Analects of Confucius : poetry > Chiang Tao
Tao Chiang
  Explanation: Refers to the King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of ruling a country.
  Usage: Partial official; as object; that combines justice with ruling a country
  Source: Pre Confucius "The Analects Zi Zhang," civil and military did not fall on the road, in person, Sage know the greater. "
  Examples: ~, Jue initiatives did not fall. ★ Jin Ying Zhen "throne _set_ Waring Garden Poetry"
  Riddle: Art of war
No. 2
  That King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou the country cultivating skills and the ritual articles. "The Analects Zi Zhang": "civil and military did not fall on the road, in person, know their great sages who are not sages who know its small, everyone has the Man Mo Yan Tao." Zhu Xi variorum: "civil and military way, that King Wen, King Wu of the strong mo training success, and all week ritual articles are all also. "Jin Ying Chen," Emperor Wu Hualin Park Collection of Poems ":" civil and military way, a guy who did not fall. "" law recorded in the book to "volume 4 quoted Tang Zhanghuai Guan, "Second and Wang recorded books": "Saint-end bearing, Wei division attack Jingzhou city collapse, Emperor Yuan to drop their night together past and present is the size of two books and 14 rolls of the king remains, laid off after the House Scheeren burning of high-good treasure, Yue sword and chop column, is a sigh, saying: 'Xiao Shicheng Suizhi this, civil and military of the Road Tonight poor me!' "
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No. 3
  文武之道 ( wén wǔ zhī dào )
  文王、武王都是国人推崇的贤君,他们治理国家的办法 是有宽有严的,后泛指治理国家要宽严结合。也比喻工作和生活要劳逸适度,有紧有松。后面常跟“一张一弛”。
  出处: 先秦·孔子《论语·子张》:“文武之道未坠于地,在人,贤者识其大者。”
  用法: 偏正式;作宾语;指宽严相结合治理国家的方法
  成语名称 文武之道 汉语拼音 wén wǔ zhī dào 成语释义 指周文王、周武王治理国家的方法。 成语出处 先秦·孔子《论语·子张》:“文武之道未坠于地,在人,贤者识其大者。” 使用例句 文武之道,厥猷未坠。
Containing Phrases
Chiang tao YiyeThere's no one who doesn't or isn't have Chiang tao hereChiang Tao Sheet A relaxation
Civil and military of the Road, a one relaxation