (brightness changes with time pulsating variable stars). A Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 31. Cancer (Cancri): Legend of Cancer is the soul enter the body to reach the entrance to the ground. Greek mythology, he is a hero He was killed by assassination Claes messenger of Hera. One of the twelve constellations. 32. Vela (Velorum): Boats in the South Block, part of the ancient. The sky is the search for the ideal of open cluster region. Vela is a bright double star γ, in which a child star, etc., etc. +1.88 called Wolf - Rayet stars, very hot, hair light, but quickly lost its substance a class of stars. NGC 2736 is a bright, pencil-shaped nebula is a supernova 12,000 years ago the remains of the outbreak of the eastern part. 33. Scorpio (Scorpii): Scorpio α is known to one of the largest red supergiant, its diameter more than 966 million kilometers, if put it in the solar system, from the four planets nearest the sun and the asteroid belt in a the track will be a large number of members of its internal, it is also a double star, with stars such as +5.37, etc., in China called the Great Mars, it is also the four Royal Stars of Persia is one of the guardians of the sky. Scorpio star system ν is a Snap. Scorpio ξ is a triple star system. Scorpio has four Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 34. Carina (Carinae): Germany and the astronomer Benjamin valley seat of ancient ship to transform the South out of the constellation. The second brightest star has a day - Carina α, called the Canopus in China, magnitude -0.72, as well as the brightest day complex of nebulae - NGC 3372, the η Carina nebula. 35. Monoceros (Monocerotis): Astronomers from Germany in 1624, Red Ball drawing a star map. He already has a number of known clusters and nebulae, but it also has a variety of multiple star and variable stars, by a Messier object. Monoceros β and ε are the triple star system, NGC 2237 and NGC 2244 is a famous nebula cluster complex, also known as the Ro_set_te Nebula. NGC 2264 is a big and sparse clusters of stars, due to shape and is called "Christmas Tree Cluster." NGC 2261 is the Hubble's variable nebula, because the movement caused by the dark cloud of cold dust, changes in its brightness. 36. Sculptor (Sculptoris): named by the Rakai in 1752. 37. Phoenix Block (Phoenicis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Phoenix β is a triple star system. 38. Canes Venatici (Canum Venaticorum): Bootes chase the dogs. There are five Messier objects. 39. Aries (Arae): long with golden golden sheep, was the god Hermes was dispatched to rescue the prince 弗里科索斯 and Heller. One of the twelve constellations. 40. Capricorn (Capricorni): on being a sheep, under the animal as a fish, is the human soul ascend to heaven through which the door. A Messier objects. One of the twelve constellations. 41. Fornax (Fornacis): named by the Rakai in 1752. A variety of objects including galaxies - Fornax cluster of galaxies, can identify at least 18 galaxies. 42. Berenices (Comberenices): is the king of Egypt 后比俄内塞斯 hair. There are eight Messier objects. 43. Canis Major (Canis Majoris): and Canis Minor to accompany the faithful dog of Orion, in Greek mythology, his name is Lara Phillips. A day the brightest star - Sirius. Have a Messier object. 44. Pavo (Payonis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Greek mythology, He assassination monster with one hundred eyes of Argos, a peacock's tail feathers decorated. He has a beautiful globular cluster and a few galaxies. Pavo Κ is an optical variable star period 9065 days of the Cepheid variable stars. NGC 6752 is the sky in one of the best globular cluster. 45. Grus (Gruis): named in 1603 by the Bayer. Grus α is a giant blue star, magnitude +1.7 and so on. 46. Lupus (Lupus): Ptolemy one of the first _set_ of 48 constellations. 47. Sextans (Sextantis): 1680 年 Hedwig Sirius took its name. 48. Tucana (Tucanae): Small Magellanic Cloud, in its range. Tucana is a β1 and β2 Luk star system. NGC 10 is second only to the second day of ω Centauri is the second big bright globular clusters. 49. Indian Block (Indi): In the south the beautiful azalea sky, the day between the crane and the peacock, with a lone Indian. Late 16th century, Europeans first met the Indians from the New World, so the German astronomer named Bayer put this sign, "Indus." 50. Antarctic Block (Octantis): determined by the Rakai in 1752. 51. Lepus (Leporis): a constellation of Ptolemy is one of the 48 originally identified by a number of deep space objects. 