art : civil work : construction and building material > build
jiàn zhù
  That house built, roads, bridges, etc.
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◎ Building jiànzhù
  Architectural Sculpture. - Cai "picture"
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No. 3
  Both as the building.
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No. 4
  Art and architecture.
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No. 5
  Or part-building.
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No. 6
  Building a high-rise
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No. 7
  Building bridges
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No. 8
  Buildings such as houses, bridges, dams, tunnels, etc.
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No. 9
  Old buildings
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No. 10
  Construction; establishment. Qing Chen Kangqi "chop the countryside Yan recorded" VII: "﹝ ﹞ rebellious He Hu Yang castle building, no questions please, good at hair silver." Lao She, "Four Generations Living Together" 50: "to spy support for the regime, is equal to house built on sand. "Ba Jin" resurrection grass ":" Those who built their own well-being of the suffering of others, using various methods to maintain their well-being, such people will not live long. "
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No. 11
  Of a building, such as housing, bridges. Bing Xin, "to the young reader," 18: "What holidays do not see, just look at the several great school buildings."
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No. 12
  ① construction (housing, roads, bridges, etc.): ~ Your ~ railway bridge hall ~ Your very strong this ◇ not his own happiness ~ in other people's suffering.
   ② buildings: the old upper ~ ~ ◇.
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Construction Overview
  [Construction of original meaning] ① building (houses, roads, bridges, etc.): ~ ~ railway bridge was very strong this hall ~ ◇ own happiness can not be built on the suffering of others
  ② buildings: the old upper ~ ~ ◇
  Building is that people with earth, bricks, tile, stone, wood; (modern use of reinforced concrete, profile), and other building materials consisting of a human habitation and use of space, such as houses, bridges, stadiums, caves, towers, temples, etc. and so on. Broadly speaking, landscape, landscape is also part of the building. Seeger goes: Architecture is frozen music., Architecture is a rock history book. Roman architect Victor Lu Ye's classics "Ten Books Building" the building proposed three criteria: strong, practical and beautiful architecture has affected the development of future generations.
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Chinese architecture and western architecture
  Chinese traditional wooden structure building to the main building to the Western tradition masonry based. Modern architecture is based on reinforced concrete based.
  Chinese ancient architecture with a simple and elegant style, mainly grass, wood for building materials, the structure of wood architecture means (columns, beams, Fang, purlins, rafters and other components), in accordance with the structure of the actual needs of size, shape and report the combination together. This approach reflects the ancient architectural structure of the patriarchal social structure clear, orderly and stable. Ancient building materials as wood beams and columns is not easy to form a huge interior space, clever use of ancient buildings have natural space other towns to form a courtyard. The basic unit of construction in the courtyard, it is both closed, and is open; only artificial, but also natural, plant flowers and trees overlooking, Yang Guan FY sun and the moon, as the ancients, "Heaven" is another concept performance also reflects the Chinese people both within subtle, but also forge ahead of the national character. Larger number of ancient buildings are composed by a number of garden buildings, individual buildings and gardens arranged along a certain direction, there are times the Lord, there is high tide there is transition, to become level, deep space, showing a the whole Chinese people, the pursuit of beauty and profound beauty. Including palaces, temples, building a class of relatively solemn, often along the central axis of the longitudinal one by one, the main buildings, arranged symmetrically on both sides of the secondary buildings, the layout of balanced stretch and fascinating.
  Early will be able to use the ancient balance, harmony, symmetry, brightness axis and other design techniques to achieve beautiful results. Ancient architecture art deco heavy, but not complicated, just focus on the main site for decoration, such as canopies, lintels, roof, etc., for the equitable distribution and more direction, do not re-rise buildings, to Buddhism, there has been pavilion pagoda of construction was able to prevail. Processing architecture to all art are also on the structural system and components of processing, such as color, decorative elements combined with to form a wealth of brilliant artistic achievement, richly ornamented, beautiful and colorful body; couplets plaque, stimulate interest and charm and endless reverie.
  Category prosperous ancient buildings, including palaces, cemeteries, monasteries, temples, gardens, bridges, Tasha and so on.
  An applied art, but also attributed to the broad shape of art. Material with a heavy material that built on material products, to meet their own living human, communication and other activities needed to create a "second nature", is the most basic of human life the space environment. Architecture through building community organizations, building form, layout, three-dimensional form, structure, shape, combination of internal and external space, renovation and decoration, color, texture and other aesthetic aspects of dealing with the formation of an integrated and practical form of art. Architecture is important to the human form of material culture. In the history of human civilization, the first building primarily for the shelter, cold Qu Shu and create is to resist the relentless human and consciously built up the forces of nature the first barrier, only a practical purpose. With the material and technological development and social progress, building only the more aesthetic nature, until the development of a powerful symbol as the main purpose of the palace building, for viewing as the main purpose of landscape architecture. In the art, the building is one of the earliest art. Engels argued that in the end of primitive society to have the "seeds of architecture as art" of. Architecture is a mirror of the times, it cast a unique artistic language, reflecting an era, a nation's aesthetic pursuit, architectural art in their development process, and continue to show the material created by the spirit of human civilization, with its spectacular huge image, with a four-dimensional space (including the top surface) and the mobility of the times, pay attention to the rhythm of a sense of spatial composition, etc., and known as "frozen music", "three-dimensional painting", "invisible Poetry" and "written in stone the history books. " Buildings can be classified from different perspectives: According to different construction materials can be divided into wooden structures, masonry, steel and concrete construction, steel and wood construction, light construction materials; embodied in accordance with national style buildings can be divided into Chinese, Japanese, Italian, English-style, Russian style, the Islamic-style, Indian-style architecture; under the age of architectural styles can be divided into ancient Greek, Roman, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque style, classical style, international style architecture; according to the different schools of architecture, classification is more complex, only the "war", the West had wild, Symbolism, history, neo classical, neo-dialect camp, re- Tech Schools, bizarre architecture school, organic architecture school, neo-liberal, post-modern space pie. But often, people use more land is based on the purpose of the building is divided into different residential buildings, production buildings, public buildings, cultural buildings, landscape architecture, monuments, cemetery buildings, religious buildings and so on.
  "Chinese Modern Architecture Overview" TUWEN refers to the Chinese modern architecture in China since the mid-19th century buildings.
  After the founding of the PRC in 1949, China entered a new historical period of building large-scale, planned economic development and promote the construction boom. Chinese modern architecture in the number, size, type, geographical distribution and level of modernization has broken through the limitations of modern times, showing a new attitude. Chinese architecture during this period experienced a partial application of large roof as the main feature of the retro style of the period to 10 major construction projects for the National Day represented a new style of the period of socialist construction, combines modern design methods and implication as one of the nation during the Guangzhou style , since the 80s of last century, China has gradually tend to an open architecture, compatible with the Chinese modern architecture began to diversify.
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Tang Dynasty architecture
  Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) is the economic and cultural development of Chinese feudal society, the height of the building also has great technical and artistic development. The style of Tang Dynasty architecture is characterized by boldness of vision, thorough, and cheerful.
