reason Grand tutor And Wang Lament 3
《reason Grand tutor And Wang Lament 3》
Poet: Han Yuanji

  Su Wei Teng Yin Wan, Rong think forty spring.
  Wal mass desert, intense work on the unicorn.
  But the enemy condensate mountain, PAA wonderful spirits.
  ZTE Feng towards you, Lloyd Old Main no.
《reason Grand tutor And Wang Lament 3》
Poet: Han Yuanji

  Huai right side came out, Jiangjin Government House opened.
  Tuo Gao thief array Organisation, Kuala step destroy the enemy front.
  Domain can lift the sword, God despair Mo back to the flag.
  Mening Shao sea, golden more than grief.
《reason Grand tutor And Wang Lament 3》
Poet: Han Yuanji

  A long God Jing Guan, Wang Feng surname excellent.
  FY-open Jason Court, Suigetsu turn Fong Chau.
  Species Yu-chieh Ting-sheng, Xu Hui Kim family weeks.
  Lang attributed to the various self-sustaining, Gun Gun princes yet.