animal : agriculture > canker
chǐ huò
尺蠖 chǐ huò
  Geometrid moth larvae, many types, is a major pest of fruit trees and forest
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No. 2
  Geometrid moth larvae, soft, slender body, flexion and extension while the line. Used first for extension of Qu Yu. "Yi Jing down": "looper of flexion, in order to the letter also; snakes of hibernation, to take shelter too." Jin Zhi Dun "Ode to benefit City Mountain": "track from looper flexion, extension Road and the Dragon." Qing Zhao Yi "go further" poetry: "Poetry has been cold Chanzao heart still looper extension." Yiduo "Poetry and Criticism Spirit Goddess": "Repentance is the virtue most beautiful, he is the source of all the bright end He is the soul of inchworm elongation show the appearance of desire. "
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No. 3
  Moth larvae of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera collectively. The body of a bend when crawling, stretched forth his hand quantity as the length, hence the name. Body bent and your time as the bridge, so called "bridge-building worms." Adult body thin, large, thin wings, known as the "moth." Species more common to have tea geometrid, mulberry looper, pear looper and so on, against tea, mulberry, and fruit trees.
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No. 4
  Looper (huò) are invertebrates, Insecta, Lepidoptera, Geometridae insect larvae collectively.
  Looper larvae slender body, stretched like a bridge when a flexor action, at rest, the body can be stretched diagonally as Twiggy. Complete metamorphosis. Adult wing large, slender with short hair, filamentous or feathery antennae, called the "moth."
  There are around 12,000 kinds, China has about 43 kinds. Larvae damage fruit trees, tea, mulberry, cotton and trees and so on. As the larvae of insect damage Ectropis leaves, causing severe baldness phenomenon. When stationary, the common foot tail grab gastropods and tea sticks, so the worm forward Xieshen, looks somewhat like a black sheep, when frightened that silking drooping; Another example jujube looper larvae, not only harm the food jujube, jujube leaves and eat buds, bud. Wingless female adults and male adults of all taupe, brown corrugated wing 2. The most common mulberry looper over the country from north to south, and its larvae often as "mimicry" typical.
  Life history and habits:
  Every year a generation pupae overwinter 8-10 cm soil under the tree. In late March to April the following year early emergence. Female moths unearthed after night to climb a tree mating, egg prolific in the bark sewn, covered with fuzz on the end of the female moth egg masses. Jujube germinate late April, the larvae hatch damage, damage peak in May. In late May to early June has mature larvae, pupae buried summering winter.
  Common species: Acacia Looper (semiothisa cinerearia (bremer et grey)) is a major pest of Sophora japonica.
  Predators: There jujube looper swollen hock Ichneumonidae and parasitic flies.
  Control methods:
  1 before adult emergence, in the base of the trunk to dig pupae.
  (2) In the trunk tied 15 cm wide plastic film with, and then focus hunting.
  3 At the end of the basic egg hatch, organophosphate insecticide or spraying pyrethroid insecticides.
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Life history and habits
尺蠖 生活史及习性
尺蠖 生活史及习性
尺蠖 生活史及习性
  Every year a generation pupae overwinter 8-10 cm soil under the tree. In late March to April the following year early emergence. Female moths unearthed after night to climb a tree mating, egg prolific in the bark sewn, covered with fuzz on the end of the female moth egg masses. Jujube germinate late April, the larvae hatch damage, damage peak in May. In late May to early June has mature larvae, pupae buried summering winter.
  Common species: Acacia Looper (Semiothisa cinerearia (Bremer et Grey)) is a major pest of Sophora japonica.
  Predators: There jujube looper swollen hock Ichneumonidae and parasitic flies.
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Control methods:
  1 before adult emergence, in the base of the trunk to dig pupae.
  (2) In the trunk tied 15 cm wide plastic film with, and then focus hunting.
  3 At the end of the basic egg hatch, organophosphate insecticide or spraying pyrethroid insecticides.
  4. Raise, put wasp, the prevention of cotton fields Looper have a good effect.
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  Author: [Sweden] Harry Mading Song
  In a tree full of flowers
  Bees waft melodious chorus.
  Ladybug, a decorative foliage living jewels,
  Crimson's back and flew apart,
  His own destiny
  Flower fragrance to the air in his mouth.
  Qu-foot climb to the edge of the leaves, like a doubt,
  Support from two yellow short enough: the leaf swing to go,
  Looking to empty out the habitat of the universe.
  Heard the wind, so the branches close to it,
  Leaves hands stretched out, pick it up.
