Underground City and ghazi > costive
English Expression
  1. adj.:  costive,  costly,  dear,  exorbitant,  expensive,  extortionate,  high,  pricey,  prohibitive,  rich,  stiff
expensive, pricey
agreeable, affable, exalting, giving pleasure, delightful, aesthetic, prime, alright, dulcet, spry, peaceful, fastigiate, bouncing, amicable, pacific, halcyon, off, calm, deluxe, delicate, aphonic, low, breathless, balanced, almost, aureate, costly, plain, velvet, spruce, firm, substantial, stable, balanced, no jiggly, firmly fixed, supported or balanced, cheesy
Containing Phrases
priceyextortionate priceaffordable
an expensive carcostive bucketoutrageously
luxuriousa very expensive diamond ringdear year
have expensive tastes in clothes(the) most Costliness of grapevitally Costive necklace
Never costliness concentrationthe high cost of car repairsShishang Costliest head
the high cost of food