idiom > Evil line the winged steed
Evil line thousands of miles
  Explanation: That good is not easy to know that something bad is spreading very fast (with advice of the meaning).
  Source: Song Sun Guangxian "Bei" Juan Liu so-called good things do not go out, evil traveling thousands of miles, almost the Ring of Gentlemen Debu? "
  Examples: Quickly find a husband for her powerful strike ,"~", name of her child is too far out in the future no one would dare to. (Bing "Donger girl")
Is easy to describe widespread scandal
  Widespread scandal is easy to describe. Song Sun Guangxian "Bei" Juan Liu: "The good thing to go out, evil traveling thousands of miles, almost the Ring Debu Gentlemen!" Also for "bad news spread far." Bing Xin, "Donger girl": "to find her husband's family rushed to her stop, 'bad news spread far', did she name the child is too far in the future no one would dare to."
Translated by Google
No. 3
  恶事行千里 (The bad things will be known of everyone.)
  发音: è shì xíng qiān lǐ
  释义: 指好事不容易被人知道,坏事却传播得极快(含有劝告的意思)。
  出处: 宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷六:“所谓好事不出门,恶事行千里,士君子得不戒之乎?”
  示例: 赶紧给她找个婆家罢,“~”,她的厉害名儿太出远了,将来没人敢要。(冰心《冬儿姑娘》)
  成语名称 恶事行千里 汉语拼音 è shì xíng qiān lǐ 成语释义 指好事不容易被人知道,坏事却传播得极快(含有劝告的意思)。 成语出处 宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷六:“所谓好事不出门,恶事行千里,士君子得不戒之乎?” 使用例句 赶紧给她找个婆家罢,“恶事行千里”,她的厉害名儿太出远了,将来没人敢要。
Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.
Containing Phrases
Good things do not go out, evil traveling thousands of miles