adj.: almighty, bonzer, fantastic, high, monumental, precious, some, tall, a kick in the teeth, very great, extreme
extreme, hard, exquisite, tense, intensive, extreme, exquisite, lupine, extravagant, off, strongly felt, most liable, of the highest degree or intensity, enthusiastic, burning, cordial, giving enthusiastic praise, drastic, terrific, shrill, no sober, passionate, imponderable, take a lot of suppositive, immeasurable, extra, king-size, cutthroat, murderous, acerb, robust, husky, reluctant, affected, agonistic, stiff, tensile, tensile, hard, drawn, hard, absurd, unconscionable, undreamed, perverse, outrageous, affected, affected, more than necessary, going beyond the limits of what is reasonable or just, reluctant, averse, vehement