Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel : Buddhist glossary > almighty
English Expression
  1. adj.:  almighty,  bonzer,  fantastic,  high,  monumental,  precious,  some,  tall,  a kick in the teeth,  very great,  extreme
extreme, hard, exquisite, tense, intensive, extreme, exquisite, lupine, extravagant, off, strongly felt, most liable, of the highest degree or intensity, enthusiastic, burning, cordial, giving enthusiastic praise, drastic, terrific, shrill, no sober, passionate, imponderable, take a lot of suppositive, immeasurable, extra, king-size, cutthroat, murderous, acerb, robust, husky, reluctant, affected, agonistic, stiff, tensile, tensile, hard, drawn, hard, absurd, unconscionable, undreamed, perverse, outrageous, affected, affected, more than necessary, going beyond the limits of what is reasonable or just, reluctant, averse, vehement
Containing Phrases
have almightyvery great unhappinesstake a great deal of trouble
a very big elephant indeeda fat pricelumping weight
great wisdomjillionmobile
wideaggressiveamplify almighty
almighty reliancealmighty serviceno almighty
tremendous of Varyalmighty improvefull [whole] team
a deep drinkerringentnosy
a fearful attractionan inveterate smokeran investment involving a high degree of risk
an official with large powersa thundering big househigh play
pay through the nosean enormous plate of foodhailstorm
whackingNotwithstanding tremendous of the devil (of it) ...
probable causean aggressive salesman