Contents : propel n.: give an impetus to sth., lend an impetus to sth., push in, push into, push, prompting, thing that encourages a process to develop more quickly, push or thrust, impetus, stimulus, hoist, furtherance, urging or persuading v.: push (for acceptance of a plan), push forward, promote, run, trundle, throw, further, drive vt.: shove, prompt, move, impel, force, facilitate, impulse v. faire avancer, promouvoir stimulate , expedite , accelerate , accelerate , improve , abet , urge , reinforce , increase , cause , add , appose , add , accrete , accrue , stimulate , abet , embellish , expand , move up and down repeatedly , hasten or speed up , foster , catalyse , accelerate , abet , help to develop , step out , bloat , bulge , summon , expand , Jiasu Village dance , exult at , ebullience , Elegant Dance , follies , Huan Xin inspiration , Elated , rage , thrill , emotion , indignation , impetus , impetus , inducement , temptation , absorb , head , impetus , acerbity , motivate , jab , disclose , puncture , exhort , constrain , irritate , aggro , suffer , iron , goad , dragoon , charm , annihilate , agitate , at , in common , contaminate , blurred , abate , prick , Poke attack , in a zigzag or alternating arrangement , stifle , bring...into derision , temporarily , agitation , care , tumult , ruin belt , shed the blood of sb. , taper , education , end , final , terminate , terminal , _insert_ , squeeze , thrust , stir up sb.'s feelings , affect , afraid , care , shiver , care , up-end , over_set_ , upshot , constrain , oblige , will , a strong desire , on sb , regard Luen Fung Mo Song , Qinggemanwu museum in opposition the royal garden art mercury phrase