  Tang building large-scale, thorough planning, overall planning of buildings in China during this period matures. Chang'an (now Xi'an) and Luoyang have built a huge palace, Yuanyou, government offices, and building layout are more standardized and reasonable. Chang'an was the world's most magnificent city, its planning is also the most rigorous ancient Chinese capital of Changan Daming Palace, the city's most magnificent imperial palace, the site of the scope of the Forbidden City which is equivalent to the total area of Ching Ming Festival 3 times.
  Tang Dynasty art of wood processing and building the structure to achieve a unity of form, including brackets, columns, beams and other building components, including both reflects the perfect combination of strength and beauty. Stretch of Tang Dynasty architecture simple, dignified and generous, the tone clean and clear. Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province is a typical Buddhist temple hall of the Tang Dynasty architecture, reflects the above characteristics.
  In addition, the Tang Dynasty masonry has been further developed, they use a masonry building the pagoda. Including Xi'an Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Wild Goose Pagoda and the tower, including China, Dali Chihiro existing Tangta are masonry tower.
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Song Construction
  Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279) is the ancient Chinese political and military decline of the dynasty is more, but in the economy, the development of handicrafts and commercial aspects, much more progress in science and technology, which makes the Song Dynasty reached a new level of the construction height. During this period the building of a forceful change the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty, became slim beauty, focus on decoration.
  Song _set_ up shop in the city formed a street, according to the layout of the line into the street, city fire, transportation, shops, bridges and other buildings have a new development. Northern Song capital of Kaifeng (Henan Kaifeng) fully showing the face of a commercial city. During this period, China has not built around the huge building, and only in the construction portfolio increased depth direction of the space level, to _set_ off the main building, and to develop architectural decoration and color. Taiyuan, Shanxi Province is located in the main hall and Jinci Uonuma flying beam construction that is typical of the Song Dynasty.
  Song increasing the level of masonry, when the key is the pagoda and masonry bridges. Hangzhou Tower Temple, Kaifeng, Henan and Hebei Zhaoxian tower fan of Wing Song masonry bridge and so is the model.
  Song, China's economic and social development to a certain extent, pay attention to mood of the garden began to rise during this period. Freehand focuses on Chinese classical garden, into the natural beauty and artificial beauty in one, the construction of the home building and artificial landscapes, rocks sink, flowers, etc. with the performance of some artistic realm. More representative of the Song of the Surging Wave Pavilion and gardens, including Sima Guang Su Shunqin the unique park.
  Song enactment of the relevant building design and construction of the specification, "to create a French", which is a comprehensive monograph on construction techniques. Enactment of this book reflects this period, the China Building in the engineering and construction management, has reached a new level.
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Yuan Building
  Yuan Dynasty (AD 1206-1368) of the Mongol rulers of China is a vast territory, the military establishment of the empire, but this time China's economic and cultural development is slow, building development has been largely in the depressed state of most of the construction simple and rough.
  The capital of the Yuan Dynasty Dadu (now Beijing North) scale and shape to be continuity throughout the ages, Imperial Ming and Qing dynasties - the size of Beijing is created in this period. Ye Yuan since retained too long live the mountain pool (now Beijing Beihai Qiongdao) is also spectacular Yuan Dynasty.
  Since the Yuan Dynasty rulers Chong Xinzong education, especially in Tibetan Buddhism, this period of unusual prosperity of religious buildings. White Pagoda in Beijing's Miao Ying Temple is the one designed and built by the artisans of Nepal La Mata.
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Ming Dynasty
  Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), China has entered a late feudal society. Architectural style of this period, most inherited without significant change in the Song Dynasty, but the architectural design and planning for large-scale, the main features of the magnificent weather.
  During this period the urban planning and palaces are followed by later generations: the capital Beijing and China's largest existing ancient city of Nanjing have benefited from the planning and operation of the Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty imperial palace in the Ming palace is also expanding on the basis of sound come. Beijing is the capital of this period based on the original alteration, the building and divided into the outer city, inner city and the imperial three parts.
  Ming continue to vigorously build magnificent defensive structure - the Great Wall, Great Wall and many important passages in the walls are brick Chengguan Fort, building the highest level. The east side of the Yalu River Great Wall, Jiayuguan west, up to 5660 km. Shanhaiguan, customs and other famous city of Jiayuguan, China is building a unique style of art masterpieces; Beijing Badaling section of the Great Wall, Simatai section of the Great Wall and so there is a high artistic value.
  Great Wall
  During this period, building a wooden frame further development of art, technology, official image of more stringent building stable, and its decoration, painting, decorative increasingly stereotyped; decoration also left many furnishings masonry, glass, different materials such as hardwood works, brick walls have been widely used in residential areas.
  Ming Dynasty, the arrangement of buildings in China are more mature. Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum in Nanjing and Beijing, the Ming Tombs is a good use of terrain and environment to form an excellent example of grave and solemn atmosphere.
  In addition, when landowners south bureaucratic construction of private gardens is well developed in the Ming style furniture is also known around the world.
  It is worth mentioning that feng shui has reached its zenith in the Ming Dynasty, the ancient Chinese architectural history of the unique cultural phenomenon that influence has extended to modern times.
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Qing Dynasty architecture
  Qing Dynasty (AD 1616-1911) was the last feudal dynasty in China, the general architecture of this period inherited the tradition of the Ming Dynasty, but also development and innovation, and building more respect for Handicraft gorgeous.
  Beijing the capital of the Qing Dynasty remained intact during the Ming Dynasty, the city a total of 20 tall, majestic gates, momentum is the most majestic city Zhengyangmen. Followed by the Ming Dynasty imperial palace, the emperor of Qing Dynasty imperial garden in the construction of a large-scale, the landscape architecture is the essence of the Qing Dynasty architecture, including the beautiful Summer Palace and Summer Palace.
  In the instance of the Qing Dynasty buildings, groups reached the level of layout and decoration mature. Especially in landscape architecture, in combination with the terrain or space to process, change shape and other aspects of a very high level.
  During this period, there are innovative construction techniques, mainly the introduction of glass and brick building with the progress and so on. During this period, China's residential building rich, more flexible freestyle construction.
  Unique architecture of Tibetan Buddhism flourished in this period. The diverse style Buddhist temple, breaking the old tradition of temple architecture programmable single treatment, created a variety of architectural forms, the Lama Temple in Beijing and Chengde, a group of construction as the representative of Tibetan Buddhist monasteries.
  Late Qing Dynasty, China has also appeared in some Chinese and Western image of the new construction.
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Chinese Folk
  Residential buildings throughout China, also known as residential areas. Residential building is the most basic type of construction, there first, most widely distributed, the largest number. The various regions of China's natural environment and cultural situation is different, all over the houses also showed the face of diversity.
  Han Chinese is the mainstream of the Traditional Houses of regular apartments, to take the layout of axial symmetry, for the typical Beijing courtyard. Hours before and after Beijing courtyard houses, the most respected center of the main building structure is held in family rituals, received the distinguished guests of the place, towards the courtyard of the houses, connected by corridors. Although Beijing courtyard concept of feudal society and the patriarchal family system in residential buildings on the specific performance, but the side yard width, size appropriate, quiet friendly, landscaped house in order, is the ideal outdoor living space. North China, Northeast are mostly houses this spacious courtyard.
  Main room and Earthen
  House in southern China more compact, more buildings, the typical residential area is a small patio as the center of a rectangular main room. The residential appearance of the Founder, such as India, and the plain simple, is widely distributed in the southern provinces.
