botany > chappie
No. 1
  【词 目】小伙子
  【读 音】xiǎo huǒ zi
  【释 义】青年男子
  对青年男子的称呼.亦作:小伙或小伙儿.小伙子。《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十:“还有几个不出名提草鞋的小伙,共是十来个。”《水浒后传》第四回:“打探有个小伙儿跟两个伴当大有肥腻。” 茹志鹃 《百合花》:“又想起我那个小同乡,那个拖毛竹的小伙。”
English Expression
  1. n.:  chappie,  covey,  gossoon,  hobbledehoy,  jack,  jockey,  lad,  laddie,  stripling,  youngster,  young thing,  young fellow,  young man,  youth,  a young fellow
French Expression
  1. n.  jeune homme, gars
youngster, springer, infant, Qingnian Village
Fellow, guy, House fire, People, jack, baby, blond, ephebe, lad, ally, lad
youngster, babe, son
Related Phrases
Containing Phrases
good onionbig chappieBlack chappie
that chappiea slip of a boyrude young man
young man from the countryHalf big chappiea dapper little fellow
uppish young manbern chappiehandsome Chappie Duncan
Chappie So Ahswankya facetious young man
the boy from the baker'spowerful Qide chappieChappie Hesa miss
Chappie suffer from one's own action daughter in lawsucklingan overgrown lad
Invincible of chappiehave So another chappieChappie of Thrice DISASTERS
Zhuanpobaosangde chappiea boy green to his jobChappie Kuaiqianchuangchu Body sky
Chappie Gold finger ring Gouhe Purr GujingsonThe whole of china (the) most Necessitous Chappie bonanza diary
Ocean drum Dozen waistdrum of Chappie do the yangko dance Dozen waistdrum