Contents : compulsion n.: by constraint, force on, force upon, come the heavy hand (with), make a safe [forced] landing, insistency, coercing or being coerced, forcing, compelling or being compelled, constraint, coercion v.: force, enforce, impose, compels, force (one to do something), constrain, obtrude, compel, make (one take some action) by force or coercion, coerce vt.: obligate, wring, urge, screw, railroad, push, imposing, forced, compelled, coercing v. forcer, contraindre v. forcer / contraindre intimidate , force sb to do sth, esp by frightening him , be obliged to (do) , cause , cause will , commandeer , coerce , restrict disturb , puncture , jab , dig , thoroughly by digging , Dig , Dozen , Knock , stroke , Screw , oblige , dragoon , bodily , lunge , personal , _insert_ , put or move sth in a specified direction, with a sharp push , Dial , brush , disclose dance , exult at , ebullience , Elegant Dance , follies , Huan Xin inspiration , Elated , rage , thrill , stimulate , emotion , indignation , impetus , impetus , impulse , urge , inducement , temptation , absorb , head , impetus , acerbity , motivate , accelerate , stimulate , exhort , constrain , irritate , aggro , suffer , iron , goad , charm , annihilate , agitate , at , in common , contaminate , blurred , abate , prick , Poke attack , in a zigzag or alternating arrangement , stifle , bring...into derision , temporarily , agitation , care , tumult , ruin belt , shed the blood of sb. , taper , education , end , final , terminate , terminal , squeeze , thrust , stir up sb.'s feelings , affect , afraid , care , shiver , care , up-end , over_set_ , upshot , will , a strong desire , on sb , regard Luen Fung Mo Song , Qinggemanwu fantasy mercury biological clock; living clock; biochronometer insomnia blues care climacteric syndrome Mercury split
compulsory obtrusive forcedly