idiom > Marketplace of the Hill
Marketplace of the Hill
  Explanation: Marketplace: ancient place called trading. Old refers to the city's people.
  Source: "Small Marina pipe" at the business sector on the marketplace. "" Mencius million in the next chapter, "The marketplace in the country said Chen, the opposition wilderness of the minister said, are that the common people."
  Examples: In the country said, ~, Chan not sign, instead of Chan Law. (Step Qingping Qing "outer Jun Xia chip" IV)
No. 2
  That without an official of the people living in Du.
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Quguan and living in Du scholar-officials, the monarch himself "in the street minister"
  Quguan and living in Du scholar-officials, the monarch himself "in the street minister." "Miriam BARNES meet Ceremony": "who claim to Jun, the next scholar Zeyue Robinson; home were a minister of the state Zeyue marketplace, a minister of the opposition Zeyue grass arundinacea; common people Zeyue nettles of the minister." Zheng Xuan Note: "home who were also called Resignation. Resignation Quguan and Inhabitation, or in the country, or the opposition."
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No. 4
  词目 市井之臣
  发音 shì jǐng zhī chén
  释义 市井:古时称做买卖的地方。旧指城市里的老百姓。
  出处 《管子·小匡》:“处商必就市井。”《孟子·万章下》:“在国曰市井之臣,在野曰草莽之臣,皆谓庶人。”
  示例 在国曰~,廛而不征,法而不廛。(清·平步清《霞外捃屑》卷四)
  用法 作宾语;指城市里的老百姓
Containing Phrases
Zaiguoyue Marketplace of the Hill