  In Taiwanese, the Hakka people in northern Guangdong and northern Guangxi often large groups of residential housing, the flat has well-rounded, single-storey buildings from the center of the hall and around the four, composed of five buildings, this building a strong defensive , Yongding County, Fujian Hakka Earth Buildings is representative. In China's traditional houses, unique Yongding Hakka Earth Buildings, with square, round, octagonal and oval shape of the earth buildings such as more than 8,000 seats, a large scale, looks, both scientific and practical, but also features , constitute a wonderful residential world.
  Tulou using local raw soil, sand, wood chips into a single house, and then with National Cheng Kung University housing, and then built up thick closed "resistance" of the castle-like building housing - Earth Building. Earthen with robustness, security, closeness and strong clan features. Building a water well drilled, with barn in case of war, banditry, the door was closed, self-contained, in case of siege within a few months can keep food and water. With cool, wind vibration characteristics of Hakka Earth Building became handed down from generation to generation, survive in the house.
  Ethnic residential building
  And the ancient cave dwellings in North
  China's vast geographical, national more residential areas around the form, structure, decorative arts, each with color and other characteristics. In this, the main north introduce distinctive caves and the ancient city of residence.
  Upper and middle reaches of Yellow River in north China cave-style house more, in Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Shanxi and other loess areas, local residents in the natural soil wall cross-drilled holes, and often linked to the number of holes, plus brick stone inside the cave, the construction of the cave. Yaodongfanghuo, noise, cool, save the land, the economy provincial workers, the natural combination of picture and picture of life, is perfectly suited to local conditions architectural forms, and infiltration with yellow earth people love and fondness.
  In addition, China has well-preserved ancient city, the ancient city has a large number of ancient houses. Among them, the ancient city of Pingyao and Lijiang in Yunnan Province in 1998 were included in the "World Heritage List."
  Pingyao Ancient City is the most complete ancient Ming and Qing existing county, central China Han people in China a typical representative of the ancient town. So far, the city walls, streets, houses, shops, temples and other buildings, remains largely intact, its architectural features and characteristics in the general pattern and did not move. Pingyao is a study of Chinese political, economic, cultural, military, architecture, art and other aspects of the historical development of the living specimen.
  Song of the Old Town of Lijiang was built in Naxi traditional architecture is the integration and external architectural features of the only towns. Central China city of Lijiang ancient city were not the impact of ritual construction, the city road network of irregular, not fortified walls. Black Dragon Pool is the city's main water source, the pond water into the wall around the small roads into account, the formation of water network can be seen everywhere inside the ancient city of canals gurgling water, river willow Fushui.
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Landscape Architecture
  China's long history of landscape architecture, landscape history of the world renowned. Zhou Dynasty over 3,000 years ago, China had the earliest palace garden. Since then, China's capital and local cities are all built the famous gardens, colorful landscape of Chinese cities in the world, occupies three glorious garden system status.
  Landscape dominated by the unique style of Chinese gardens, and its layout flexible, the artificial beauty and natural beauty blend to form a talent for surprising effects. The natural and landscape architecture from the above natural, hidden among the buildings in the landscape, the beauty of nature to a higher level.
  Chinese garden architecture including the grand exquisite imperial garden and a private garden, these buildings will landscape topography, flowers and trees, gardens, bridges and other sophisticated couplets plaque laid, making the rocks, water everywhere hygiene conditions, mood endless. Chinese garden divided into Statecraft realm, fairy realm, the natural state of the three.
  Chinese Confucianism in the practical, a high degree of social responsibility, attention to moral and ethical values and political significance of the idea is reflected in the landscape gardening on Statecraft realm, the realm of more common in the Royal gardens, the famous imperial garden Yuanmingyuan in about half of the sites reflects the this realm.
  Fairy realm is defined as when the construction of gardens for the aesthetics of romanticism, focusing on the performance of Taoism in China, and cultivation of mental and physical stress of natural tranquil and content, the realm of imperial gardens and temples in the garden were reflected, for example, in the Punta Yuanmingyuan Island Yaotai, Ancient of QINGCHENG Mountain Taoist Wudang Mountain in Hubei Nanyan Temple.
  Freehand focuses on the natural realm, focusing on the performance of garden owners emotions, most of the state of being reflected in the literary landscape, such as the Song Su Shunqin the Surging Wave Pavilion, Sima Guang's paradise, and so alone.
  The difference between Chinese and Western gardens are: mathematical principles of the Western landscape emphasizes the geometric to the main building; Chinese garden letting nature beautiful landscape and the viewer's experience-based, pay more attention to Heaven.
  Suzhou Gardens
  In 1997 the "World Heritage List" of Suzhou Classical Gardens of China embodies the art of landscape architecture features. Suzhou garden history stretches more than 2,000 years, more than the existing name of Park Department. Most of the small area of Suzhou gardens, the use of changeable, eclectic art practices in order to taste Chinese landscape flowers, blending poetry of mood, in the limited space within the dotted rockery, trees, arranged pavilions, ponds bridges, and create the artistic effect of Seeing. Among them, the famous landscape architecture has Surging Wave Pavilion, Lion Grove, Humble Administrator's Garden, Lingering Garden and so on.
  China's most famous imperial garden, the "garden of the park," said the Beijing Summer Palace, _set_ in different parts of China in one style of garden art, and learn from some of the western architectural styles, the park architectural talent, although different patterns and interesting infinity. Beautiful Summer Palace in 1860 by the British and French troops invaded China burned, and now, one can only imagine the broken tiles on the ruins of this once the elegance of the famous gardens.
  Yuanmingyuan ruins in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing. Generally called the Summer Palace, also attached to the principal of two of its Spring Garden Spring Garden and Yee (million Spring Garden), including, also known as "Ming the three parks." It is five northwestern suburbs of Beijing in the Qing Dynasty Shang Lin Yuan that the "Three Hills and Five Gardens" (Fragrant Hills Park, Providence, Yuquan Shan Jing Ming Yuan, Qing Yi Longevity Hill Park, Yuan Ming Yuan, Chang Chun) the largest one in the area of 347 hectares.
  Old Summer Palace in China at that time not only the most outstanding palaces is not a Court, Emperor Qianlong was rated as the "Tempo of the District of Hope, the land of Emperor Yu-free travel to more than this", and also through the missionary's letter, the report describes the renowned in Europe, on the 18th century, the development of the European Landscape Garden has a certain impact.
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  Also known as the palace building palaces, the emperor in order to consolidate their rule, highlighting the majesty of imperial power, to meet the spiritual life and the enjoyment of material life built huge, imposing buildings. Most of these buildings Jiao Hui Jin, majestic and impressive.
  Start from the Qin Dynasty, the "Palace" has become the place where the emperor and royal family, the palace became the place where emperors handled affairs of state. The scale of palace architecture in China after years of constantly increasing, its typical feature is huge brackets to shop golden glazed tile roof, a beautiful painting, chased with a delicate caisson ceilings, white marble platform, the steeplechase, Liang column, and the pieces around the building. Taihe Dian Imperial Palace in Beijing is a typical palace.