52. Lyra (Lyra): Greek mythology, it is a harp, is made of Hermes with a tortoise shell dedicated to Apollo, and later gave it to Apollo, the Russian ear Phillips. He has a first-class big star - Lyra α, magnitude +0.03 and so on, in China, known as the Vega, the fifth is the sky bright star. Lyra ε1 and ε2 is the famous double star formed by two Tetraena stars. Two Messier objects, of which M57 is the first discovered nebula. 53. Crater (Crateris): Ptolemy's 48 constellations named after the first one. It is a huge image of Hydra on the back of the cup. 54. Columba (Columbae): Hughes named by the astronomer Prong. 55. Vulpecula (Vulpeculae): Hedwig Sirius by the establishment in 1660. A Messier object M27. COLLINDER 399 is also called Brocchi cluster or clusters called racks. Dumbbell Nebula M27, also known as. 56. Ursa Minor (Ursae Minoris): the sky is one of the most famous constellations. It only three stars is the naked eye visibility, that is, Ursa α, β, γ. Α Ursa Minor is Polaris, the star closest to the north celestial pole will be from the north celestial pole in 2102 recently. 57. Telescopes Block (Telescopii): named by the Rakai in 1752. Where H 5033 is a Courtyard star system. 58. Clock Tower (Horologii): named by the Rakai in 1752. 59. Pictor (Pictoris): named by the Rakai in 1752. +8.8, Etc. with a red dwarf star - Kapteyn star after their own speed Barnard Ophiuchus star, ranking second. 60. Piscis (Piscis Austrini): Ptolemy one of the first _set_ of 48 constellations. Α Piscis magnitude +1.16 and so on, the English common name from the Arabic "fish head", in China known as Fomalhaut, it is also one of the Persians of the four royal stars. Rakai 9352 is such a magnitude +7.35 red dwarf star, self-discharge rate of the fourth. 61. Hydrus (Hydri) 62. Antlia (Antlia): Rakai in 1752, French astronomer named, shaped like a pump. 63. Temple Block (Arae): It is the Centaur of the altar. Ptolemy divided the first one of the 48 constellations. 64. Little Leo (Leonis Minoris): Hedwig Sirius by the name in 1660. 65. Pyxis (Pyxidis): Boats in the South Block, part of the ancient. Pyxis Τ is a recurrent nova, occasionally the outbreak. 66. Microscopium (Microscopii): determined by the Rakai in 1752. 67. Apus (Apodis): a bird of paradise in 1603 by John Bayer named the stars, etc. in the +4 and so the Lord above. 68. Lacerta (Lacertae): the sky, there are many very bright open cluster. 69. Delphinus (Delphini): Greek mythology, the dolphin from the sub-group of poets based in the conspiracy to kill the pirates Weng rescued the poet. But I do not know why, it has a name, called Job's coffin. 70. Corvus (Corvi): is sent to spy on her lover, Apollo Koronis faithful crow. Contains many galaxies, although most of them are not bright. 71. Canis Minor (Canis Minoris): with the Canis Major Orion faithfully accompany the dog. Only one α and β Canis Minor can be used in the city naked eye to see. Where α is called Procyon in China, ranked eighth in the all-day stars, such as magnitude +0.4, is a double star, is a white dwarf companion, magnitude only +10.7 and so on. 72. Dorado (Doradus): Bayer in 1604 by the named. Large Magellanic Cloud, in its range. 73. Corona Borealis (Coronae Borealis): Greek mythology, Bacchus is given by Theseus abandoned Ariadne's crown. 74. Norma (Normae): created in 1752 by the Rakai. 75. Mensa (Mensae): determined by the Rakai in 1752. Part of the Large Magellanic Cloud in which the. 76. Volans (Volantis): created in 1603 by the Bayer. 77. Musca (Muscae) 78. Triangulum (Trianguli): Although small, this is one of the stars clearly. A Messier objects. 79. Chamaeleon (Chamaeleontis): John Bayer in 1604 by the name. 80. Corona Australis (Coronae Australis) 81. Caelum (Caeli): One of the most inconspicuous constellation, astronomers from France described in Rakai in 1752. 82. Reticulum (Reticuli): is the Rakai created a constellation. 83. Southern Triangle (Trianguli Australis) 84. Shield Block (Scuti): 1690 年 Hedwig Sirius joined the constellation. It has two Messier objects, including M11 known as the "Wild Duck Cluster" is the sky one of the richest open clusters. 85. Circinus (Circini): Rakai in 1752 by the astronomer named. 86. Sagitta (Sagittae): Greek mythology, it is Apollo's arrows with over Seck Roper. Sagitta is a recurrent nova WZ. A Messier objects. 87. Equuleus (Equulei): The ancient Greeks that the seat is Hera pony horse to Pollux. 88. Southern Cross (Crucis): the smallest constellation, known as the Coal Sack has a dark nebula in the galaxy 60 light-years extended.
