idiom > profligacy
Spend money like water
  Explanation: Conductor: casual. Squandered the money as the same soil. Describe the extreme extravagance.
  Usage: The main predicate; as predicate; containing derogatory
  Source: Sung well, "Fu Li unreliable words of the division": "big spenders, such as lightly as the official post."
  Examples: Helplessness that time Xingaoqiao, ~, straight to see inappropriate things money. (Qing Li Baojia "Bureaucrats" thirty-back)
huī jīn rú tǔ
  Squandering money like Caesar, like soil. Describe the extreme extravagance and waste
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No. 3
  Fine two pushers, big spenders, proper job
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No. 4
  As squandering money like dirt. Someone who's generous or extravagant spending. Song Mao Pang, "Ji Cheng Ting Hui text": "high-rolling, end customers such as City." "First moment of surprises," Creature: "Shichiro big spenders, there is no grudge, is this act." "The Scholars" second four Back to: "think big spenders of the season I had, I do not know how much you spent." Ba Jin "Autumn," April 4: "do not know Sok out big spenders, Zhang Bixiu body alone the money spent is a big the number. "
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No. 5
  挥金如土 ( huī jīn rú tǔ )
  解 释 挥:散,出。挥霍钱财像泥土一样。形容人花钱慷慨或挥霍无度。
  出 处 宋·周密《齐东野语·符离之师》:“挥金如土,视官爵如等闲。” 明·冯梦龙《警世通言》第32卷:“然尊大人所心怒兄者,不过为迷花恋柳,挥金如土。”
  用 法 主谓式;作谓语;含贬义
  示 例 清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第三十回:“无奈彼时心高气傲,挥金如土,直把钱财看得不当东西。”巴金《秋》:“却不知道克安在外面~,单单在张碧秀的身上花去的钱也就是一个很大的数目。”
  近义词 挥霍无度、穷奢极侈
  反义词 省吃俭用、节衣缩食、克勤克俭
  英文:blue one's money
  德文:mit Geld um sich schmeiβen
  俄文:бросáть дéньги на вéтер
  成语名称 挥金如土 汉语拼音 huī jīn rú tǔ 成语释义 挥:散。把钱财当成泥土一样挥霍。形容极端挥霍浪费。 成语出处 宋·周密《齐东野语》卷二:“挥金如土,视官爵如等闲。” 使用例句 无奈彼时心高气傲,挥金如土,直把钱财看得不当东西。
English Expression
  1. n.:  profligacy,  make the money fly,  Spend money like water,  squander money like dust
eat one's corn in the blade, live a life of wanton extravagance, muddle on [along], extravagance and waste, lay a wager of thousand taels of gold at one throw of the dice, wantonly, extravagant, spend lavishly
Containing Phrases
spenderHandbook geek profligacy