idiom > 捐躯殉国
  Explanation: Martyred: the interests of the country lost their lives. Sacrificed his life for the country.
  Source: Wei Yang Hyun Ppun "catch-ji in Luoyang," not only see the meaning of forgotten home, donate Health martyred, never forget the words Chungnyeol the date! "
No. 2
  词目 捐躯殉国
  发音 juān qū xùn guó
  释义 殉国:为国家的利益而牺牲生命。为了国家而献出生命。
  出处 北魏·杨炫兺《洛阳伽蓝记·追光寺》:“既见义忘家,捐生殉国,永言忠烈何日忘之。”
  示例 宋·无名氏《新编五代史平话·晋史》卷下:“就使束手就擒,莫若捐躯殉国。”