  China to Beijing's Forbidden City palace building represented. S palace, the emperor's court of the Ming and Qing dynasties, 24 emperors have lived here. Forbidden City covers an area of 72 million square meters, with over a thousand housing 9, the Forbidden City is surrounded by red walls several meters high, the perimeter more than 3400 meters, is the moat outside the wall. Palace scale, unique style, the gorgeous furnishings, magnificent architecture, the palace building in the world, is extremely rare.
  Two hours before and after the Forbidden City, the first part of the emperor held a major ceremony, place an order, the main building has Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Preserving Harmony. These buildings are built in white marble, the 8-meter-high on the platform, like the mythical King Yuan Wang Xian Que palace, building the image of a serious, solemn, majestic, magnificent, the three main hall of the house were decorated magnificent. The latter part of the Forbidden City - "inner court" is the Emperor and Empress dealing with government where they live, this part of the main building Palace of Heavenly Purity, Kunning, Imperial Garden and so full of rich flavor of life, architecture and more, including garden, den, Hall Terrace, rocks, etc., and they are self into a courtyard.
  Since the changing of dynasties and wars, the ancient Chinese palace architecture, not many have survived, except the existing Imperial Palace in Beijing, there Shenyang Imperial Palace, in addition, Han and Tang dynasties, Xi'an surviving several palace ruins.
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  Chinese Buddhist Temple is one of the building. Originated in India, temple architecture, starting from the Northern Wei Dynasty in China flourished. These buildings documented the development of Chinese feudal society, culture and religion, the rise and fall of great historical value and artistic value.
  Architectural pattern of the ancient Chinese yin and yang on the world view and has a deep respect for symmetry, order, stability, aesthetic psychology. Therefore, integration of the Chinese Buddhist ancestor worship unique to China, the world function, is still flat square, north-south axis layout, symmetric stable and straighten strict construction groups. In addition, the pattern of landscape architecture is also more common in the Chinese Buddhist temple. Pattern of these two art both elegant and dignified the Chinese temple the temple atmosphere, but also very natural taste, and artistic conception.
  The layout of ancient Chinese temples are mostly middle to the front gate, the mountains were left inside the door bell tower, Drum Tower, the front is the Heavenly King Hall, the hall has four King Kong statue, were behind the Main Hall and Sutra Hall, Sengfang, dining hall is the breakdown Middle left and right. Main Hall is the most important Buddhist temples, the most massive construction, "Da" is the Sakya Muni Buddha. Sui and Tang Buddhist temple before, usually made in front of the temple or house central tower, after the Sui and Tang dynasties, Buddha pagoda in general instead, most of the temple open up Tayuan.
  White Horse Temple in Luoyang
  Was built in the Han Dynasty White Horse Temple in Luoyang, is the first official Buddhist temple construction. Rectangular temple, covering about 4 million square meters. The construction of the White Horse Temple, effectively promoted Buddhism in China and East Asia, Southeast Asia region. Therefore, the White Horse Temple is still a Buddhist pilgrimage in many countries.
  Mountain Buddhist Architecture
  Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province is a famous Buddhist holy mountain saved as many as 58 ancient Buddhist architecture, which includes the more famous temples built in the Tang dynasty and the Buddhist Temple Nanzenji. Nanzenji is the oldest wooden structure with a temple building; Buddhist Temple in the construction of a blend of different architectural periods in the form of China, the temple buildings, statues, murals and ink as the "four no."
  Heng Shan Monastery
  Also worth mentioning within the Hengshan mountain Monastery in Shanxi Province, which is a volley _set_ up the temple, on through rock, deep valley beneath, unique, is extremely rare buildings. Monastery is located 3.5 kilometers south county Hunyuan dragon canyon cliffs of the mountain on the west side, is the only existing built on a cliff on the wood construction. Was built in Northern Wei, Tang, Jin, Ming and Qing dynasties were repaired. Hengshan the building face, back by Ping, no wall rock bands, high-rise Yang Zhi was the first Hengshan mountain wonders.
  Potala Palace
  Lamaism is a school of Chinese Buddhism, Lamaism temple architecture is characterized by a large Buddhist temple, the high court, built according to the mountain building and more. The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet A Buddhist temple is a typical building. Potala Palace was built in the Tang Dynasty experience on behalf of the additional repairs, the formation of large buildings. The Bonding the mountain palaces, magnificent spectacular, and its construction area of over 20,000 square meters, there are more than 20 halls, the main hall houses the precious age of 12 life-sized gold-plated statue of Buddha. Potala Palace, the typical architectural style of the Tang Dynasty, also learned the art of architecture in Nepal and Indian features.
  In addition, the Chengde "Outer Eight Temples" and the Beijing Lama Temple, are also well-known architectural Lamaism.
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Mausoleum Construction
  Tomb building is an important part of ancient architecture, ancient Chinese people died and immortality of the soul based on the concept of universal attention funeral, so, regardless of any class of tombs were well constructed. In the long historical process, the Chinese tomb building has been considerable development, resulting in a rare world, a huge ancient emperor, after the tombs; and in the process of historical evolution, tomb construction phase and painting, calligraphy, sculpture and other various arts martial integration, as reflected in a variety of artistic achievement complex.
  Tomb architecture is the most magnificent ancient buildings in China, one of the largest buildings. The tomb buildings are generally the use of natural terrain, backing built; a few built in the plain. China, the layout of the cemetery are mostly four weeks building the wall, four door, four corners of the construction of turret. Mausoleum built before the corridor, the corridor on both sides of Shiren, Shishou statue, cemetery Neisong Bo green, dense trees, giving the solemn, serene feeling.
  Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum
  Xi'an, Shaanxi Province is located in the northern foot of Lishan Mountain Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is the tomb of China's most famous, built in 2000 years ago. Hailed as "the eighth wonder of the world," the Terracotta Warriors guarding the tomb is the "Force." Terracotta Warriors momentum, sculptures and superb craftsmanship, in 1987 the "World Heritage List." The World Heritage Committee has commented: those around the tomb of the emperor's famous figurines of various shapes around, along with their horses, chariots and weapons, are a perfect masterpiece of realism, while retaining a high historical value.
  Terracotta Warriors
  Shaanxi is China's imperial tombs near Xi'an, the more concentrated, in addition to Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, there are 11 Western Han Dynasty emperors tomb, the tomb of Emperor Tang 18. One Han dynasty imperial tombs of the Han Maoling is the largest one, is also buried treasure most; Zhao Mausoleum is the tomb of Li Shimin, the cemetery area is great, the park there are 17 hero Guiqi the Pei Zangmu, Zhaoling above and below ground are precious cultural relics, the most prestigious fine sculpture of the Tang Dynasty "Six Horses."
  Ming and Qing imperial tombs
  Ming and Qing imperial tombs of the emperors of China's best preserved tombs.
  Ming emperor's tomb, mainly in Beijing, Changping, the Ming Tombs, the Ming capital Beijing after the 13 tombs of emperors, is located in Changping County, North Tianshou foot of a hill surrounded on three sides, opening a small basin of the south. Small basin on the slopes patchwork distribution of these imperial tombs, covering an area of 40 square kilometers. Tomb area 13 emperors were buried, 23 Queen and many concubines, princes, princesses and other ladies buried Cong.
