dict : book titles > Kangxi Lexicon
No. 1
  Feng Yu-Qing Emperor Kangxi ordered compilation of books. Began in 1710, 1716 harvest book. First name "dictionary", later changed to its present name. Received word 47035, sub-214 radicals. The largest collection of ancient Chinese character dictionary.
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kāng xī zì diǎn
  In Qing Dynasty, Zhang Yushu, Rhythm of the Fifth and other instructions from the emperor ordered a dictionary compiled
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[Compilation of Kangxi Dictionary]
  "Kangxi Dictionary" is Yu-Shu, Rhythm of the Fifth more than thirty well-known scholars such as Feng Kangxi imperial edict compiled a dictionary of Chinese characters with far-reaching effects. The book begins with the compilation work Kangxi forty-nine (1710), written fifty-five years of Kangxi (1716), which lasted six years, so the title is called "Kangxi." Official Yu-Shu by the Chief Editor, Rhythm of the Fifth presided over the official compilation Lingshao Xiao, Shi Kui, week of Wei, Chen Shiru and other efforts to complete. Classification by radical dictionary, word by stroke order, dictionary book is divided into twelve _set_s to identify the twelve Earthly Branches, each episode is divided into upper, middle and lower volumes, according to vowels, tones and vowels form syllables disaggregated and the corresponding Chinese characters, Chinese characters were included forty-seven thousand and thirty-five (47,035 posts), the characters of one of the main references.
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[Kangxi advantages]
  "Kangxi" according to the Ming Dynasty "vocabulary" "orthography through" two books to be updated. Two books on the mistakes, "Kangxi Dictionary" also made a career of "Recognize the correct _set_," the effort. "Kangxi Dictionary" has the following three advantages:
  First, the closing words quite rich for a long period of time is a dictionary of words most (up to 1915 "Chinese Dictionary" publication of forty-eight thousand thousand words, just over it).
  Second, it is radical to two hundred and fourteen categories, and marked with phonetic tangential, provenance, and references, etc., almost every word to the different sounds and different meanings are listed cut in, can be used for user review.
  Third, in addition to secluded secluded word meaning other than it almost every word in every sense, the examples are cited; and almost all of these examples refer to the "only see" the ancient books.
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[Kangxi Dictionary shortcomings]
  The dictionary has two drawbacks: First, tangential and Explanation Luolie book phenomenon, hit or miss, the authors put forward their own little opinion, is not conducive to beginners; two omissions and errors is one of the real and more Wang cited the "Kangxi Dictionary research, "12, 2588 to correct the corruption, this is just one part of the error.
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[Kangxi Dictionary version]
  "Kangxi" version of the very large, there Kangxi edition within the government, also known as the Wu Yingdian version. There are two paper includes: paper and Tai Shi Kai with paper two. Kangxi edition within the government are mostly used to reward the inner court, binding is very luxurious, very few people see. There are also seven years of the dynasty, the government re-printed edition, the other a wood block, and the stone appears printed Qing, Qian Yinben, photocopy. By Shanghai Bureau of Late seal stone with copies of documents is the largest circulation, the most popular version. Forty nine-year reign of Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi called Yu-Shu, such as Rhythm of the Fifth thirty scholars, began the "Kangxi" the compilation work in six years, the word books in their traditional focus on large-scale consolidation, and in the reign of Emperor Kangxi Fifty-five years to complete editing. "Kangxi Dictionary" word of Compiling absorbed the experience of history, the book is divided into episodes, from the sub_set_ to the Hai episodes of the series is divided into upper, middle and lower volumes, arranged in 214 radicals respectively. Total collection of forty-seven thousand and thirty five words. Content refers to retrospective Zi in ancient poetry, but also an indication of the use of history to support the change. "Kangxi Dictionary" was published, the social impact is huge. Its text, sound and meaning, documentary evidence is widely cited, it has also become a style book characters published a blueprint for future generations. Chinese culture as one of the important references, with a high research value.
  "Kangxi Dictionary" as the words of the ancient master of the book has the following features: more than received word, the word of the other body, were recorded to write custom, font, while the sound and meaning may vary by series as "suspected" and the other column "Notes", "Correction "; Phonetic the most comprehensive and complete pronunciation collecting, all contained in order of phonology; interpretation of the ancient demand, meaning many cases the original source. These advantages greatly facilitated by the strong feudal thinking retro scholar and therefore known as "the style of sophisticated, research Gai contact, sincere words in the source of Tau, Art Gallery of Jinliang" (Wang cited the language). Although it has its drawbacks, since the Qing Wang cited the date, on behalf of the research has corrected, and subsequently, in its based on the emergence of the "Dictionary of Chinese Characters", "Chinese Dictionary", compiled for different purposes but because of "Kangxi" pay attention " Ancient "and the successor service to" today ", it is now," Kangxi "there is still an irreplaceable role, is to read the classics, finishing the ancient literature, in the ancient culture of the important reference books, especially in popular literature such as Dunhuang area, it is essential hand book (Hao Chunwen language). "Kangxi" Since its inception, the version number, according to incomplete statistics, there are 100 kinds, are those who choose its brief to the following.
