Buddhist glossary : idiom : comparative philology > beyond challenge
  Explanation: Unmatched analog, match. That things are perfect, no matter sorted it comparable.
  Usage: Complex type; as the predicate attribute; with compliment
  Source: Tang and Han Yu, "On the Fogu table" thousands of years, not unbeatable. "
  Examples: During this time, he was the most people of the motherland ~ warm reception. ★ Wei Wei "back east"
  Riddle: Peach Blossom Pool thousand feet deep
wú yǔ lún bǐ
  Not similar; not can match
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No. 3
  Not be comparable, no can match. "Old Tangshu Guo Ziyi Biography": "Since the Qin and Han have also, Xun Sheng strength, unparalleled." Wei Wei "Eastern" Part I Chapter X: "The family is fighting their family, in this family, full of a unique class solidarity. "also for" No and than London. " Wang Yucheng Song "Xijing thank the table": "John made pet event, no more than London with." Ming Lian "real Zen Mountain Home Baogai mind": "to enter this Zen Home, I read the article, but also to know great awakening the Buddha, the Tao have been wide and no more than London, the strict instructions from the heart of the more strong. "
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No. 4
  词目 无与伦比
  发音 wú yǔ lún bǐ
  释义 伦:类,伦比:类比,匹敌。指事物非常完美,没有能跟它相比的。
  出处 唐·卢氏《逸史》:“置于州,张宠敬无与伦比。”
  示例 在这段时间里,他受到祖国人民~的最热情的接待。(魏巍《东方·归来》)
  用 法 复杂式;作谓语、定语;含褒义;指没有能跟它相比的。
  近义词 无可比拟、前所未有
  反义词 不相上下、同日而语
  灯 谜 桃花潭水深千尺
  罗格宣布北京奥运会闭幕(2008年08月24日) 称其“真正的无与伦比”。9时许,国际奥委会主席罗格宣布,北京奥运会闭幕。在致辞中,罗格称北京奥运会“是一届真正的无与伦比的奥运会”。The Beijing Olympic Games are "truly exceptional Games," said International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Jacques Rogge at the Games' closing ceremony staged in the National Stadium in northern Beijing on Sunday night.
  成语名称 无与伦比 汉语拼音 wú yǔ lún bǐ 成语释义 伦比:类比,匹敌。指事物非常完美,没有能跟它相比的。 成语出处 唐·韩愈《论佛骨表》:“数千百年以来,未有伦比。” 使用例句 在这段时间里,他受到祖国人民无与伦比的最热情的接待。
English Expression
  1. n.:  beyond challenge,  without comparison,  cap the globe,  without (a) parallel,  stand alone,  incomparable
French Expression
  1. adj.  être hors de pair, être incomparable, sans pareil, sans égal
monument, without (a) parallel, Chao Yi reclusive, rise above this world and enter on a life of security, supergroup class, surpassing all others, Chaochen to rise far above the common lot, out and away, have no rival momentarily, Unmatched world, Dongliangzhicai, unprecedented, be absolutely matchless in the world, Guaershaoshuang, Foot stand, Single good at winning games, Classes showed off line, A group outstanding, unsurpassed, head, Online games it Unmatched world
Be mediocre and unambitious Zhibei, Oversensitive Zhicai
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