medicine : metallurgy : highway Project programme : waterpower : structural engineering : highway > section
duàn miàn
  Also known as profile, cross section, after showing off the surface of the object
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No. 2
  Sectional drawing
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Section, the object appeared to cut off the section after
  Section, after the object appeared to cut off the section. Ho Ao "Flaming Mountain, on 40 days": "underground rock structures, cross-section in the Shihmen see very clearly." "Xinmin Evening News" 1984.8.3: "petrified wood is dark brown, like a dead tree trunk, the cross section has In clear ring lines, texture and hard as stone. "
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English Expression
  1. :  fault plane,  fault surface,  profile
  2. n.:  section
crossover, Profile
Containing Phrases
a vertical sectionprofile