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Science knowledge
尺蠖 科普知识
  Looper (geometrid) infestation of a pest tea shoots. There Ectropis, tung looper, wood Lao inchworm, inchworm clouds, etc., are Lepidoptera looper moth. 1 Ectropis: In Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui area in summer and autumn tea heaviest damage, the larvae nibble leaves no serious when the victim of whole bald, leaves do not stay. In addition to tea, but also harm soybeans, Polygonum, maple, etc. Form: Adult body length 9-12mm, wingspan 20-30mm. White-winged plane sparsely Chahe or dark brown scales. The wing dash, dash outside, the outer edge of the outer lines and sub-lines dark brown wavy lines, hind wing also has two corrugated outer edges of the front and rear wings were seven and five black specks. Fall adult dark in color, lined significantly larger shape. Eggs oval, about 0.8mm. Instar larvae molt just 2 and 4-6mm, dark brown, abdomen first quarter on the back there are two obvious spots, two on the back of the front section has two obvious dark brown markings. Pupa oblong, long 10-14mm, ocher-brown; antennae and wing buds of the abdomen after the fourth edge; fifth ventral margin on each side before the holiday ocellus a hip nearly triangular spines, which often ends a point Fork short spines. Habits: 5-6 generations occur in Jiangsu and Anhui year in Hangzhou 6-7 generations to six generations based. If the October average temperature above 20 ℃, may partly occur seven generations. Are pupae overwinter in the soil under the canopy. In early March the following year began feathering unearthed, generally in April, the first generation of larvae began in mid-harm spring. The second generation of larvae in late May to early June occurred, the third generation of larvae in mid-June to early July occurred, all hazards summer tea. Roughly a month after the occurrence of a generation, until the last generation of mature larvae pupate buried. From the beginning of the third generation of overlapping generations. Adult life is generally 3-7 days, the eggs of 5-32 days, different generations. Non-wintering pupa 7-13 days, overwintering pupae up to five months or so. Generally occur more hilly tea plantations, mountain tea happen less. There are many predators Ectropis to Ectropis Apanteles, twill cat spider, virus, and birds such as Paecilomyces often quite control. Prevention: Combining deep plowing winter base manure, topsoil under the canopy insect pupae, deep fertilization ditch; earth repression; put the chicken pest. When larvae, spraying 50% phoxim 1500-2000 times, 50% fenitrothion, 90% or 50% trichlorfon Cyanophos 1000 times, or pyrethroids 6000-8000 times. 2 tung Looper: Looper, also known as large, the major tea-producing provinces are distributed, the larvae nibble leaves, in addition to tea, but also harm tung and other trees. Form: adult silver, body length 20-25mm, wingspan 50-70mm, wing surface more than a small black dots, brown corrugated wing has three, two hind wings. Female moths abdominal obesity, the end of a bunch of yellow fluff. The newly hatched larvae gray-black, yellow-green or light green turn after age 2, after the fourth instar body color varies with habitat, light green, dark green or dark brown and so on. Larvae grow in length about 70mm, surface roughness, valve purple. Pupa conical body length 19-27 mm, brown brown, the head cornute a pair of late abdominal stab one, two projections. Habits: 2-3 year occurred in the Yangtze River basin generations, southern China 3-4 generations a year occur, are pupae overwinter in the rhizosphere of topsoil. Hunan and Jiangxi provinces in late April spawning adult emergence, in mid-May on the first generation larvae begin to hatch, mid-June, late in pupation mature, mid-July to late August to spawn in late adult emergence, 7 late May to mid-September after another second-generation larvae hatch hazards. Guangdong generation larvae were 1-3 in mid-May to mid-July to mid August and late September to mid-November infestation occurs. More in the evening adult emergence, Baitian Xi perched on nearby trees and poles tea and other buildings, Liang Chi flat does not move, frightened that feign death or fell to the ground a short distance migration. Prevention: Winter Park excavation by overwintering pupae. Each generation of adults midterm daily morning looking swat adults. The use of adult Yoshimitsu chemotaxis and piles of white eggs in holes in the gap habits, can brush the grass lime suspension or erected in tea, or in the trunk around 0.5m from the ground up and whitewashed 1.5m, moth habitat for spawning, facilitate centralized culled. Spray per acre with tung looper nuclear many-body virus 3 × 1010-6 × 1010PIB, or collect from the field of large-infected insect carcasses inchworm diluted 1,000-fold expansion of applications. Chemical control should seize the young larvae of spraying 90% trichlorfon, dichlorvos 1000-1500 times of 80%, 50% phoxim 1000-2000 times, 10% permethrin, 20 percent kill permethrin or deltamethrin 2.5% off 6000 times. 3 wood 橑 inchworm: Nissan Taiwan, Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan, Sichuan and other provinces have occurred tea. The larvae nibble tea leaves, leaves serious damage does not exist, except tea tree damage, but also damage fruit trees, trees and so on. Form: Adult body length 18-26 mm, wingspan 45-72 mm, winged white, gray or tan markings spread outside the dash
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English Expression
  1. n.:  canker,  cankerworm,  inchworm,  looper,  geometer
Related Phrases
crop damage due to insectsjujubepestlinguoye
Containing Phrases
Hemerophila atrilineatageometridgeometrid