| | 【词 目】小伙子
【读 音】xiǎo huǒ zi
【释 义】青年男子
对青年男子的称呼.亦作:小伙或小伙儿.小伙子。《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十:“还有几个不出名提草鞋的小伙,共是十来个。”《水浒后传》第四回:“打探有个小伙儿跟两个伴当大有肥腻。” 茹志鹃 《百合花》:“又想起我那个小同乡,那个拖毛竹的小伙。” | | - n.: chappie, covey, gossoon, hobbledehoy, jack, jockey, lad, laddie, stripling, youngster, young thing, young fellow, young man, youth, a young fellow
| | - n. jeune homme, gars
| | youngster, springer, infant, Qingnian Village Fellow, guy, House fire, People, jack, baby, blond, ephebe, lad, ally, lad youngster, babe, son | | Changde | culture | tongue | hanshou | |
| | good onion | big chappie | Black chappie | that chappie | a slip of a boy | rude young man | young man from the country | Half big chappie | a dapper little fellow | uppish young man | bern chappie | handsome Chappie Duncan | Chappie So Ah | swanky | a facetious young man | the boy from the baker's | powerful Qide chappie | Chappie Hesa miss | Chappie suffer from one's own action daughter in law | suckling | an overgrown lad | Invincible of chappie | have So another chappie | Chappie of Thrice DISASTERS | Zhuanpobaosangde chappie | a boy green to his job | Chappie Kuaiqianchuangchu Body sky | Chappie Gold finger ring Gouhe Purr Gujing | son | The whole of china (the) most Necessitous Chappie bonanza diary | Ocean drum Dozen waistdrum of Chappie do the yangko dance Dozen waistdrum | |