idiom > eat crow drag out an ignoble existence
  Explanation: Steal: struggling. Endure humiliation, struggling survive.
  Source: Ming Luo, "Three Kingdoms" Diba Hui and generals for not only a tactic, it is and live in disgrace. "
No. 2
  词 目 忍辱偷生
  发 音 rěn rǔ tōu shēng
  释 义 偷:苟且。忍受屈辱,苟且活命。
  出 处 唐·陈子昂《为张著作谢父官表》:“所以忍垢偷生,克躬自励,期效万一,补过酬恩,灰躯糜骨,以甘心愿。”
  示 例 明·罗贯中《三国演义》第八回:“止因未与将军一诀,故且忍辱偷生。”
  用 法 作谓语、宾语;指苟且偷生
Made without the school, allow oneself to be insulted to remain alive
Innocence complain, voice grievance complain
Containing Phrases
Better a glorious death than a shameful life.