idiom > softhearted
  Explanation: Compassion and heart could not bear to start.
  Source: Gold near, "he told East Guo" "He determined to back a no leniency."
  Examples: In this struggle, we must not ~. ★ "People's Daily" 1976.11.4
xīn cí shǒu ruǎn
  Carefully charity, mercy and compassion, could not bear to punish or punishment on the person strictly
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No. 3
  Compassion and the heart can not bear to start with. Gold near, "he called the" East Guo "": "He was determined, the next is no longer any leniency." "People's Daily" 1976.11.4: "In this struggle, we must not relent."
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No. 4
  成语 心慈手软
  发音 xīn cí shǒu ruǎn
  解释 心怀恻隐而不忍下手。
  出处 金近《他叫“东郭先生”》:“他下定决心,往后不再心慈手软了。”
  示例 金近《他叫“东郭先生”》:“他下定决心,往后不再心慈手软了。”
  用法 作谓语、定语;指对待人的态度。
  成语名称 心慈手软 汉语拼音 xīn cí shǒu ruǎn 成语释义 心怀恻隐而不忍下手。 成语出处 金近《他叫“东郭先生”》:“他下定决心,往后不再心慈手软了。” 使用例句 在这场斗争中,我们决不能心慈手软
English Expression
  1. n.:  softhearted
__set__tle down, collect oneself, cup and can, relent, loath to part, Nanfennanshe, twin souls, Easiness Near China, body and shadow comforting each other— — extremely lonely, never leave each other,as body and shadow comforting each other, amicable, (of an object) form and shadow Since the suspension
numerous mountains and rivers, ride the whirlwind [storm], astonishment, live far apart from each other, Turn about is fair play., a matter of course, the utmost angle of the world, opinion that holds true, frenzied; be perverse; as mad as March hare; be seized with crazy ideas; have cracked brains, World twists and turns, inconsistancy of human relation ships, not make chalk of one and cheese of the other, the way of the world, worldly wisdom, Humanity The regular, humanity changes in temperature&mdash, too ghastly to look at, very close the winged steed, a short distance away,and yet poles apart— see little of each other though living nearby, Very close Miles Village, Xiao Sa situation, reasonable, behove, separation and reunion Joys and sorrows, order Cannot bear to see, vitally startle, FY angrily rebuke or scold, distinguished and admirable disappear, Wolves by nature, away back the remotest places as the ends of the earth, joys and sooows are sour, sweet, bitter and hot, EENT Cannot bear to famous, extremely cruel and despotic, (literally) The anger even affects the northern stars.--very angry, pursiness thunderbolt, Surprised extremely, so tragic that one cannot bear to look at it, cruel Cannot bear to character, Tragedy could not bear to hear, a rare tragedy on earth, vicissitudes of life, Resentment, flare up