commodity : agriculture : gout > chaff
No. 1
  Dried grass, sometimes Tezhi dried aspartate.
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gān cǎo
  Dry (or dried) water subtilis; prepare income haymow grass; Tezhi cut and dried for fodder of various herbs, sometimes including grass seeds and other feed (eg, legumes)
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No. 3
  Dry grass, sometimes Tezhi dried aspartate. "Fa Yuan Zhu Lin," Volume 18: "For dirty stained unconsciously, like a raging fire natural hay." Ya Zhou "Nanhunnvjia" the second chapter: "This rise half a meter ground into a surface of the leaves, hay boil drinking gooey. "
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English Expression
  1. n.:  chaff,  haulm,  hay,  litter,  stover,  truss
French Expression
  1. n.  foin, fourrage sec
Containing Phrases
steppea hay wagonhayrickhaycockhayloft