Contents : dominate, Controlling n.: mastership, sway, presidency, regimen, regiment, reign, rein, rule, ruling, yoke, at the mercy of, get the better, come over, follow the dictates of, have (sb.) in hand, hold (sb.) in hand, keep (sb.) in hand, arrange; allocate; budget, control; dominate; guide, allocate, government, disposal, disposition, dominance, domination, dominion, governance, grip, hand, innervation v. disposer de contrôler, dominer conduct , regulate , preserve , preserve , Administration , management of public or business affairs , control , guide , Preside , order , avert cost , conservation , cause , dominate ( , enterprise campaign , participation in projects , ascendancy , dominate , hole , refuge , to lead , for the sake of , authority , conscientious , officiate , regime , preside , refuge , regime , method or system of government , reign , reign , liability , Hidden , sheer administer , consul , election adjust , regulate , amend , to modulate , adjusting , register , collimation , adapt , adapt , Compensation from insurance entertain Frontal adjust , target , slow , have , restrain , entity , adjust , abound , arrogate , agency , influence , humanize , with rough, uneven, often sharp, edges , be still alive , aboveground , live , lobed , operate , go , fit , chord , brisance , ginger , monopoly , abnegate , in this way , edit , amend , review , callback , bring...into derision , fabricate , suppress , suppress , refrain dandyism , prevail , fashion , up to date , generality arise , prevail , ubiquitousness , generality , reign , rage operation , operate , cause motor driven truck , dominate , surgery disposal dominator ascendant subjection