idiom > But back to Waste
But back to Waste
  Explanation: This refers to the anger disappeared, back to normal, now described as disappointing back.
  Usage: Partial official; as predicate; containing derogatory
  Source: Zhuang, "Zhuangzi De filling character": "I brush anger, however, by Mr. and appropriate, however, is anti-waste."
  Examples: To his board, while the museum is only surface, and asked for rice, said nothing, and ~. (Lu Xun, "August the two books")
No. 2
  【词 目】 废然而返 使用频率 常用
  【发 音】 fèi rán ér fǎn
  【释 义】 本指怒气消失,恢复常态,现在形容失望回来。
  【出 处】 《庄子·德充符》:“我拂然而怒,而适先生之所,则废然而反。”
  【示 例】 要他包饭,而馆中只有面,问以饭,曰无有,~。(鲁迅《两地书·八一》)
  【近义词】 半途而废、败兴而归、虚此一行
  【用 法】 偏正式;作谓语;含贬义;指败兴而归。
  成语名称 废然而返 汉语拼音 fèi rán ér fǎn 成语释义 本指怒气消失,恢复常态,现在形容失望回来。 成语出处 《庄子·德充符》:“我拂然而怒,而适先生之所,则废然而反。” 使用例句 要他包饭,而馆中只有面,问以饭,曰无有,废然而返
Lose one's spirits The return, Lose one's spirits The return, This virtual register