other > election
dāng xuǎn
  Be accepted as members or selected positions
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No. 2
  Majority vote of the mayor elected in a very weak
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Election to be chosen
  Election to be chosen. Such as: through democratic elections, he votes overwhelmingly elected representatives. Such as: the official election, by election, candidates were in favor of more than half of the delegates should be to be elected.
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No. 4
  Meet the candidate requirements; suitable candidates. "New Book of Tang Gao Chongwen Biography": "When the man known simply were successful, everyone from that election. And Chao out all shocked."
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English Expression
  1. n.:  election,  get the call,  secure a return,  win one's seat,  be elected
French Expression
  1. v.  être élu
administer, regulate, control, dominate, dominate, consul