filming : facial > take
pāi shè
  Photographs, using cameras to people, objects photographed image
Translated by Google
Using video cameras to person, property ﹑ image photo down
  Uses a video camera, video recorder to people, property photo image down. Hong Shen, "drama directed by the initial knowledge" next three: "Like the tree shot, solid X-ray room to be in the leaf, but when shooting close-up portraits, most have to use 'silver light'." Ba Jin "talk <Hope Township>" : "Cao Yu also heard some shots in this film shot in Southeast Asia."
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. n.:  take a photograph of,  (shoot a) picture
  2. v.:  take,  filmed,  shoot
  3. vt.:  screen
French Expression
  1. v.  prendre une photo, tourner un film
  2. n.  séance photo, tournage ( d'un film )
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