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Ptolemy constellations
In addition to twelve constellations, the Ptolemy lists the following thirty-six (now thirty-eight, as the South Block, the ship has been opened into three separate constellation): Ptolemy constellations Andromeda | Aquarius | Aquila | Temple of Heaven Block | Boats in the South Tower | Aries | Auriga | Bootes | Cancer | Canis Major | Canis Minor | Capricornus | Cassiopeia | Centaurus | Cepheus | Cetus | South Corona Australis | Corona Borealis | Corvus | Crater | Cygnus | Delphinus | Draco | pony Block | Eridanus | Gemini | Hercules | Hydra | Leo | Lepus | Libra | Lupus | Lyra | Ophiuchus | Orion | Pegasus | Perseus | Pisces | Piscis | Sagitta | Sagittarius | Scorpius | Serpens | Taurus | Triangulum | Ursa Major | Ursa Minor | Virgo Which Boats in the South Tower was opened ─ ─ Jesus (Nicolas Louis de Lacaille) split into Carina, Puppis and Vela Ophiuchus ─ ─ fact, it intersects with the ecliptic, but the tradition does not regard it as one of the zodiac constellations Later, the increasing number of constellations, mainly to fill vacancies among the constellations of Ptolemy (due to the bright constellation of the ancient Greeks that there is a dark, blank between the zone), another reason is that when European explorers when marching south able to see some previously unseen stars, so to add a new sign to fill the southern sky. Thirty-eight was a relatively new constellation: Antlia Apus Caelum Camelopardalis Canes Venatici Block weir slug Circinus Columba Coma Berenices Crux Dorado Fornax Grus Clock Tower Hydrus Indus Lacerta Leo Minor Lynx Mensa Block microscope Monoceros Musca Norma Block Antarctica Pavo Phoenix Block Pictor Pyxis Reticulum Sculptor Shield Block Sextans Telescope Block Southern Triangle Tucana Volans Vulpecula There are some signs the final nominees were not adopted as an official constellation, one of the better known as the Quadrantid (Quadrans Muralis, now part of Bootes) ─ ─ Quadrantid meteor shower is named for the constellation. There are also less formal arrangement of stars called constellations, such as the Big Dipper. In fact, in the same constellation of stars, in most cases are nothing to do, they just happened in the same line of sight, but in fact may be far apart between them ─ ─ If we are in another solar system, galaxy, we see The sky will be completely different.
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Eighty-eight constellations table internationally
Chinese name Symbol Latin name Chinese name Symbol Latin name Aries Ari Aries Cancer Cnc Cancer Centaur Cen Centaurus Pavo Pav Pavo Aquarius Aqr Aquarius Orion Ori Orion Corona Borealis CrB Coroma borealis Canes Venatici Cvn Canes venatici Eridanus Eri Eridanus Sextans Sex Sextans Musca Mus Musca Camelopardalis Cam Camelopardalis Lupus Lup Lupus Pyxis Pyx Pyxis Hydra Hya Hydra Capricorn Cap Capricornus Carina Car Carna Bootes Boo Bootes Vela Vel Vela Block Antarctica Oct Octans Puppis Pup Puppis Corona Australis Cra Corona austrina Canis Major Cma Canis major Southern Triangle Tra Triangulun australe Ursa Major UMa Ursa major Crux Cru Crux Caelum Cae Caelum Piscis PsA Piscis austrinus Tucana Tuc Tucana Monoceros Mon Monoceros Shield Block Sct Scutum Sagittarius Sgr Sagittarius Pegasus Peg Pegasus Triangle Tri Triangulum Volans Vol Volans Mensa Men Mensa Phoenix Block Phe Phoenix Ophiuchus Oph Ophiuchus Delphinus Del Delphinus Virgo Vir Virgo Coma Berenices Com Coma berenices Clock Tower Hor Horologium Vulpecula Vul Vulpecula Leo Leo Leo Pictor Pic Pictor Pisces Psc Pisces Antlia Ant Antlia Gemini Gem Gemini Dorado Dor Dorado Hydrus Hyi Hydrus Taurus Tau Taurus Libra Lib Libra Cetus Cet Cetus Cygnus Cyg Cygnus Norma Nor Norma Columba Col Columba Crater Crt Crater Grus Cru Grus Serpens Ser Serpens Sagitta Sge Sagitta Draco Dra Draco Andromeda And Andromeda Fornax For Fomax Cepheus Cep Cepheus Lynx Lyn Lyux Block microscope Mic Microscopium Lyra Lyr Lyura Equuleus Equ Equuleus Temple Block Ara Ara Canis Minor Cmi Canis minor Lepus Lep Lepus Leo Minor Lmi Leominor Scorpio Sco Scorpius Ursa Minor Umi Ursa minor Apus Aps Apus Lacerta Lac Leacerta Aquila Arl Aquila Block weir slug Cha Chamaeleon Reticulum Ret Reticulum Indus Ind Indus Telescope Block Tel Telescopium Perseus Per Perseus Hercules Her Hercules Sculptor Scl Sculptor Corvus Crv Corvus Auriga Aur Auriga Cassiopeia Cas Cassiopeia Circinus Cir Circinus
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Naming a star
In the West, most of the star is located in the constellation according to their naming. Such as α Centauri stars (Paya star nomenclature, Bayer designation), 61 Cygni (Flamsteed star nomenclature, Flamsteed designation), Lyra RR (variable name) and so on. But in Chinese, many Chinese will be used when the ancient star names, such as α Centauri star also called "Alpha Centauri" ("South Gate" is actually one of the Chinese Ancient Star officials). More information about the star naming names refer to the star.
