Some of the material lie in ambush, is also the purpose of
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Analogy hide or conceal the problem of human material ﹑
Metaphor hidden material, human or hiding the problem. "People's Daily" 1952.3.13: "All the face, slack, lie in ambush ... ... fish in troubled waters, eating and drinking, are criminal acts." Zhao, "Three Mile Bay," 17: "At that time some members see him say, know that he will lie in ambush, do not want him, and after a few days research, or to the. "
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No. 6
Metaphor hidden material, human or hiding the problem. Also refers to the prior hidden, wait for action.
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English Expression
n.: lie in ambush, hold back, wait in ambush, ambush
French Expression
v. se tenir en embuscade, dresser une embuscade contre qn, tendre un piège;
mettre qch de côté pour soi-même