idiom > allow oneself to be insulted to remain alive
Tolerance scale drag on
  Explanation: Endure humiliation, struggling to survive.
  Source: Tang ang "thank Father for Zhang official form book": "So tolerance scale drag on, g bow and self-motivation, of efficiency in case, make over pay well, Mi footer bone ash to Gan wish."
rěn gòu tōu shēng
  Endure shame, struggling survive
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No. 3
  If only we'd concubine is dead, and the generals for not only a tactic, and the tolerance scale drag on it. - "Three Kingdoms"
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No. 4
  Also as "live with shame"
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No. 5
  词 目 忍垢偷生
  发 音 rěn gòu tōu shēng
  释 义 忍受耻辱,苟且求生。
  出 处 唐·陈子昂《为张著作谢父官表》:“所以忍垢偷生,克躬自励,期效万一,补过酬恩,灰躯糜骨,以甘心愿。”
English Expression
  1. n.:  allow oneself to be insulted to remain alive
Made without the school, eat crow drag out an ignoble existence
Innocence complain, voice grievance complain