| | - adj.: smug, spotless, perfectly clean and tidy, uncluttered, trim, trig, taut, straight, spruce, spiffy, spiff, soignee, snug, tidy, sleek, shipshape, prim, orderly, neat, kempt, fussy, feat, dinky, dink, dapper
| | complete, immaculate, none Spot of, bonzer | | blowsy | a tidy person | neat | spruce | slop | a prim garden | a neat desk | an immaculate uniform | a tidy room | antiseptic | untidy or unclean in appearance | raunchy | trollop | slattern | no Neat of frock | blowsy hose | blowsy bracer | blowsy cape | blowsy glove | blowsy boot | blowsy belt | prissy | cow | cow | in a state | blottesque | |