facial > approach
English Expression
  1. n.:  probe into,  visit scenic spots,  investigate,  probe
  2. v.:  approach
  3. vt.:  treat
French Expression
  1. v.  envisager, discuter
Negotiate, confer, vie, Hold talks close a bargain capitulation, bargaining, counsel, consult, address, advise
acknowledge, ascertain, accept, undertake, approve, receive, adoption, adopt, adopt, assumption, adopt, adopt, deem, ascertain, ascertain, incept, take sb into one's family, esp as one's child or heir, designate, certainly, affirm, brief, state or order sth with the force of authority, official on (the) orders of, official instruction, resolve, adopt, sth, survey, dissection, acquisition, exploration, witness, acceptance, checking, accept, accept, research, allot, prearrange, build, explain, learn, study and read intensively, study, substantiate, will, acceptance, Resolve Yaozuo bombshell
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