  (B) forty two volumes, of the dynasty, Wu Yingdian eleven years, Wang cited the Jiaogai this. Dynasty, more than seven in 90 schools, "Kangxi" correct prefix, revised quotations, took five years to correct 2588 and re-published the original digging change. Wang will also collate the text series for the "dictionary research," twelve. It is because of "dictionary research" booklet appearance, combined with respect for the ancient people so far away suddenly near this light, perhaps out of caution, this Jiaogai the impact is fairly small. Should be noted that, "Kangxi" See No Seal, Seal was later added by Walker Journal.
  (C) of the forty three volumes, that is, fifty-five years of the Kangxi Wu Yingdian this + "dictionary research." For these reasons, people interested in absorbing dynasty Dianben taken this simple and insurance practices. The most popular is the most influential Zhong Hua Publishing House belongs to this system.
  (D) photocopy dynasty Dianben + "dictionary research" + "Kangxi test differences are wrong." Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in the 1990s rediscovered Dianben dynasty, dynasty Dianben the changes compared with the "dictionary research," the similarities and differences found between the two is different, and a careful reading of the Japanese Watanabe Temperature "is wrong Kangxi Dictionary Textual "Launched in 1996," Wang cited the Jiaogai the <Kangxi> ", this book with rare (Wang possession of the home) as Dibon, to maintain the original appearance, according to Xu Xuan-based prefix" Dictionary "column Zhuanwen, the former page Add Radical directory index number of the attached corner.
  (E) consolidation of the dynasty Dianben punctuation. The dynasty Dianben based schools do not participate in this, the original pro forma book, Addendum to move the body, old and new fonts and use, interpretation, Meaning of a new body, the column "old and new body control for example the word table", the book punctuation, phonetic notation Traditional horizontal, Zhuanwen ibid Ancient. A square number index. Chinese Dictionary Press, 2002.
  (F) "<Kangxi Dictionary> general solution" for the master copy Dianben dynasty, made a collation to absorb "dictionary research", "Kangxi Dictionary Textual and wrong," Huang Mei, "Kangxi Dictionary mistakenly cited documentary evidence" and other results into the body to modern pronunciation of a Chinese character phonetic notation, simplified, horizontal punctuation, made a deal with radicals seized the word law, by deleting "the letter Qieyun to Act" and other four, Kai Fragrance Zhuanwen the table listed below. Times Literary Press, 1997.
  (G) Beijing Normal University Press simplified, horizontal version, 1997.
  (H) the control of modern phonetic search, the Chinese version of the file collection, Chinese Archives Press, 2002.
  (Ix) the Kangxi Dictionary, Chung Hwa Book 2004-6-1.
  (X) Kangxi (scroll up and down, Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House ,2006-10-1.
  (K) "Kangxi" revised edition, Social Sciences Academic Press ,2008-4-1.
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[Kangxi electronic version]
  "Kangxi" There are three kinds of electronic version. Shanghai book with the text of the Kangxi Dictionary (book with the text of digital technology Co., Ltd, Beijing, Articles Electronic Press, 2000), Han-Chun of Taiwan, Beijing is easy.
  Han Zhen company with the electronic version of Sikuquanshu production units, introduced in 2001, traditional "electronic version of the Kangxi Dictionary", "Kangxi Dictionary" electronic version of the _set_ of CD-ROM is published in accordance with the Bureau of lithographic instruments, "Kangxi Dictionary" for the master copy productions Cheng, together with Wang cited the "Dictionary of research" in the post. Han Zhen digitization of the company in order to affinity of the search interface, with BIG5, GBK and Unicode code cross-referencing within the text, and provide word, radical, strokes, stroke order, phonetic, phonetic, such as diversification of the search fields query.
