idiom > Kouxinwadu
  Explanation: Dug out the heart of the belly. Describe bother thinking.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate; that rack their brains
  Source: Qing Zhang Chunfan "officialdom" 11 back: "We heard the small end of the Retroflex Suffixation wood, one by one to pull the belly of the heart to dig a lot of law to children."
  Examples: Eaten dinner that day, leaned Yanta, and ~ the full article to be a night of Chen manuscript, not yet drawn. (Qing Li Baojia "Bureaucrats," the second time)
Still made rack their brains, brains
  Still made rack their brains, brains. "Officialdom," the 11th back: "We heard the small end of the Retroflex Suffixation wood, one by one to pull the heart and stomach of the child to a lot of law."
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No. 3
  词目 抠心挖肚
  发音 kōu xīn wā dù
  释义 把心肚挖出来。形容费心思索。
  近义词 搜肠刮肚
  语法 联合式;作谓语;指挖空心思
  示例 这日吃过了晚膳,就靠在烟榻上,~的足足拟了一夜的条陈稿子,还没有拟好。(清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二回