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The constellation astrology
Constellation astrology as follows: Aries March 21 ~ April 19 Taurus April 20 ~ May 20 Gemini May 21 ~ June 21 Cancer June 22 ~ July 22 Leo July 23 ~ August 22 Virgo August 23 ~ September 22 Libra September 23 ~ October 23 Scorpio October 24 ~ November 22 Sagittarius November 23 ~ December 21 Capricorn December 22 ~ January 19 Aquarius January 20 ~ February 18 Pisces February 19 ~ March 20 According to astrological theory, all signs are there in all aspects of human correspondence: Constellation of character body parts stage of life Aries baby head courage, fighting spirit, aggressive Taurus children neck, throat and cautious, moderate, pragmatic Gemini children's hands, arms, shoulders, lungs wit, fickle, curious Cancer boy chest, stomach, sensitive, emotional, just outside the soft Leo Youth spine, heart, generosity, domineering, self-esteem strong Virgo youth intestinal, neurological care, nagging, perfectionism Libra adult lower back, buttocks, kidneys indecision, the pursuit of fair Scorpio adult genital mystery, love and hate clear, possessive Sagittarius prime thigh optimistic, honest, adventurous Capricorn old bones, joints, knees, strong-willed, high concentration, courage Aquarius born calf intelligent, independent, rebellious Pisces soul of the ankle, foot romantic, compassionate, practical, and indecisive
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Sixty-three lost Constellation
Block, Block Anti Nuo bee geese Boats in the South Block, Block, Block crab camel Block Block Cerberus Salzburg method Corona Guinness comet hunter seat Bei Block Block Block balloon cock cat Block Block Block George Harp Frederick Block, West Block, honors Latin Leo Lily Block Block log and wire electrical machinery Block Mount Fuji, Block, Block Meinalusi mast Block Montgomery Er Feier fly a hot air balloon Block North Block, Block owl Cloud water level meter block, Block printing Block, Block Xiaoyun easel painter who stick defender Block Block Block flamingo Quadrantid apple river Tigris, Block Block Block Bolan Deng Oak King Charles King Wat Wat Block Block Block holding snake Reindeer Day Block Block count reflecting telescope Poland Bull Tiger Block Block Block Small Triangle turtle Lonely thrush Condor Block Block Block hornet swordfish Volucres Block Block Block slugs spiders vermiculite Block Block Earthworm lotus flower Block Block Block Ma frog Northern Cross St. Joseph Block, Block, Block shroud of Christ
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Constellation of personality characteristics of 12
Aries March 21 ~ April 19 Energetic and dynamic constellation. Personality and love most "rampage", did not mind, aggressive. However, there are no pure personality lethal, so do not worry too much. Taurus April 20 ~ May 20 Slowly in the constellation. All things considered then filtered, is a late bloomer type, is relatively late opening of the mind sees. They have the stability of Superman, once the bet, there is sure to win. Gemini May 21 ~ June 21 Changes in wind speed and the constellations. Gemini's dual personality of others and themselves often engage in extreme headache, and love for the cause, if willing to operate a little thought, it should be good, but ... they were so clever by. Cancer June 22 ~ July 22 A great need for love and stability of the constellation. Love suspicion of personality, so that they appear everywhere on the journey of life insecure. But the glory of Cancer with maternal love, love'd willing to pay. Leo July 23 ~ August 22 Pay attention to a constellation of gorgeous style. The lion is king of the forest, of course, like their friends, some lost and lonely. They have momentum, though careless, but the human sense of obligation, but also quite the popularity. Virgo August 23 ~ September 22 A bit picky and perfectionist constellation. Lack of confidence in personality, often subconsciously blame themselves for not better; although inevitably cause a heavy heart, but the natural advantage is very relaxed, not this brought to its knees. Libra September 23 ~ October 23 Afraid of empty sign of beauty. Diplomatic skills by virtue of natural, deal between the characters in different colors; but sometimes because of too much worry about everything, but do own a thankless task, the brain and turn often, take care of neurasthenia. Scorpio October 24 ~ November 22 Strange and mysterious, it costs Yi Cai of the constellation. They can be very persistent, it can be destroyed; in the kingdom of love black and white, no gray area, they are quite clear about their goals, once established, go out into the pediment. Sagittarius November 23 ~ December 21 Free romantic too melodramatic constellation. Personality does not love to be bound so that they do not like being tied, passionate nature makes them around for prey; nature innocent, ordinary people do not consciously hurt, love them ~ to go by them! Capricorn December 22 ~ January 19 Strict rigid, stable aging and the constellations. Although they always give the impression of dull, but dull and generally speaking people do not play tricks; whether in business or love, they also have special qualities to win this! Aquarius January 20 ~ February 18 Forward-thinking, rational self-respect of the constellation. The same does not love to be bound, like love, but they are still different Sagittarius; they are more focused on enhancing the spiritual level, is a good inspiration object. Pisces February 19 ~ March 20 Invite sensitive, love to dream, fantasy constellations. Natural affection, love words so that they often struggle, but also with the fluctuating emotions can not avoid; but they are weak by nature, like dedication, it will not free to hurt.
