Health > Xuan Lu
Leakage; revealed
  Leakage; said. "Later Han Feng Yi Chuan": "Guangwu it Xuanlu Yi book, so Zhu tuna aware of." "Wei Shu Yuan Cheng Chuan": "Cheng executive played by Shang Shuzheng this, especially beyond prudent, therefore the player who matter through the Court Road, covered with Miyao the cut, anti-disclosure of their propaganda. "" Three Kingdoms "third back:" If the Code, when evil than dollars, but pay a jailer sufficient, why should foreign troops have called Down? For Jinzhu of, everything has to be declared Lucy. I also feed their losing. "Qing Duan Fang" To Counselor Ferguson electricity ":" before the transfer Xiangshuai an electric, Do not declared Lucy. "Liu Tai Pak" secret Night "poem:" This is not the original language can be declared secret exposed, but not inquire to understand. "
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Exposure; exposed
  Exposure; exposed. Southern Liang Xie, "Wen Xin Diao Long Xi shift": "Xi those sparkling too. Xuan Lu Yu, the sparkling natural to understand too." "Golden Mirror of Medicine meridians of dental surgery declared" Note: "This certificate Vision swollen gums, gum decadent meat gradually rot, long the cut reduced, resulting in teeth exposed declared. "
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No. 3
  xuān lù
  1.泄露;透露。《后汉书·冯异传》:“ 光武 故宣露 轶 书,令 朱鲔 知之。”《魏书·元澄传》:“ 澄 执奏以尚书政本,特以远慎,故凡所奏事,阁道通之,盖以秘要之切,防其宣露。”《三国演义》第三回:“若欲治罪,当除元恶,但付一狱吏足矣,何必纷纷召外兵乎?欲尽诛之,事必宣露。吾料其必败也。” 清 端方 《致参赞福开森电》:“前转 香帅 一电,万勿宣露。” 刘大白 《秘密之夜》诗:“这秘密原不是语言能宣露,更不是探问能明白的。”
  2.显露;外露。 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·檄移》:“檄者,皦也。宣露於外,皦然明白也。”《医宗金鉴·外科心法要诀·牙宣》注:“此证牙龈宣肿,龈肉日渐腐颓,久则削缩,以致齿牙宣露。”
  宣露 宣露   肾疳五证之一。出《小儿药证直诀》。详牙疳条。