  Magnificent scale of the Ming Tombs, the scenery is dark green show, the momentum of male broad, is the largest concentration of existing, the most complete mausoleum buildings. The most ambitious of which is the size of Chang Ling (Yongle Emperor Zhu Di) and the Ming Tomb (Ming Shen-Zhu Yijun). The excavation found the stone arch structure of a solid Dingling underground palace, surrounded by good drainage, little water, no one stone arch collapses, which fully demonstrates the ancient Chinese built the superb underground construction technology.
  China, the scale of the existing mausoleum building in the most ambitious, the most complete building system Royal Mausoleum - Qing Tombs area of 78 square kilometers, of which five are buried Qing dynasty emperors, 14 empresses, over a hundred concubines. Eastern Qing Tombs are within the main tomb building spectacular beautiful, very elegant.
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Architect Job Description
  Architect Architect) is a career. Investors with the project architects (known as the Party) and the construction side of the cooperation in technology, economy, function and style to achieve the building construction. To architecture as a professional, good building design experts as architect. Architects Architecture in addition to master and do the professional work, should also make good combination of all the professional requirements, the correct solution to the design and the conflict between the various technical jobs.
  Gradually create a complex area of the building, the architect playing a more and more investors and professionals in building construction side (such as construction equipment, structural design, etc.) communication between roles. Architects are usually employed for the construction and be accountable to investors rather than those of construction.
  Generally believed that the architect is a kind of artist and not an engineer, his work requires engineers from the mechanical point of calculation, _select_ the appropriate engineering material can be achieved, some of the architect's design is too beyond the capacity constraints of existing material, you can not achieve true building. Architect's design must also be able to convince investors in favor, to put into practice. History, there are many very talented design, because they can not fully meet the above two conditions do not become real buildings.
Translated by Google
Chronicle Architecture
  About 5000 BC ~ 3300 years ago
  Hemudu Yuyao, Zhejiang, China retained large wooden tenon dry Lanna-style houses.
  About 4800 BC ~ 4300 years ago
  Xi'an Banpo Village of China Jiang Zhaicun Lintong sites are inhabited by the clan society, there wood frame house shape.
  3000 BC
  Babylon gradually.
  27th century BC
  Jian Zhao Saier Saqqara pyramids of Egypt, for the step-shaped.
  About 27 ~ before the 26th century BC
  Building pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the largest of which Khufu pyramid.
  2350 ~ 1750 BC, before
  India planning to build Moheng by Zhu - daro City, a large number of brick buildings.
  2000 BC
  Egypt on behalf of the Er Aier - Bahari III built the tomb of Man is He Tepu.
  2000 BC
  Crete Minoan palace was built.
  19th century BC
  Egypt to build Cajon City.
  1900 to 1500 BC, before
  Henan Yanshi Erlitou palace ruins remains of the early Shang Dynasty, the palace is the earliest known sites.
  1530 ~ pre 323 BC
  Amon Karnak Temple in Egypt built.
  14 ~ 11th century BC
  Anyang, Henan, China retained after the Shang Dynasty capital of Pan Geng moved to Yin and palace ruins (Yin).
  11th century BC
  "Daya Book" records, King Wen of Zhou Ling caught doing the construction of the Western Zhou Dynasty of China Luo city (Luoyang).
  8th century BC
  Assyrian king Sargon built.
  7th century BC
  Chu founded the Great Wall of China Spring and Autumn Period.
  6th century BC
  Build a new city of Babylon, Yi Shida gate with a glass veneer.
  Hanging Gardens of Babylon was built.
  Greek construction of Putnam City, the former 4th century reconstruction.
  460 BC to 518 BC
  Persepolis was built luxurious palaces of Persia.
  500 BC ~ AD 750
  Teotihuacan, Mexico City retained, with the sun god pyramid complex.
  5th century BC
  China's Spring and Autumn Period, "Kao Gong Ji," a book which "artisan" part is the oldest existing building literature.
  Construction of the Acropolis, the Parthenon and other buildings there.
  Greece, Miletus, etc. Hippo Damm city planning, the establishment of urban planning models.
  3rd century BC
  Greek philosopher Epicurus built park in Athens.
  About 250 BC
  Sanchi was built in India kill blocking waves.
  214 BC
  Emperor Qin in the Warring States Period, Qin, Zhao, Yan, on the basis of the three north of the Great Wall Lintao Xiu west, east to Liaodong in the Great Wall.
  In 212 BC
  China's southern coast in the Weihe River to build Fanggong.
  210 BC
  China's Li Shan (now the territory of Shaanxi Lintong) built mausoleum.
  In 194 BC
  Western Han Dynasty built the new capital Chang'an.
  BC 156 ~ 141 years ago
  Prince Liangxiao Wu-Han Chinese feudal rabbits in this park opened Liang Yuan).
  104 BC
  Chapter house was built in China Chang'an Building, creating "a pool of three mountains" garden layout.
  BC 27 to 23 years ago
  罗马维特鲁 Wei a "building ten books."
  Year 4 years
  An Jianming Tang China in the long hall with a circlet, teaching and worship for the Emperor Xuan Mingzheng place.
  AD 36 years
  Sichuan, China Jian Lee Zitong Que, Que for the oldest.
  AD 68
  White Horse Temple in Luoyang, China built for China's first Buddhist temple.
  AD 70 to 82 years
  Rome built a large arena.
  AD 82
  Rome built the first degree of the Arc de Triomphe.
  AD 98 ~ 112 years
  The founding of Trajan Rome basilica (Basilica), the origin of the church building.
  In AD 120 ~ 124
  Roman Pantheon was built, the dome was the highest achievements of technology.
  AD 126 to 134 years
  Roman built Hadrian's Palace.
  193 ~ 195 AD
  Xuzhou Construction pavilion-style pagoda.
  211 ~ 217 AD
  Roman Baths of Caracalla built.
  224 ~ 226 AD
  Luoyang, China Hong Lim Park was built AD 240 Waring Park was renamed.
  AD 312
  Arch of Constantine built Rome.
  366 AD
  China cut Dunhuang Grottoes.
  5th century
  China cut the Yungang Grottoes.
  About 500 AD
  In the Tikal Mayan city (now Mexico) to build the Temple (now known as Temple No. 1.)
  In 516 AD
  Yongning Temple in Luoyang, China Wooden Pagoda was built, the highest recorded for the wood construction.
  AD 523
  China to build Songyue Temple, is the oldest pagoda Miyan.
  532 ~ 537 AD
  Construction of the Byzantine Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
  About AD 550
  Red Palace Tower was built in Yangon, Myanmar.
  AD 582
  Sui Hing building the new capital city of China (Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City was renamed).
  In AD 591 ~ 599
  Li Chinese craftsmen built the Anji Bridge (arch bridge) is the world's oldest stone arch bridge open shoulder.
  AD 605
  Planning and Construction Sui Dynasty of China Luoyang city, trapped Emperor Yang Xiyuan construction in Luoyang.
  AD 607
  Japan, the construction of Horyuji Temple in Nara.
  634 AD
  China Changan Daming Palace built.
  In 669 AD
  Long An Jianxing Xuanzang Temple in China to teach the tower, is the oldest of the pavilion type brick tower square.
  AD 675
  Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, China's open-air cliff niches hewn Fengxian Temple.
  AD 684
  China into Tangqian Ling, the use of ancient Chinese tomb of the most successful example of the terrain.
