Conger eel is characterized by no pelvic fins, white belly, are white fish. Conger eel and it is a close relative. Its high content of cholesterol per 100 grams contains 14 mg, equivalent to about 2 times the Moray. But fat contains ipa, has the effect of preventing the deposition of cholesterol. Its listed for the summer season. Fresh conger body surface is brown, with a sense of transparency and flexibility. The most popular method is to eat cooked sushi rice made conger eel, sometimes White roasting, baking. But the taste is better than eels light. The best and vegetables, edible seaweed combination. Its blood contains traces of protein drugs, can not be eaten raw.
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No. 2
Conger eel conger eel Anguilliformes (Anguilliformes) conger Branch (Congridae) about 100 kinds of seafood eel collectively. Body without scales, a large head, large gill slits, mouth wide, teeth strong. Generally light gray or light black, pale belly, fins with black edges, carnivorous. Widely distributed in the oceans, sometimes in deep-sea habitat. Body length of up to 1.8 meters (6 feet). Many species, such as the European conger (Conger conger), as valuable food fish; American conger eel (C. oceanicus) is a ferocious sport fish. Conger eel is characterized by no pelvic fins, white belly, are white fish. Conger eel and it is a close relative. Its high content of cholesterol per 100 grams contains 14 mg, equivalent to about 2 times the Moray. However, fats containing IPA, preventing the deposition of cholesterol effect. Its listed for the summer season. Fresh conger body surface is brown, with a sense of transparency and flexibility. The most popular method is to eat cooked sushi rice made conger eel, sometimes White roasting, baking. But the taste is better than eels light. The best and vegetables, edible seaweed combination. Its blood contains traces of protein drugs, can not be eaten raw.