Explanation: No account of the way to describe anxious Usage: Joint type; as object, adverbial; containing derogatory Source: Yuan Qin Jian Fu, "East Hall and old" second off: "You scratch the ear so Jue gills, could also be Zensheng."
No. 2
No account described the anxious look. Yuan Qin fu, "East Hall and old" second break: "You're so Jue ear scratching cheek, could also be Zensheng." Yuan Guan Hanqing "Butterfly Dream" fourth act: "I forward, he then driven in the future, Xia Jue ear scratching my cheek. "also for" Jue ear rubbing cheek. " Yuan Wang Shifu "Po Yao Ji" Third off: "I Jue ear rub cheeks and a mouth that is difficult to open."
short-tempered Rufen, jumped at, scratch one’ s head (as a sign of anxiety), Naosaijueer, Saotouzhua'er, Saotoumo'er, short-tempered Huoliao, wash one's hands with invisible soap (and imperceptible water) Dunjiao, Mo Ke consider
deliberation, Not disclosed look, deliberation, Ruby dried up well, slowly and methodically