  701 ~ 704 AD
  Long An Jianci En Pagoda Chinese (Big Wild Goose Pagoda).
  In AD 707 ~ 709
  China Chang'an Building Jian Fu Temple (Pagodas).
  AD 710
  Japan into the new capital of Beijing Ping Cheng (Nara).
  AD 759
  Nara, Japan built Toshodai Temple, Master Jian Zhen of China chaired the meeting.
  782 AD
  China Mountain reconstruction Nanzenji hall, is the oldest existing wooden building.
  In AD 857
  Chinese Buddhist Temple Mount built hall, as the only existing framework of the Tang Dynasty palace-type genetic cases.
  876 ~ 879 AD
  London Mosque was built in Cairo native Iraq.
  AD 955
  China issued an edict after the King Sejong Chairong reconstruction, expansion capital city of Kaifeng, built in the early Northern Song Dynasty.
  In 957 AD
  Kaifeng, China Urban Construction Jinming Chi.
  11 ~ 12 century AD
  Worms, Germany built the main church, the Roman architectural example.
  AD 1001 ~ 1055
  Ding County Kaiyuan Temple Pagoda was built in China, 84 meters high, is the present highest brick tower.
  1038 AD
  Datong China Construction Huayansi, Temple Hall for the possession of thin gamma teach the oldest existing sutra.
  China to build Zhaoxian Dharani Sutra Pillar is the largest remaining (about 15 meters high) of the stone buildings.
  1049 AD
  Mary Help of Christians in China to open the feudal State Temple, is the oldest brick tower glass surface.
  1053 AD
  Japan, Uji City Hall Phoenix homes built equal.
  1056 AD
  Buddhist Temple Chinese Temple built in release Jiata, 67.31 meters high, is the world's tallest wooden structure of existing buildings.
  AD 1063 ~ 1092
  Pisa, Italy, the main church building, built in 1350 ~ 1174 Leaning Tower of Pisa.
  1087 AD
  Founded Xia Lusi Shigatse Tibet.
  Year 1095
  China's Ge Fei Li, a "famous gardens of Luoyang in mind."
  China's Li Commandments compiled "to create a French", 1103 Annual line.
  AD 1117 ~ 1122
  China Construction Huizong Zhao Ji Shou Gen Yue in Kaifeng.
  Year 1125
  Chinese painter Zhang Zeduan painting "Riverside", depicts the face of Kaifeng city.
  AD 1163 ~ 1250
  Notre Dame de Paris, France built.
  Year 1179
  In both the Jin Dynasty of China (now Beijing) was founded Qionghua Island, through generation of expansion, a three-instruct (the North Sea, the sea, the South China Sea).
  AD 1220 ~ 1269
  Amiens Cathedral in France built, typical of Gothic architecture.
  Year 1229
  Ping River (now Suzhou) carved monument Pingjiang House map.
  Year 1248
  Cologne, Germany, the construction of the Gothic cathedral, built in 19th century all.
  1264 AD
  Chinese Yuan Liu Bingzhong to start planning for construction and other large capital (now Beijing).
  China Miao Ying Temple White Pagoda built capital (Yuan said Shengshou Wan Ansi tower), is the first built in La Mata in Mainland China.
  1276 AD
  China's Teng feudal Observatory.
  AD 1296 ~ 1462
  Florence, Italy, built the cathedral, 1420 ~ 1434 the construction of dome roof, as the beginning of Renaissance architecture.
  14th century
  Spain Granada Alhambra Palace was built.
  The mid-14th century AD
  Huo Urban China tiger Luke Mazha spit, is the oldest extant Islamic building in Xinjiang.
  Chinese Ming Dynasty built the city of Nanjing.
  AD 1376 ~ 1382
  Spirit Valley-free beam construction in Nanjing, China Temple, is the earliest extant member of the house without beam.
  AD 1377 ~ 1492
  Ulm, Germany built Gothic cathedral, 161 meters high minaret, the tallest building in Europe to the Middle Ages.
  Year 1385
  Milan, Italy, the construction of the church.
  Year 1406
  Jianming Beijing China, 1417 to build the Forbidden City Palace.
  Year 1409
  Ming Tombs started.
  Year 1420
  Beijing Imperial Ancestral Temple was built in China.
  AD 1420 ~ 1540
  Building the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China.
  AD 1444 ~ 1460
  Florence, Italy, the Medici mansion built for the construction sites of early Renaissance masterpiece.
  Year 1447
  Construction Tashilhunpo Shigatse Tibet.
  1452 AD
  Italian architect Alberti wrote "On Architecture", published in 1485.
  AD 1485 ~ 1520
  Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy was built from the 15th century.
  Russia Moscow Kremlin to take shape.
  AD 1506 ~ 1510
  Wuxi, China Construction "Phoenix Valley Bank's nest" Park, Chang Park, later renamed to send.
  AD 1506 ~ 1626
  Rome, St. Peter's Basilica was built, the Italian Renaissance architectural monument.
  AD 1508 ~ 1509
  India built truthfulness Park, the Islamic-style garden.
  1512 AD
  Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, China Construction.
  AD 1512 ~ 1514
  Spain shell construction sites, as the Renaissance, "silversmith-style" style.
  1512 AD
  Wong Tai Sin Temple in Kyoto, built in Japan Dade homes for the dry landscape garden style.
  Year 1516
  Moore a British utopian socialist "utopia", proposed the ideal city vision.
  AD 1519 ~ 1547
  French fort built house still.
  Year 1546
  The construction of the Louvre in Paris, France.
  Year 1549
  Alterations Basilica in Vicenza, Italy.
  Year 1550
  Italian Villa d'Este was built for the mid-Renaissance terrace garden.
  16th century AD
  China was founded in Tartu in this middle of Qinghai Huang Temple.
  Year 1552
  Round room villa built in Vicenza, Italy.
  Year 1555
  Moscow, Russia Ren Jianhua West Plato in the church.
  AD 1559 ~ 1577
  Jian Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai, China.
  Year 1561
  China Ningbo Tianyi Pavilion was built.
  1562 AD
  Italian architect Wei Niao took "five-column norms."
  AD 1567 ~ 1628
  Arts and garden built in Suzhou, China.
  1570 AD
  Published in the Italian architect Palladio "building four theory."
  AD 1598 ~ 1603
  Italian villa built 阿尔多布兰 Dini, the Italian Baroque terraced garden.
  Before and after 1618 AD
  Jian Gui Japanese Villa Katsura Imperial Villa was renamed in 1883.
  AD 1619 ~ 1622
  Whitehall Palace in London banquet hall was built.
  AD 1630 ~ 1653
  India built 泰吉玛哈尔 mausoleum.
  Year 1634
  China's household into the garden, "Yuan Ye" was published.
  1638 ~ 1867
  Rome, San Carlo church building, typical of Baroque architecture.
  Year 1648
  Xing Chinese workers rebuilding the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet.
  AD 1656 ~ 1671
  French construction Fu - Le - Wei Gong mansion garden.
  AD 1661 ~ 1756
  Chateau de Versailles Paris, France, built, 1662 ~ 1688 built the Palace of Versailles Garden.
  Year 1663
  China asks North Zunhua Xiaoling Mausoleum built in the main Eastern Qing Tombs.
