medicine > spacious
English Expression
  1. adj.:  spacious,  extensive,  ample,  broad,  extended,  immeasurable,  immense,  measureless,  wide,  of wide scope,  large in area,  extending far,  extending over a large area
bumper, abundant, abundant, liberal, booming, wealthy, ample, crowded, munificent, tremendous, bulky, massive, substantial, terrific, more, numerrous, inundant, cannot disobedient, overwhelming, prodigious, keen, deep, extreme, deep, splendid, massive, grand, vital, active, by a very great amount impressive, substantial, suffice, Outstanding, ace, sweeping, remarkably close, endmost, ultimate, hard
innumerable, immeasurable, incalculable, numberless, innumerable, incalculable
broad, ample
Containing Phrases
immenseone spaciouscosmopolitan
sweepingan immense territoryspacious alms
blockbusterOpen sesame!Be infinitely resourceful of charcoal
aerial image Emperor,the son of god So ampleness head