| | - adj.: mammoth, immense, grandiose, imposing, awkward to move or carry, taking up much space, whopping, voluminous, staggering, prodigious, bulky, hulking, huge, gigantic, gigantesque, giant, enormously, enormous, cyclopean
| | terrific, spacious, tremendous, abundant, innumerable, immeasurable, incalculable, numberless, innumerable, incalculable bulky flatulent, flatulent, ordinary but described in a way that makes it seem very desirable, bombastic, camp, assuming, bouncy bumper, abundant, liberal, booming, wealthy, ample, crowded, munificent, massive, substantial, more, numerrous, inundant, cannot disobedient, overwhelming, prodigious, keen, deep, extreme, deep, splendid, massive, grand, vital, active, by a very great amount impressive, substantial, suffice, Outstanding, ace, sweeping, remarkably close, endmost, ultimate, hard | | zillion | Bulky Dead sleep person | Bulky Crop storeroom | bulky network | a creature of huge dimensions | a bulky cargo | Bulky ACCORD spectrum | fable narrative Bulky Dead sleep person | Bulky Shiken Combat Machinery | Fabled Bulky Shiken Combat Machinery | |