  AD 1675 ~ 1710
  St. Paul's Cathedral was built in London UK.
  AD 1680 ~ 1691
  Invalides, Paris, France built a new church.
  Year 1696
  I tried calling the expansion of Inner Mongolia of China finished.
  AD 1703 ~ 1790
  Chengde Mountain Resort was built in China.
  AD 1706 ~ 1735
  Paris, France, who built the Soviet Union to serve house, living room decorated Rococo style.
  AD 1709 ~ 1772
  Beijing Summer Palace was built in 1860 by the British and French troops burned.
  AD 1711 ~ 1722
  Dresden, Germany, Mainz resentment built frame homes.
  Year 1713
  British dismantled the walls of Tuowu sites, the introduction of the natural landscape outside the park. Kent house in 1730 for the transformation of Si Tuowu English Landscape Garden style.
  Year 1734
  Chinese Qing Works Department "project approach" was published.
  Beijing Qing Yi Park was established, later renamed the Summer Palace.
  AD 1753 ~ 1770
  Place de la Concorde in Paris was built.
  AD 1754 ~ 1762
  Building the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in Russia.
  1755 AD
  Lhasa, Tibet, China Construction Norbulingka.
  AD 1755 ~ 1792
  Pantheon in Paris was built for the typical works of classical revival architecture.
  Year 1772
  Chambers described the British publication of the writings of the Chinese garden, "Pan-East of the garden."
  Year 1777
  Pavlov St. Petersburg was built parks, a model of the Russian landscape.
  AD 1789 ~ 1793
  Built the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, for instance the classical revival architecture.
  Year 1791
  Washington, United States began to develop planning programs.
  AD 1793 ~ 1867
  The republic will be building, representative of the Roman Renaissance architecture.
  AD 1808 ~ 1836
  Arc de Triomphe, Paris, France, built mighty, later renamed the Star Plaza Arc de Triomphe.
  AD 1823 ~ 1847
  Building the British Museum in London.
  AD 1836 ~ 1868
  Tower of London proposal will, for the romantic architecture instance.
  1851 AD
  Crystal Palace built in London, is considered the beginning of modern architecture.
  1862 AD
  Prince Gong's Mansion, Beijing, China Crafts Jinyuan conversion, an instance of the Beijing Residence Garden.
  1858 AD
  Olmsted designed the auspices of the United States New York's Central Park.
  AD 1859 ~ 1860
  Kent built the "Red House", as "Arts and Crafts Movement" of the building representative.
  AD 1861 ~ 1847
  France built the Paris Opera, the eclectic architecture of the typical.
  1868 AD
  The Bund in Shanghai, China built the park, built for the imperialists in China, the park concession beginning.
  Year 1882
  Spain 索里亚伊马泰 that "strip city" theory, planning and construction in Madrid in 1892, the first strip city.
  AD 1885 ~ 1887
  Marshall Field department store building in Chicago, is typical of the Chicago School work.
  AD 1887 ~ 1889
  Built the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
  World's Fair in Paris, France built machinery hall, steel three-hinged arch span of 115 meters.
  1893 AD
  Chicago World Fair held in the United States, from there the city beautification movement.
  Turin, Brussels, Belgium, No. 12 residential building for the "Art Nouveau" building representative.
  Year 1897
  Lonza park built in China's Heilongjiang Qiqihar, the beginning of China's self-built park.
  Year 1898
  Howard made the British "Garden City" theory, first built in 1909, the United Kingdom Letchworth Garden City.
  AD 1900 ~ 1915
  U.S. Sai Binti the reverberation absorption coefficient of the concepts and theories, as to lay a theoretical foundation for room acoustics.
  1908 AD
  Beijing, China, agricultural experiment station attached to the park open for the Beijing Zoo after the expansion.
  Robbie U.S. residential construction, Wright design.
  Year 1909
  Berlin, Germany, General Electric Company built turbine plant, known as the first modernist buildings.
  AD 1911 ~ 1912
  German architect Gropius and Meyer Construction Law Gus shoe factory, as representative of modernist architecture.
  1911 to 1913 AD
  Woolworth Building, built in New York, the representative of the early skyscraper.
  1915 AD
  British Geddes book "Evolution of the City" was published.
  Year 1922
  Le Corbusier was "Tomorrow's City" publication, that "modern city" scenario.
  1923 AD
  Le Corbusier published "to the new building."
  Special schools _set_ up in Suzhou Industrial Construction Division, 1927 into the Central University, Department of Architecture established, is the beginning of Architectural Education.
  1924 AD
  Moscow, Soviet Union, Lenin built.
  Schroeder residential construction Utrecht, the Netherlands, sent representative for the style.
  AD 1925 ~ 1926
  Gropius Bauhaus school was built, as representative of early modern architecture.
  1927 AD
  Shanghai Urban Planning Committee was established in 1929 proposed new urban Shanghai Urban Planning, 1946 and 1949 to develop "urban planning map."
  China Institute of Architects, founded in Shanghai.
  1928 AD
  International Association of modern architecture was established in Switzerland.
  AD 1928 ~ 1931
  Savoy French built villas, modern architecture of the model works.
  1929 AD
  Completion of Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing, China, Lu Yan direct the design architect.
  A new park built in the Soviet Union in Moscow - Gorky Park Cultural rest.
  International Fair of Barcelona, Spain built the German Pavilion, close Sifan de design.
  Nanjing, China announced "capital plan."
  Perry made the United States thought the neighborhood planning unit.
  China Building Society was established.
  AD 1929 ~ 1931
  New York Empire State Building was built, high 381 meters, 102 floors, the tallest building in the world at that time.
  1929 to 1933 AD
  Real tuberculosis sanatorium built Payi Mi Finland, Aalto design.
  1933 AD
  International Association of modern architecture by the 4th meeting, "Athens Charter."
  1936 AD
  Nanjing, China, the National Assembly building.
  City Hall was built in Shanghai, China, for the palace-style architecture.
  AD 1936 to 1939
  Pittsburgh built Fallingwater is Wright's "organic architecture" theory masterpiece.
  AD 1936 to 1946
  Brazilian Ministry of Health, Education and Building Construction, Niemeyer and other designs.
  1938 AD
  U.S. construction 西塔里埃辛 winter camp, the architect Wright design.
  1942 AD
  Saarinen a "city, its growth, decline and future", that "organic decentralization" of.
  1942 to 1944 AD
  British development of the Greater London plan.
  Year 1944
  Master Liang of China completed construction of history book, "History of Chinese Architecture."
  1946 AD
  British Parliament passed the "Metro Act", expand the Metro construction movement.
  1947 to 1953 AD
  New York, United Nations Headquarters building was built, the main plate for the glass curtain wall high-rise building. Is a modern architecture masterpiece.
  1948 AD
  International Union of Architects was established.
  1948 to 1951 AD
  Lakeside apartment building in Chicago, architects close Sifan de design.
  1949 to 1955 AD
  Hiroshima Peace Center was built, the architect Kenzo Tange designs.
  1951 AD
  Employed by Le Corbusier in Chandigarh in India is responsible for overall planning.
  1951 to 1952 AD
  Lever House, built in New York, SOM Architects design.
  Year 1952
  China's first National Construction Conference, building design proposed general guidelines: application of robust security, economic, proper care beautiful.