  Easy to use in the Beijing Normal University Press edition of "Kangxi" and interpretation of all prefix can be any word search, and to provide graphic comparison of the electronic dictionary. Electronic full-text version of "Kangxi" has the following salient features: the number of characters in the Windows platform will be expanded to 70,195 from the 27,484 word Enterprise Edition is included with the word "God in the Han Chinese e" software to provide consistent ISO / IEC 10646: 2003 (with Unicode 4.0) international standard codes, including 70,000 Chinese characters in the curve of character, beautiful shape, and Windows systems, "Times New Roman" are all the easy product, the same style. To achieve a true sense of the full-text search can be 47,000 words alone search out the first word, but also with the interpretation of the word, and various attributes. Can enter any words, phrases, will soon be the first word in the word and interpretation of relevant information retrieved. 6 Searching method, not to learn that the word will be seized with 6 methods. Kangxi radicals seized one of the characters, the number of strokes and the Emperor ordered Searching Searching, using mouse, do not learn, that will be used. Also available in other phonetic, phonetic, and suitable for fast input of the "Zheng code" input method. Explanations can be simple, complex characters to switch between using the simplified definition, plus Punctuation. If you need to read the traditional characters, tap a button, instantly converted into traditional characters to facilitate Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and other overseas audiences. All text can be pasted in MS-Office can be extracted using the word content of the first word or definition copy (Enterprise Edition only), and then paste it into Microsoft Office applications to seamlessly re-editing. This is the image scanning electronic version of the "Kangxi" can not. And the original "Kangxi" readers scanned image contrast, and interpretation of the text prefix words, just tap a key to the original wood carvings of the "Kangxi" corresponding to the scanned images transferred out of control, great for academic research help. Prefix word mark multiple properties, easy to learn and recall the word with the prefix property, unless the version of Beijing Normal University, Central China marked the phonics and phonetics, but also easy to raise in the words of ISO / IEC (Unicode) international standard codes Zheng coding and other properties.
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[Kangxi Dictionary amendment]
  "Kangxi Dictionary" is completed, only eleven years in the Qing dynasty (1831) amended once, by a famous Qing Dynasty scholar Wang cited the collation for granted, a total of 2588 revised the book wrong. In the "Kangxi Dictionary" available for nearly 300 years, only a moderate Watanabe, the Japanese scholar well-known scholar Wang Li of China published a survey of their school books, articles were carried out more than collation. April 2008, Social Sciences Documentation Publishing House completed "Kangxi" 300 years of the second amendment to the king for the master copy of the guidelines of the revision, the two scholars Wang Watanabe moderate collation based on the use of international standards in Unicode 58,000 characters, the first time in terms of shape, "Kangxi" more than 13,000 words in total of twenty thousand head were a number of additions and amendments, and for its original 47,043 word first, literally word for the occasion of variant related work, make this revised edition also use a dictionary word as a variant. Social Sciences Literature Publishing "Kangxi" revised edition contains a total of 57,557 Chinese characters, than the "Dictionary of Chinese Characters" included more than 3,000 words. In addition, the original book, thousands have no meaning or sense sound without sound of the word, the first time through this amendment is explained or phonetic collation. Simultaneously with the revision of the "Kangxi" digital, using the horizontal method suitable for modern reading of every word, while retaining the traditional method tangential things, marked the modern phonetic Pinyin, and adding punctuation in the text in order to eliminate the lack of sentences and phrases to bring reading disorder. Through data CDs, the reader simply enter simplified, can accurately retrieve the ancient character of the word, and it appears in the "Kangxi" the location of the original book to facilitate the researchers.
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康熙字典 [其他]
康熙字典 [其他]
康熙字典 [其他]
康熙字典 [其他]
  1716 harvest of the book "Kangxi Dictionary" is the master of the ancient word for the book, readers meet when reading and study of classical literature search of basic needs. Wang cited the dictionary to the revised version of the dynasty, "Kangxi Dictionary" for the master copy, the school do not participate in the re-horizontal published. Punctuate the book sentence by sentence, the main use of commas, periods, colons, title numbers. For ease of use, in the original phonetic tangential, straight tone and attention spiked pinyin symbols. No Zhuanwen original book, is based, according to Xu Xuan, "Dictionary", the specification is attached Xiaozhuan text header. New square numbers end of the book index.
  "Kangxi" conspicuous advantages of the big end who has the following aspects: First, to close more than words, beyond all previous dictionary, again, it is almost the different meanings of each word are listed, and each reference has shown signs of multiple meanings of certain ancient The sentence, which is a significant feature of the yellow one word, no doubt quite useful to readers.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Kangxi Lexicon,  "Kang Xi Zi Dian" (a 42-volume dictionary compiled during the reign of,  Kang Xi in the Qing Dynasty),  "Kang Xi Zi Dian" (a 42-volume dictionary compiled during the reign of,  "Kang Xi Zi Dian" (a 42-volume dictionary compiled during the reign of,  "Kang Xi Zi Dian" (a 42-volume dictionary compiled during the reign of
Related Phrases
wordvariant form of a Chinese charaeterBaidu dict
Hezhi classifierclassifierShuowen Jiezi (origin of Chinese Characters)
Containing Phrases
abridgment Kangxi LexiconKangxi lexicon add Criticism Zhang Yu Paginate Shanghai business marking library photocopy
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