Fremantle (fremantle) at 19 km southwest of Perth, was built in 1892, Fremantle is the estuary of the Swan River, Perth is an important port, it is a historic city, is currently amber Sri Lanka's famous tourist attraction. Fremantle Arts Centre (fremantle arts centre), Maritime Museum (marltime museum) and the Round House (round house), is also worth a visit, not to be missed are the local market and Fishing Boat Harbour (fishing boat harbour) .
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No. 2
Fremantle (fremantle) at 19 km southwest of Perth, was built in 1892, Fremantle is the estuary of the Swan River, Perth is also a satellite and an important port, it is a historical city, the current Perth is the famous tourist attraction. Population of 30,000. Port has a huge loading dock equipment and mechanized wheat. Petroleum refining, flour, fertilizer, automobile assembly, leather and other industries. Is also an important fishing port. Beach famous. Fremantle Arts Centre (fremantle arts centre), Maritime Museum (marltime museum) and the Round House (round house), is also worth a visit, not to be missed are the local market and Fishing Boat Harbour (fishing boat harbour) .
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弗里曼特尔 / Fremantle
弗里曼特尔(Fremantle)在珀斯市西南19公里处,建于1892年的弗里曼特尔是天鹅河的出海口,也是珀斯的卫星城和重要港口,更是一座历史名城,目前是珀斯的著名观光胜地。人口3万。港口有巨大船坞和机械化小麦装载设备。有石油炼制、面粉、化肥、汽车装配、制革等工业。亦为重要渔港。海滨浴场著名。弗里曼特艺术中心(Fremantle Arts Centre)、海事博物馆(Marltime MuSeum)和圆屋(Round House),也值得一游,不容错过的还有本地的集市与钓鱼船港(Fishing Boat Harbour)。
旅游本地的最好方法,就是在南方大道(South Terrace)的咖啡道(Cappuccino Strip),找家露天咖啡座坐下感受当地的小镇风情,并欣赏街头艺人的表演。坐在这里的露天咖啡座上,看着印度洋海滨的美景,赏心悦目,不要忘了尝尝本地的可口啤酒,诸如Redback和Doqbolter。
弗里曼特尔(Fremantle)位于天鹅河的出海口,是珀斯的重要港口,更是一座历史名城。1829年,英国海军军官查尔斯弗里曼特尔(Charles Fremantle)首先发现这个地方,之后这里就以他的名字命名了。如今,这里作为西澳首府珀斯值得自豪的港口,经济上开始腾飞,年吞吐量达1500万吨。虽然距离珀斯市只有19公里,却完全没有大城市的喧嚣,这里保存着很多高雅的殖民建筑和古色古香的小巷,与一百多年前这里的样子差不多,因此被誉为“世界上保存最佳的十九世纪港口城市”。
由珀斯搭乘火车至弗里曼特尔只需要30分钟时间,便可尽情享受这里1日游的乐趣。弗里曼特尔艺术中心(Fremantle Arts Centre)、海事博物馆(Marltime MuSeum)和圆屋(Round House),都值得一游,还有本地的集市与钓鱼船港(Fishing Boat Harbour)也不可错过。另外,南方大道(SouthTerrace)是必去之地,坐在这里的露天咖啡座上,细细品尝一杯香浓美味的咖啡,在弗里曼特尔的海风中,看着印度洋海滨的美景,感受当地的小镇风情,十分惬意。