idiom > be fully occupied everyday
Too busy to date
  Explanation: Leisure: idle; to: adequate. Means many things, lack of time, no time to finish.
  Usage: The main predicate; as the predicate attribute; means no time to rest
  Source: Qian Han, "Historical Records Fengshan book": "Although the work was ordered not to, to carry the German beam does not contact the parent, contact the Japanese are too busy to carry on, with hope is that something."
  Examples: Who would have thought a mass ten, ten have spread, the official two-way screen to pick the chair gradually get there ~ trend. (Qing Liu E, "Travels," the third chapter)
rì bù xiá jǐ
  Describe too many things, not enough time
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No. 3
Described as busy, not free
  Described as busy, does not idle. Language of the "Historical Records Fengshan book": "Although the effort is not mandated to, to carry on the German beam does not contact the parent, contact the carry on the day have subscribed to, is that thing with the Greek." "Han Yue-chi": "Hon Hing, order out of chaos, Japan subscribed to." Reappraisal Note: "Leave, enough also. Introduction Service Yin and more every day build, yet not enough, so no time also." SONG Lu "old school Om notes," Volume II: "chongning early Hing between schools, gun building science, polymer science food, Japanese subscribed to." "Travels" third back: "Who would have thought a mass 10, 10 pass 100 , the official two-way screen to pick the chair to take a Japanese subscribed to gradually trend. "
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No. 5
  日不暇给 ( rì bù xiá jǐ )
  【解 释】 暇:空闲。天天没有空闲,时间仍不够用。形容事物繁忙。
  【出 处】 西汉·司马迁《史记·封禅书》:“ 虽受命而功不至,至梁父矣而德不洽,洽矣而日有不暇给,是以即事用希。”
  【用 法】 主谓式;作谓语、定语;凡要做的事情,在时间上不足支配,可用此语。
  【示 例】 清·刘鄂《老残游记》第三回:“谁知一个传十,十个传百。官幕两途拿轿子来接的渐渐有~之势。”
  【近义词】 日理万机、日夜操劳、夜以继日
  【反义词】 无所事事
  典 故
  为了求得一个安全的环境,必须建立各种规章制度。秦朝的各种规章制度都已经废除,新的还没有建立。为此,刘邦命丞相萧何制订一个国家根本大法,使举国上下有法可循。 萧何从县吏一直当到大臣,对民情比较熟悉。早在起义军进入秦都咸阳的时候,他就收取秦朝的律令图书,掌握了全国的山川险要、郡县户口等情况。他奉命后,根据当时的社会情况,参照秦朝的制度,制定出了《九章律》。
  军事方面也得有个法令。韩信是位卓越的军事家。在帮助刘邦打败项羽的战争中立了大功,刘邦让他制定军法。大臣张苍是有名的历算家,刘邦叫他制定了有关历数、度、量、衡等的规章制度。他还命博士官叔孙通制定礼仪制度,使君臣之间有了规定的礼节,大家都能遵照执行。 刘邦年轻时没有读过多少书,当了皇帝也没有读书的习惯。太中大夫陆贾喜欢读书写文章,还常常在刘邦面前谈论《经》、《书》。刘邦每天处理政事已经非常繁忙,时间不够用,听多了就感到厌烦。有一次,他骂陆贾道:“我是骑在马上取得天下的,关《诗》、《书》什么事!”
  刘邦觉得陆贾说的话有理,便说:“好吧,你既然知书达理,就把秦朝为什么灭亡,我为什么取得天下,以及从古到今朝廷兴亡成败的大事,都写出来给我看。” 不久,陆贾写出了十二篇文章。刘邦看后觉得很有启发,就把这些文章编成一部书起名《新琼》。
English Expression
  1. n.:  be fully occupied everyday
all-out efforts, elaborateness, daily Have no time to sundial, day and night laboring, Yikuishiqi, Day wan, fully stretched made to work, etc at the limits of one's capacities or talents, exert, endeavour