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The sky position of the Zodiac
Aries-Aries, also known as Aries, for the twelve constellations of the first Zodiac, ruled by the Mars, the ecliptic at 30 degrees, 0 degrees to play before the interval, the relative star Palace Libra. Taurus-Taurus, the zodiac house of the second star, ruled by the Venus, the ecliptic at 30 degrees until 60 degrees before the interval, relative to Scorpio Zodiac. Gemini-Gemini, the zodiac star third house ruler is Mercury, located in the ecliptic 90 degrees to 60 degrees to play before the interval, the relative Sagittarius Star Palace. Cancer-Cancer, the zodiac is the fourth star palace, ruled by the moon, the ecliptic of 90 degrees at 120 degrees to play before the interval, relative to the Capricorn Zodiac. Leo-Leo, the zodiac of the fifth Zodiac, ruled by the Sun, located in the ecliptic 120 degrees until 150 degrees before the interval, the relative star Palace Aquarius. Virgo-Virgo, also known as Virgo. Zodiac Star sixth house ruler is Mercury, at 150 degrees until the ecliptic 180 degrees before the interval, the relative star Palace Pisces. Libra-Libra, the twelve constellations of the seventh Zodiac, ruled by the Venus, at 180 degrees until the ecliptic 210 degrees before the interval. Scorpio-Scorpius, the twelve constellations of the Zodiac the eighth, ruled as Pluto, Mars, at 210 degrees until the ecliptic of 240 degrees before the interval. Sagittarius Palace-Sagittarius, also known as Sagittarius. Zodiac ninth Zodiac, ruled by Jupiter, is located in the ecliptic 240 degrees until 270 degrees before the interval. Capricorn-Capricorn, also known as goat house of the zodiac stars tenth house ruler is Saturn, has played in 270 degree ecliptic 300 degrees before the interval. Aquarius-Aquarius, also known as Aquarius, the eleventh zodiac house of a star, ruled as Uranus, the ecliptic 300 degrees at 330 degrees to play before the interval, the relative constellation Leo. Pisces-Pisces, the zodiac star twelfth house is ruled by Neptune, located in the ecliptic 330 degrees 0 degrees to play before the interval, relative to the constellation Virgo. The theme of health and disease in medical astrology has been considerable work in a thorough exposition, but not ready to go on an in-depth medical astrology friends, you can explain in the following general learned useful information to deal with common problems. Determinants of health and disease is a major factor in the sun, moon and rising, with a palace rising stars and falling in front of the rising stars very close. Twelve constellations of the importance of the determinants of health is different, when the constellation of stars fall, when the head is not that a sign is even more important. These signs can be classified: Aries, Taurus, Leo and Sagittarius are essential. Strong positive symbol of the vitality of the constellation, is a strong Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius is more important. A symbol of middle-, moderate signs of vitality, is a moderate Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces is secondary. Symbol of the vitality of the constellation of weak, is vulnerable No matter where the sun and the moon falls on all important impact on health. But for men, the sun is the most important health indicators, and for women, the moon is the most important health indicators. Thus, if a boy born in the new moon time, it coincides with the full eclipse, and that the boy survive the very small possibility. Similarly, if a girl was born at the full moon time, coincides with the full eclipse, that she might survive relatively small. For men, if the sun fell on a strong sign, and Mars have a good phase, or by the good effects of Mars, if the sun falls on an important position, Ru Miao or Yao or constellations rise in the positive, the positive part of the constellation, then represented his vitality Comparison of tenacious, and his health are better. For women, if the moon with similar characteristics, her relatively good health. On the one hand, if the stars fall on weak sign, And on the sixth house, or the twelfth house, or by Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Neptune negative impact, unless the beginning from the childhood health and health care to do a better Otherwise, this person will be relatively poor health status, it is easy to get sick. Must keep in mind is that astrology shows only when we let fate is bound to be reflected when the trend. On the other hand, astrology is also what it does not show up, it is human will power, that is, when the extraordinary strength of will to enter into this field and make the proper effort, be able to - at least to a large extent on - to improve health. If strong Jupiter or Venus in the constellation, near the rise and phase of good, healthy performance. However, if the ascent of the constellation points fall on weak, and the vitality of a palace by Saturn, Uranus or Neptune erosion, I am afraid that his life should be tortured by the disease. On Mars, if the rise in the vicinity of Mars and in a good phase, will enhance a person's body; If the phase is the poor people tend to fever and the emergence of inflammation. Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter, if there is no punishment phase even if the phase-phase and washed well with the Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Neptune's co-phase and penalty phase of the same impulse is seen as menacing place. Standard constellation (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) are acute problems caused by disease, often sick and have no signs of recovery to follow. