idiom > cut out a piece of flesh to patch a boil; rob one's belly to cover one's back
Rob Peter to pay Paul
  Explanation: Analogy only the immediate, with the harmful way to an emergency.
  Usage: -Linked; for the predicate; containing derogatory
  Source: Nie Yi Tang in "Ode to Tian," Poetry in February to sell the new wire, new Valley that sold in May; doctors have sore eyes, cut out but Xin Tourou. "
wā ròu bǔ chuāng
  Analogy only look to use harmful methods to emergency
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Only solve the immediate problem compared with the harmful way to the Rescue
  Only solve the immediate problem compared with the harmful way to the Rescue. Liang, "external debt level discussion": "on the financial to the theory of foreign debt should take those, but for the situation and sustainable now, resort to the expedient measure." Guo "10000 Citation": "loss of his wife, robbing Peter, East scrimp West section to just be able to maintain. "
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No. 4
  Dig up the body's good flesh wound. Metaphor only for the present, with a harmful way to the Rescue.
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No. 5
  词目 挖肉补疮
  发音 wā ròu bǔ chuāng
  英文 [cut out a piece of flesh to patch a boil;rob one's belly to cover one's back]
  释义 比喻只顾眼前,用有害的方法来救急。
  出处 唐·聂夷中《咏田家》诗:“二月卖新丝,五月粜(tiào)新谷;医得眼前疮,剜却心头肉。”
  用 法 连动式;作谓语;含贬义
  示 例 郭沫若《万引》:“亏他的夫人~,东撙西节地还能勉强维持着。”
  近义词 剜肉补疮
  wā ròu bǔ chuāng
English Expression
  1. n.:  cut out a piece of flesh to patch a boil; rob one's belly to cover one's back
Liaochuangwanrou, cut out a piece of one’ s flesh to cure a boil, Wanrouyichuang