idiom > be at its lowest ebb
Dead end
  Explanation: Mountains and water to an end. Analogy nowhere in dire straits.
  Usage: Joint type; as the predicate attribute, complement; containing derogatory
  Source: Qing Pu "Liao Li, eight-cylinder": "do otherwise would to a dead end, will not look to give people."
  Examples: You have reached the point ~. (Mao Zedong, "urged Du Yuming such surrender")
  Results: Sea cliff
  Postscript: Sea cliff
  Riddle: Sand; Bald Ridge drought re-
Mountains and water are to the end
  Mountains and water are to the end. Metaphor of nowhere, desperate cloud has a silver lining.
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No. 3
  Also as "the poor water off mountains." Also as "mountain water absolutely poor."
   1. That mountain and water to an end. Zhou Yu "thorn Shiyu Wen Zhou Yanzhou public Shinto monument": "streams lofty, Yan Ya excluded Yan, Shan poor water off, flying horse beam bridge." Qing Shen Fu "Six Records of wave travels fast": "will and Hill , the river gradually beam, bulldozers planting bamboo, for 45; appears to dead end, but suddenly become crystal clear. "
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Analogy desperate, desperate
  Metaphor desperate, desperate. Lu Song, "Yin winter night": "hunger-free sleep soundly since the David Crane disease, poor water must Who adjacent mountain." Qing Pu, "Li Liao eight-cylinder": "To do otherwise would to a dead end, the do not expect to give also. "" Bureaucrats "fourth seven times:" up penniless, a can not think, and then fixed him a charge. "like Yao," night "35:" I've watched the spring on the exchange shortage, then desperate exposed through nowhere. "
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No. 5
  拼音 shān qióng shuǐ jìn
  解 释 山和水都到了尽头。比喻无路可走陷入绝境。
  出 处 宋·陆游《游山西村》诗:“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。”清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·李八缸》:“苟不至山穷水尽时,勿望给与也。”
  用 法 联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义
  示 例 姚雪垠《长夜》:“眼看着就交荒春,到那时~,揭借无门。”
  近义词 日暮途穷、穷途末路
  反义词 柳暗花明
  歇后语 悬崖临海
  灯 谜 沙;秃岭旱灾重
  电影 山穷水尽
  影片产地 : 美国
  山穷水尽导 演: 罗恩.霍华德 Ron Howard
  主要演员 : 汤姆.李.琼斯 凯特.布兰切特
  节目类别 : 冒险剧情惊悚西部
  片 长:130分钟
  语 言:英语色彩:彩色
  年 份:2003
  影片简介 :
English Expression
  1. :  be at the end of one's rope(tether)
  2. n.:  be at its lowest ebb,  be at the lowest ebb,  at the end of one's means,  at the end of one's resources,  come to the end of one's tether,  be at one's last shift,  where the mountains and the rivers end— at the end of one's rope,  where the mountains and the rivers end, at the end of one's rope
  3. v.:   be at the end of the rope,  in a desperate situation
French Expression
  1.   en être réduit à la dernière extrémité, être dans une impasse, avoir épuisé tous les moyens, être à bout de ressources
rough indignation, Difficulties and obstacles, be travel-worn and weary, bumpiness, a narrow path, (of road surface)full of bumps and hollows, roughness byway, Shanqiongshuijue
royalroad, bright esplanade, open road, yangguandao, highway esplanade, Shine esplanade have the world at one's feet
Containing Phrases
have ashaft[an arrow] left in one's quiver