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are often caused by organic disease problems, and genetic, is not easily curable, easily become chronic. Changes sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)-related diseases may be relatively more changes. May be completely cured, it can last a long time turned into chronic diseases. This will depend on the difference between the middle of the person's character and temperament, it is his / her own personality. Fierce Star (Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Neptune) always indicates the location of the body vulnerable to disease areas. Particularly sensitive to the position of Saturn indicates, whether Saturn is Kat is fierce. Constellation in charge know what help to understand which parts of the body where the body gets sick: Aries in charge of the head and face. Taurus head back and throat. Gemini in charge of the lungs, arms and shoulders. Cancer in charge of the chest and stomach. Leo in charge of the heart and spine. Virgo in charge of the abdomen. Libra in charge of the kidneys. Scorpio in charge of reproductive organs and rectum. Sagittarius in charge of the buttocks and thighs. Capricorn in charge of the knee. Aquarius in charge of the ankle. Pisces charge of feet. Thus, if Saturn falls in Leo, which means the person might be the threat of heart disease. If Saturn is Pisces, the cold feet easily. Mars fever and inflammation on behalf of Aries falls (in charge of the head of the constellation), then the people tend to have a fever. And so on. Since the constellation into China doping Forum constellations and the constellations began to fashion Book together constellation Forum
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Constellation and online dating
Although the Internet has become a lot of love, very modern way of recognition, but because of the different constellations, each constellation of people online and recognition of the extent and for the way they are viewed with considerable differences. Here we take a look! Most likely to fall into the Love Sign: Pisces Well, that Pisces most likely to fall in love, which is related to online dating features. Many people commented that the most realistic online dating such things, and Pisces, it is also precisely the dream of living in their own, the most unrealistic of a sign, so, although others believe that online dating a good illusion, they are happy to unreal too! Other Water signs: Cancer: Pisces it relatively impractical, but because the nest at home, and also easily moved by emotional words, it is still a very high index of online dating constellation. Scorpio: It is an attempt to take the initiative to use the tool online and sign. Hiding in the far other end of the network, but their hearts are attached near you, not only can give full play to Scorpio, and more obvious mystery. I believe you can! Favorite online and sign: Gemini Gemini is a constellation like the chat, the relative mode is also somewhat Platonic love, so online dating such exchanges mainly in the form of language is the most easy to do, and if still have voice chat, which was the favorite Gemini the way the. Remember, if you encounter a network that a chatter, it is likely that this type of crowd Oh. Other Wind signs: Aquarius: Aquarius is the best free, does not like to be a person stubbornly sticky, so the network of love in this way, especially in remote, for love of them started his would be more like it. Happy to chat about freedom to remain single the rest of the state most of the time, enjoying themselves? Libra: Libra is actually still more emphasis on verbal communication of a constellation, but most of this Sign are more lazy, leisurely talking on the network often can not keep up the beat that is the sign, so a relatively low probability of success. Oh, you want to work! Online and the most impatient Constellation: Sagittarius Sagittarius constellation of risks is like in person, if they encounter a person in line, certainly can not wait to meet soon about the reality, not only not interested in meeting talk. So you say that even if successful, could be said to be online dating results? Other fire sign: Leo: Leo on the network to identify a good general appearance are all narcissistic. Strongly on its own merits landscaping, speak strong, domineering look. Lions are a number of course, the relative calm, but still revealed a pride. Aries: You speak very directly, what to say, so the leak on the network with you the most privacy, must be the sign, and all the fire sign is the most like to meet friends soon meet the type, and water just like this On the contrary. Online and most do not recognize the constellations: Taurus You can not deny the reality of Taurus, so they usually from the most practical point of view, of course, if you happen to be one of the region, in all aspects of reality they are both good friends, they would seriously consider. Other Earth signs: Virgo: Virgo is also relatively more realistic, and willing to use a variety of small tests to test whether you are their ideal partner. Analities of them, can not so easily confused by online relationships. Capricorn: Generally speaking, unless it is against the reality of this constellation of frequent person, or Capricorn are generally in the position to fight for their own reality, not much time to take account of personal problems.
