Home disadvantages broom, the daughter enjoy
  Explanation: Disadvantages broom: broken broom; enjoy: worship. Broken broom is considered to own the value of the daughter. Compare yourself to something even if not also become far more valuable. Sometimes used for modesty.
  Source: Han Ban "East View of Han Ji Ji Guangwu": "Emperor heard of it, he ordered Lieutenant WU Han-Liu Yu said: 'the city down, baby mother, mouth to a few million, once put soldiers _set_ fire to smell can be described as acid nose. home broom and disadvantages, to enjoy the daughter. Yu Clan descendants, so the taste is more functional, heartless line here! '"
No. 2
  词 目 家有弊帚,享之千金
  发 音 jiā yǒu bì zhǒu,xiǎng zhī qiān jīn
  释 义 弊帚:破扫帚;享:供奉。自家的破扫帚被认为价值千金。比喻自己的东西即使不好也倍觉珍贵。有时用于自谦。
  出 处 汉·班固《东观汉记·光武帝纪》:“帝闻之,下诏让吴汉副将刘禹曰:‘城降,婴儿老母,口以万数,一旦放兵纵火,闻之可谓酸鼻。家有弊帚,享之千金。禹宗室子孙,故尝更职,何忍行此!’”