Families with spacious broom, the daughter enjoy
  Explanation: Spacious broom: broken broom. Enjoy: worship. Broken broom is considered to own the value of the daughter. Compare yourself to something even if not also become far more valuable. Sometimes used for modesty.
  Source: Han Ban "East View of Han Ji Ji Guangwu" Emperor heard of it, he ordered Lieutenant WU Han-Liu Yu said, 'the city down, baby mother, mouth to a few million, once put soldiers _set_ fire to hear it described as Suanbi. Families with spacious broom, the daughter to enjoy. Yu Clan descendants, so the taste is more functional, heartless line this! '"
No. 2
  发音 jiā yǒu bì zhǒu, xiǎng zhī qiān jīn
  释义 敝帚:破扫帚。享:供奉。自家的破扫帚被认为价值千金。比喻自己的东西即使不好也倍觉珍贵。有时用于自谦。
  出处 汉·班固《东观汉记·光武帝纪》:“帝闻之,下诏让吴汉副将刘禹曰:‘城降,婴儿老母,口以万数,一旦放兵纵火,闻之可谓酸鼻。家有敝帚,享之千金。禹宗室子孙,故尝更职,何忍行此!’”