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Constellation and Feng Shui
Aries You have to buy some small green plants, so that the room is full of a number of fields in the atmosphere, or even keep a small tank of fish can enhance your romantic encounters, the room decorated with green apple green color is also better. Taurus You are very concerned about love, but when the old courage in the face of lack of love, I suggest you sleep in the position of the South, will make your personality more active, and built a night light in the room, preferably on a bed nearby. Gemini To enhance the operation Gemini love to put audio on a bed nearby, and always fall asleep listening to music can reduce the sensitivity of your cranky mood, and pink bathroom into a matte finish, in the bath absorbs the energy of love. Cancer Blue Peach is your lucky color, it is best to go pick up some sea shells on the bed, if you have sand, use it as a beautiful decorative glass bottles, can also increase your peach blossom! Leo Leo you room to put some silver ornaments, if you already have a sweetheart, do not forget your photo on the bed with him, use the silver side of the frame Oh! Virgo For the love you always too nervous, I suggest you buy a purple in the bed, carpet on the floor, and fill your room with fragrance, and tie some red ribbons on the curtains, tied into a small bow, will make you better. Libra Peach you too much, put some glass room best to put jewelry or white, if you put a bunch of white flowers on the dresser, you hate to be the object of avoiding, so right person quickly appear. Scorpio Scorpio you have to be placed in the southwest side of a large mirror and a mirror hanging above a small sachet, you can increase your Yixing Yuan, so you put him in power was Ma Ma! The package will be a small bag of salt on the wardrobe, you can remove all the obstacles when in love. Sagittarius In order to meet the peach, I suggest you change the room color pink yellow line, perfume also use lemon or grass taste, and for mobile phones equipped with a blue cap Mimi, including an avalanche you love letters! Capricorn Your personality to others to think it is too strict, many heterosexual are often mistaken you are not close! Proposed layout of the room into the orange tone, light yellow tone but also so that your body can be filled with the magnetic field, will be increasingly strong Oh peach! Aquarius Aquarius love you very assertive, white or beige is the color of your peach, the family should always open the windows, curtains Zeyi sky blue the best, in the nightstand a cute little beige table lamp, you can increase the attraction personal charm. Pisces If your spouse is always indifferent to you, you have to southeast in the room put beautiful flowers, flowers in red and pink roses based. If not flowers, green plants can be.
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Constellation and Crystal
Aries ARIES (3 21 - 20 April) Lucky stones (gemstones): Red hair crystal. Ametrine Taurus TAURUS (4 21 - May 21) Lucky stones (gemstones): Phantom. Tiger Eye Gemini GEMINI (5 22 - 21 June) Lucky stones (gemstones): yellow crystals. Pearl Cancer CANCER (6 22 - 22 July) Lucky stones (gemstones): white crystal. Red agate Leo LEO (7 23 - 23 August) Lucky stones (gemstones): the crystal. Olivine Virgo VIRGO (8 24 October - 23 September) Lucky stones (gemstones): green hair crystal. Blue agate Libra LIBRA (9 23 - 23 October) Lucky stones (gemstones): blond. Green Agate Scorpio SCORPIO (10 24 October - 22 November) Lucky stones (gemstones): titanium crystal. Heart Choi Yuk Sagittarius SAGITTARIUS (11 23 - 21 December) Lucky stones (gemstones): amethyst. Turquoise Capricorn CAPRICORN (12 22 - 20 January) Lucky stones (gemstones): citrine. Black Onyx Aquarius AQUARIUS (1 21 - 18 February) Lucky stones (gemstones): tourmaline. Lazuli Pisces PISCES (2 19 - 20 March) Lucky stones (gemstones): powder. Billiton garnet Query method Constellation First of all, to know how to check the constellation, the constellation is based on the Gregorian date of birth to search. If you only know their own lunar calendar (also known as lunar) birthday, you will need to inquire about a calendar day corresponding to the query about the date of the Gregorian calendar That corresponds to the lunar calendar. If there is no corresponding lunar month of January 1st, then _select_ the 27 January, and then click the button to sign inquiries. So we found Gregorian January 27 people who were born on this day is the constellation Aquarius. , Then click the next month or last month, continue to check until you find the corresponding ending January 1.
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Encyclopedia of Astronomy
Some of the names constellation according to their shape, named after animals and objects; some are combined with the ancient myth, the mythical figure named. 88 constellations in the sky the scope of the share of different sizes. Some large constellation, for example, Hydra, Virgo and Ursa Major, etc., and some signs are very small, for example, the Southern Cross, pony seat, Sagitta and so on. Will be the stars of the ancient wall is divided into three, four images, Ershibasu. This ancient method of division is no longer used, but the names of stars such as Sirius, the elderly, Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and so are still in use
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Encyclopedia of Astronomy
