idiom > No face to see the villagers
No face to see the villagers
  Explanation: Shame to see it as a typical real home person.
  Source: Language of the "Historical Records Xiang Yu Ji": "So the king Naiyu east of Wujiang item. Wujiang Ting Zhang ship outfitting items to be ... ... the king laughed and said: 'days of the death of me, I cross what is! And eight thousand children of membership and Koto people crossing the West, now no one has, longitudinal Jiangdong father and brother and the king pity me, He Mianmu be found? '"
No. 2
  Language of the "Historical Records. Xiang Yu the century "" Nai Yu Wang Going Wujiang was key. Wujiang Ting Zhang ship outfitting items to be ... ... the king laughed and said, 'days of my death, I am what transition is! And membership with the children of 8000 people across the river Jiangdong the West, this No one has longitudinal Jiangdong father and brother out of pity and Wang I, I He Mianmu see them? '"after the" no face see Koto elders "to see the home of one of the Code shame really.
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No. 3
  Language of the "Historical Records Xiang Yu-chi": "So Xiang Wang Nai Yu Going Wujiang River. Wujiang Ting Zhang ship outfitting items to be ... ... the king laughed and said: 'days of my death, I am what transition is! And membership with the children of 8000, Jiangdong people cross the river and the West, this one has no longitudinal Jiangdong father and brother out of pity for the king of me He Mianmu see them? '"after the" no face see Koto elders "to see the home of one of the Code, shame really. "Second moment of surprises" Volume 7: "process is done by brothers slaughtered off the capital, returned by people afraid of a joke, shame disheartened infiltration, no face see Koto elders, do not consider returning home went."
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No. 4
  【词 目】无面目见江东父老
  【读 音】wú miàn mù jiàn jiāng dōng fù lǎo
  【释 义】以之为羞见故乡人之典实。
  【出 处】语本《史记·项羽本纪》:“於是项王乃欲东渡乌江。乌江亭长檥船待……项王笑曰:‘天之亡我,我何渡为!且籍与江东子弟八千人渡江而西,今无一人还,纵江东父兄怜而王我,我何面目见之?’”
  【示 例】明·凌蒙初《二刻拍案惊奇》第37卷:“程宰兄弟两人因是做折了本钱,怕归来受人笑话,羞惭惨沮,~,不思量还乡去了。”
  wú miàn mù jiàn jiāng dōng fù lǎo