  Peace Hotel, Beijing, China, built, functional and reasonable, simple style.
  Year 1954
  Smithsonian couple made Brutalist architectural theory.
  1954 to 1958 AD
  Seagram Building in New York building, close Sifan de design.
  1955 AD
  Ronchamp, France built the church (also translated Shang-church), the architect Le Corbusier design.
  1955 to 1958 AD
  Kagawa Japanese office buildings and construction, reflecting the national characteristics of Japan, Kenzo Tange designs.
  1955 to 1959 AD
  Building construction Pirui in Milan, Italy, Ponti, Nervi design.
  1956 to 1962 AD
  Construction TWA Terminal in New York, Saarinen design, construction representative for the symbolism.
  1956 to 1963 AD
  Federal Republic of Germany was built in West Berlin Philharmonic Hall, Sharon design.
  1957 AD
  Small Sports Palace, built in Rome, Italy, Nervi, such as design.
  West Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany at the International Architecture Exhibition.
  1957 to 1964 AD
  Richard built the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, as Kahn masterpiece.
  1958 AD
  U.S. Pavilion World Expo in Brussels was built for the classic Marxist masterpiece, Stone Design.
  AD 1958 to 1960
  Parliament building in Brasilia, Brazil, Niemeyer design.
  1959 AD
  Completion of the tenth anniversary of Beijing National "Ten Buildings", a Great Hall (floor area of 171,800 square meters, is the world's largest Congress Hall), Museum of Chinese History and the Chinese Revolution Museum, the National Cultural Palace.
  1959 to 1973 AD
  Australia's Sydney Opera House was built, the architect Utzon design.
  1960 to 1963 AD
  U.S. charges Venturi Urban elderly apartments, designed to reflect the post-modernist architectural thought.
  1961 AD
  Workers Stadium in Beijing, China completed.
  1961 to 1964 AD
  Jian Yue Jing Japan Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Kenzo Tange designs.
  1962 to 1976 AD
  New York World Trade Center building, 411 meters high, 110 layer, Yama Saki (Yamazaki real) design.
  1963 to 1968 AD
  City of Toronto Building, built in Canada.
  1966 AD
  Athens, Greece, the establishment of the World Society Studies of human _set_tlements.
  France has "Greater Paris area planning and guidance programs to rectify" the 80 city center into the new German Defense.
  Year 1968
  British re-enactment of the "Town and Country Planning Act," adopted the structure plan and local plan planning process.
  Tsukuba Science City in Japan started building.
  1969 AD
  Mutual Economic Assistance Council building built in Moscow.
  1970 and 1974 AD
  Chicago Sears Tower building, 443 meters high, 110 layer, for the then world's tallest building, SOM Architects design.
  Year 1971
  Moscow, Soviet Union ratified a new master plan.
  1972 AD
  Spa villas built in Guangzhou, China.
  Bank of cabin floor under construction in Tokyo, Japan, Kisho Kurokawa design.
  Chinese Taipei's Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall built.
  1972 to 1977 AD
  Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, and cultural center was built.
  Year 1974
  Japan built Museum of Modern Art, Gunma Prefecture, Arata Isozaki design.
  1974 to 1978 AD
  Italian Plaza New Orleans was built, is considered the masterpiece of postmodernism.
  1975 AD
  Build Shanghai Stadium in Shanghai, China.
  1977 AD
  International Union of Architects in Chile sign the "Charter of Machu Picchu."
  Year 1978
  The United States into the National Gallery East Building, Washington, DC, IM Pei design.
  1980 to 1984 AD
  New York Building & T headquarters, Johnson design for the post-modernist masterpiece.
Translated by Google
Pritzker Architecture Prize (Pritzker)
  Pritzker Architecture Prize (Pritzker) is the Hyatt (Hyatt) Foundation was established in 1979, because of its unique authority and influence, there are buildings known as the Nobel Prize. Annual award presented by the President and to all award term, the Chinese-American architect IM Pei in 1983, is from the hands of the then U.S. President Ronald Reagan accepted the award.
  Calendar year, the Pritzker Prize (Pritzker) award-winning character
  The first session of the 1979 Philip Johnson Philip Johnson, United States
  1980 Second Luis Barragan Luis Barragán of Mexico
  Third 1981 James Stirling James Stirling United Kingdom
  Lodge 1982, Kevin Roche Kevin United States fourth
  1983 U.S. Fifth Ieoh Ming Pei Pei
  1984, the sixth American Richard Meier Richard Meier
  Seventh Hansihuolai 1985 by Hans Hollein Austria
  1986 Eighth Gottfried Bohm Gottfried Boehm of Germany
  1987 Ninth Kenzo Tange Kenzo Tange of Japan
  1988 Tenth Gedengbangxia Gordon Bunshaft Kearney United States and Oscar Mayer Oscar Niemeyer of Brazil
  1989 Eleventh Frank Gehry Frank O. Gehry U.S.
  1990 Twelfth 阿尔多罗西 Aldo Rossi of Italy
  1991 Thirteenth Robert Venturi Robert Venturi United States
  1992 Fourteenth Portugal Alvaro Siza Alvaro Rossi tie
  1993 Fumihiko Maki Fumihiko Fifteenth Dian Japan
  1994 Sixteenth Christian Deport like Mu Bake Christian de Portzamparc France
  1995 Seventeenth Japan Tadao Ando Tadao Ando
  1996 Rafael Moneo of Spain eighteenth 拉斐尔莫内欧
  In 1997 Sverre Fehn of Norway nineteenth 斯维勒费恩
  1998, Renzo Piano Renzo Piano of Italy twentieth
  The twenty-first in 1999, Sir Norman Foster Sir Norman Foster UK
  Twenty-second in 2000 the Dutch Rem Koolhaas Rem Koolhaas
  Twenty-third in 2001, Jacques Herzog Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Mellon, Switzerland Pierre de Meuron of Switzerland
  2002 Twenty-fourth 格伦马库特 Glenn Murcutt, Australia
  Twenty-fifth in 2003 John Utzon Jorn Utzon of Denmark
  2004 British twenty-sixth Zaha Hadid Zaha Hadid
  2005, Thom Mayne Thom Mayn twenty-seventh United States
  2006 Twenty-eighth Paul Charles Darrow Mendes Paulo Mendes da Rocha of Brazil
  Twenty-ninth in 2007 the United Kingdom Richard Rogers Richard Rogers
  2008 Jean Nouvel Jean Nouvel thirtieth France
  2009, thirty-first Swiss Peter Zumthor Peter • Zu Suoer
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. n.:  architecture,  being constructed,  action or manner of constructing,  edifice,  build; construct; erect,  priority construction,  Construction,  building
  2. v.:  erect,  construct,  built,  put or fit together,  form,  build
  3. adj.:  doric
  4. vt.:  found,  structure
French Expression
  1. v.  bâtir, constuire
restraint, restrict complication, limiting factor, restrict, buildup, control, build, direct, henpeck, avert, supervise, regulate, advice, lead, aiming, leadership, limitations, condition, fact or circumstance that limits, preserve, restrain, contain, restrain, provisory clause allot, guidance, leading, suppress
construct, Construction, Jianshe Village
Jianzhu Village
Jianzhu Subdistrict
build Community, Build Juweihui
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