Significant differences between the size of these signs, the number of stars included in the scope and also very different. Each constellation is a region on the celestial sphere, is the man designated as the same administrative division of the earth. The days of the district are the constellation of all the members of celestial bodies. Sun, moon, planets and other solar system objects are always among the zodiacal constellations run, has also become a guest member of the constellation. The range of the solar system is only 1.2 × 10-3 light years, and the solar system other than our nearest star is 4.2 light years from our farthest galaxies and quasars in more than 100 million light years away. Among the members of the same constellation is extremely far away from each other, there is no relationship between them. 88 constellations named after animals in the majority, animals, nothing is there, such as Leo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Taurus, Serpens, Aquila, Cygnus, and so on, accounting for half of the total. Named after the mythical figure has more than 10, such as Andromeda, Cepheus, Hercules, etc., accounting for one in eight. There are also more than 20 constellations are named after the modern instruments and apparatus, such as compass seat, compass seat, binoculars seat, and so on, this part of the constellation in the southern sky. Schedule: 88 constellations form the constellation abbreviation Ming Lading transit location of the Andromeda And11 the day 27 days Antlia Ant4 North 17 Nichinan day Apus Aps7 18 Eagle Wing Aql9 Nichinan day equatorial 10 January Aquarius Aqr10 22 Temple Block Ara8 equator on 5 Nichinan 25 days equatorial Aries Ari12 Aur2 15 Auriga Bootes Boo6 northern sky 26 equatorial Caelum Cae1 29 days Camelopardalis Cam2 Nichinan 10 March North Friction Scorpio Cap9Cen6 day 7 days Cepheus Cep10 Nichinan northern sky 17 13 Cetus Cet12 equatorial Chamaeleon Cha4 28 Nichinan days 2 January Canes Venatici CVn8 days Circinus Cir6 North Nichinan big dogs Block 30 Cma2 26 Canis Minor Cmi3 equatorial equatorial Cancer Cnc3 11 26 Col2 equatorial Columba Coma Berenices 10 days Com5 Nichinan 28 equatorial Corona Australis CrA8 25 days of Corona Borealis CrB7 Nichinan 13 equatorial 23 Corvus Crv5 Equatorial Crater Crt5 equatorial Southern Cross 8 March 23 Cru5 Cygnus Cyg9 Nichinan days 25 days Delphinus Del9 North 26 31 equatorial Nichinan Dorado Dor1 every day on Long Block Dra3 North on the 28th day of 5 January Equuleus Equ10 equatorial Eridanus Eri1 14 For12 equatorial Fornax Gemini Gem3 23 February 3 February equatorial equatorial Grus Gru10 Block 22 Nichinan Scorpio Tiger 5 months Hercules Her8 Clock Tower at the equator 6 Nichinan Hor1 25 Tianchang Yizuo Hya4 equatorial Hydrus Hyi Lepus Lep2 6 January equatorial Leo Minor Lmi4 22 Lup7 equatorial 3 Nichinan Lupus Lyra Lyr8 29 days of the North Tianshan Mensa Men2 10 days Microscopium Mic9 Nichinan 30 Nichinan Mon3 3 days Monoceros Musca Mus5 Nichinan days 26 days Norma Nor7 Nichinan 18 Block Oct10 Antarctic Nichinan days on 2 days of Ophiuchus Oph8 Nichinan 5 January Orion Ori2 equator equatorial Pavo 5 January 5 January Pav9 Nichinan Nichinan December 2 days 8 Pic2 Pictor Piscis PsA10 Nichinan days 17 22 equatorial equatorial Pisces Psc11 Pup3 13 Puppis Pyxis equatorial Pyx3 31 equatorial Reticulum Ret1 14 Nichinan days Sculptor Scl11 Scorpio Sco7 25 23 equatorial equatorial Scutum Sct8 25 Ser7 equatorial Serpens Sextans equatorial 8 March 20 March equatorial Sex4 Sagitta Sge9 12 equatorial Sagittarius Sgr9 2 May equator Taurus Tau1 24 equatorial telescope Block Tel9 on 2 Nichinan days Triangulum TrA7 13 Nichinan day Triangle Tri12 17 equatorial Tucana Tur11 13 Nichinan days Ursa Major 3 January UMa5 days Ursa UMi7 North 13 North 10 days Vel4 Vela Virgo Vir6 Nichinan days 7 March 13 Vol3 equatorial Volans Vulpecula Vul9 Nichinan days equator 20 January
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Wikipedia Daquan
xingzuo Constellation constellation In order to facilitate research, there is the sky divided into several regions, these regions called constellations. China took an early three-wall Ershibasu sky. "Historical Records official book" quite detailed records. Three Yuan is the north celestial pole around the three regions, namely Ziwei Yuan, Tai Wei Yuan, the day city wall. Ershibasu in yellow or white Road near the 28 regions, namely East seven places: angle, Kang, Di, house, heart, tail, Kei; north of seven places: fighting, cattle, women, virtual, risk, room, wall; West seven places: Kui, Lou, stomach, Subaru, Bi, mouth, ginseng; South seven places: Well, ghosts, Liu, Xing Zhang, wing, Zhen. Around 3000 BC, the Babylonians to the brighter the star is divided into several "Constellation." The ancient Greeks mainly mythological figures or animals named for the constellation. The second century, the Greek astronomer has the name of the whole northern sky constellation determined. The 48 constellations southern sky, sailing round the world until the seventeenth century the success of observation by the Voyager before gradually identified. 1841 JF Herschel proposed constellation boundaries to red line of longitude and declination division. In 1928, the International Astronomical Union announced 88 Constellation program, and provides for the vernal equinox in 1875, and the equator as the base of the red line of longitude and declination, as the constellation boundaries. Day is divided into 88 constellations, and some great signs, and some small. 88 constellations of the Latin name, symbol, the name, size and star number of the table below list the constellation Constellation Table Continued. (Chen contains Zhang)