| | “意见”原属党的机关公文,中共中央办公厅于1996年5月3日印发的《中国共产党机关公文处理条例》(以下简称《条例》),首次将“意见”列入了中国共产党机关公文文种;后来,于2001年1月1日起施行的《国家行政机关公文处理办法》(以下简称《办法》),将“意见”正式列入了国家行政机关的公文文种,“意见”从而成为行政机关使用频率较高的法定公文。
意见的本意是人们对事物所 产生的看法或想法(即主张、见解、观点或方法等)。在市场经济条件下,新事物层出不穷。各机关在工作中经常会遇到一些新的情况和问题,如果原有政策规定不够明确,或不相适应,就需要上级机关进行正确、及时的指导,以提出见解、措施,规范人们的行为,为下一步完善和制定有关法律法规做好必要的准备。而指导工作又不能使用刚性很强的“决定”等公文文种,那么,“意见”作为法定公文文种,既成为下级向上级或向平级机关提出解决有关重要问题的见解和处理办法等方面建议的渠道,又成为上级在发现下级遇到有关重要问题时,提出见解和办法措施,对下级予以指导的途径。在多年的实践中,“意见”较好地解决了呈转性公文中长期存在的难题和上级在指导工作中的弹性问题。
意见的实质是提出切合实际的可行性建议,发挥参谋和指导作用。其见解中的态度是诚恳的,即使是下行文中的“意见”也没有决定或者通知等文种的强制性那样强烈。作为上行文或平行文的“意见”,必须以“知无不言,言无不尽”的态度,对上级或平行机关提交本机关的建设性见识,充分发挥好参谋作用。 | | 【意见】 (术语)人之思量也。南山戒疏之上曰:“有何意见,而欲乖异。” | | - : Point of view
- n.: inspiration, judgement, judgment, leaning, notion, observation, opinion, pole, position, suggestion, reflection, remark, sentence, sentiment, sight, slant, idea, ground, drift, dissension, dictum, deliverance, criticism, counsel, conversion, contra, thinking, submission, belief, attitude, apprehension
| | - n. avis, opinion;
- n. 1. avis / opinion;
2. plainte
| | verdict, adjudge, grant, accord, issue, conclusion reached admonish announce denounce, sue, reproach, thank, bitch, Blame, reproach, charge, or has broken the law, commentary, comment, interpret, resent, mutter, sue; accuse, complaint, complaint, declaration, impeachment, carp, by, disfavor, allergy, feeling, frown, frown, dismay, chill, blight, dismay, bitch, indignation, whine, lour, reprove counteract, off_set_, no, Breach, Going against, to the same extent..., withdraw, _Delete_, annul, cancel, by telephone, violate, antagonise, recover, compensate, deprecate, deem, differ, dissent, person described as or concerned with, ponder, ablate, existence (, conjecturable, assume, valueless or unimportant, disallowance, upon sth disapprove of sth, guess, As, deem, acquire security, amends, adjudge, in one's mind, demur, abhor, hatred, hostile, backwards, antithesis, brave, oxygenize, confess, sth as sth interpret sth in a certain way, balm, pledge, restrain, interfere, ban, complain, fling, peace, match, arouse, lean, think, ponder, assumption, approximately, carrot, compensate for, rectify, emolument, hamper, competition, bout, compete, rubberize, debase, view, slope, bias, slope, be well-known for, opinion reached in this way, Position, Duimou character, advice, proposition, offer sth, artificial, presume, apprehend, speculate, elevate, ideation, reflective current, notion, notion, bar, in the possession of, curb, restraint, reliance, reliance, disfavor, dislike, Collision, the other way (a) round/about, inverse, abound execute son, belief, thing accepted as true or real, as valid appearance, attitude, impression given, rind, exterior, evaluate, match, arrangement of the parts of sth, exterior, exterior, cast, air, ( analogy, thing done to give a certain impression, often a false one notion, motive, plan, dingbat, conceptualization, will elegant demeanour, mien, aspect, apparatus, ambit, consensual, mentality, feature | | Definitions | advice | innovation | phrase | interpret | World History | jianyi | allot | legislation | Bribery | criminal case | Construction | minor | elevate morality | state | appeasement | menchuan | Antiknock disaster relief | mechanism | notify | zhongzubu | cunguan | norm paper | employment direct | Fujian | Taiwan | Hercynian | economic region | sea | international financial centre | state paper | International navigation Center | circulation economics | More results... |
| | be on bad terms because of a difference of opinions | Complaint Box | |