n.: acquisition, detecting, detection, exploration, Probing, tracking, get the gauge of, survey, probe, take readings
v.: explore, plumb
vt.: detect, sound, test
French Expression
v. sonder, explorer
exploration, cognizance, detect, spot, survey, witness, commentate, notice, comment, remark, behold, See, sight, sighting, view, look Jane, at, zai, Early, under, And, Proportion, Than, since, the, by, before, In view of, to, explore, exploration, To, reach, exorbitance, of or based on a hypothesis, to So extent, Hence Zhibi, next to, deliberation, circumvent, breakthrough, overabundance, bellyful, extremely, percentage, relation of one thing to another in quantity, size, etc, inasmuch, navigate, more than is desirable, covered by, allow zuancha, delve, grope, delve, thoroughly in order to test or find out about it (, grope, accompaniment, ascend, fish, trace acknowledge, ascertain, accept, undertake, approve, receive, adoption, adopt, adopt, assumption, adopt, adopt, deem, ascertain, ascertain, incept, take sb into one's family, esp as one's child or heir, designate, certainly, affirm, brief, state or order sth with the force of authority, official on (the) orders of, official instruction, resolve, adopt, sth, dissection, witness, acceptance, checking, accept, accept, approach, research, allot, prearrange, build, explain, learn, study and read intensively, study, substantiate, will, acceptance, Resolve Yaozuo bombshell