math and applied math : neurology : Administration for Industry and Commerce : metallurgy : aesthetics : facial > buildup
No. 1
  Through the development and change and become something or a situation arise. Jin Gan Bao "Immortals" VII: "and the beginning of Xing Wei also, Zhangye, Liu Shi Yan Gu has opened before seen Jian, formed in the early Huang, Wen Bei Yu Tai, around seven to find, in the high and one yards." Qin Mu "Yihaishibei core": "With a certain degree of pressure, water was the formation of the water column, start coming out, there has been the language of the fountain."
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No. 2
  After development and change to become: the formation of a new style | encircled.
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No. 3
  xíng chéng
  宜昌形成服饰有限公司成立于 1997 年 5 月,是一家主要致力于服饰品牌研发、生产和服务品牌经营为一体的企业 .注册资本 500 万元 . 品牌风格连锁店,已辐射全国。 公司凭借独特的设计理念,完美的设计,系统的策划能力和市场运作经验,细致周到的服务宗旨,坚持“信誉第一,质量第一,客户至上”的经营方式,时尚产品深受青睐,具有极强的竞争力。 公司现已在中国工商行政管理局注册了“东 东”“”、“形 成”、“方 多”、“第 A”“ HUI66” 等服装品牌和服务品牌商标 9 件。现有 30 家直营旗舰店和几十家加盟店(主要分布在各大中心城市),十六个省级代理,一个服装研发设计中心,一家洗水厂,一个配送中心,二个服装生产基地,二个品牌全国推广中心,四家分公司,五家随时可协作生产外协厂家。本着信誉为本和质量至上的原则,公司以 ISO9001 : 2000 国际质量管理标准体系认证为契机,使管理水平与国际接轨,屡获“宜昌市重合同、守信用”企业、“宜昌市新长征突击手”、“湖北省先进私营企业”等殊荣,公司品牌于2005年获“湖北省著名商标”。 随着市场经济的不断深入,公司正在不断完善自我,积极参与市场竞争不断增强品牌附加值,打造核心竞争力,以特许连锁经营方式实现企业跨越式发展。五年计划目标:打造国家一流品牌,实现连锁风格店及产品的全国市场最广泛布局。
English Expression
  1. :  make
  2. n.:  take sharp,  formation,  form [lack] a quorum,  come into existence,  come into being,  buildup,  generation,  evolution,  development
  3. v.:  grow,  pose,  forming,  fashion,  limit,  bound,   form,   take shape
  4. vt.:  generate
  5. vi.:  emerge
French Expression
  1. v.  former /se former
restraint, restrict complication, limiting factor, restrict, control, build, build, direct, henpeck, avert, supervise, regulate, advice, lead, aiming, leadership, limitations, condition, fact or circumstance that limits, preserve, restrain, contain, restrain, provisory clause allot, guidance, leading, suppress
Related Phrases
historycraftbijoucultural relic
YunnanvegetationBeautiful Riverregional economies
Industrial EconomyIndustry colonyevolution mechanism
Containing Phrases
cambiathing that is formed, esp in a particular or characteristic wayreformulateformin