idiom > Fai John pond
Hui Han pond
  Explanation: John: Toba, by means brush; pond: refers to the writing. Refers to the writing brush.
  Source: Jin Wei Heng, "book four-body potential" that the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi pond practicing calligraphy, water to make black. "
  Examples: ~, Natural and so Gong Fu unmatched. (Qing Zeng Pu, "Flower" The fifth round)
No. 2
  词目 挥翰临池
  发音 huī hàn lín chí
  释义 翰:鸟羽,借指毛笔;临池:指写字。指运笔写字。
  出处 晋·代卫恒《四体书势》谓东汉的张芝“临池学书,池水尽黑”。
  示例 ~,自然让龚和甫独步。(清·曾朴《孽海花》第五回