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No. 1
  ① old refers to people living tenancy (with the 'primary users' relative). ② old households that moved to the field. ③ factories and enterprises from the patrons or brokers said; customers of new products by domestic and foreign fairs ~ welcome.
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kè hù
  Tang ago that exile or living people tenancy (with the "household" relative)
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No. 3
  Customers, merchants
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No. 4
  Old households that moved to the field
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No. 5
  Han has been a large number of peasants fleeing into exile Taxes and around the shade to be accounted for after the landlord Gentry, known as Dian Ke, floating off, hidden households, Yam households. Tang and Song Dynasties, and a primary residence in the household, the customer the difference. Customers no more than that to Dianke. "Book of Jin Wang Xun Biography": "Wei has already given or poor customer rents the number of cattle have poor self-served after the villains fear, whom Dole, your door to move hundreds of potential." Tang Liufang "of food and goods" : "Man Tao Yi, the more the floating Send to Lvli county received its name, that of the customers." "Sung Food and Money on a": "Shinshu Jing early states were unbearable Wrangler busy Chao Tian, Tian cases by staff Growing multi-species of the main customers move to fertile and barren sub-class third-class transportation. "
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No. 6
  Refers to households moving from outside. Song Fangyue "Yan to nest" Poetry: "My poor from the non-family, customers send the village Tuan." Chong Qing Fu Chadun "Yanjing remember Worshiping Kitchen": "Imperial Worshiping Kitchen still follow old customs, banned women deacon. The worship of use on the 23rd, but with the 24th Southern Province customers. "Guangtian" morning without sun ":" yellow house is a customer living in Mao's classic home garden. "
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No. 7
  Vendor or agent of the patrons of the call between. Zhou Erfu "Shanghai Morning" Part One: "They always act so slowly, Shantou, Hong Kong, so close by the pier, from convenient, as well as Guangzhou customers that helped convey the difficulties?", "Yangcheng Evening News," 1984.4.17 : "He saw Xinjiang customer representative, the other opening said: 'you busy these days, orders issued two days later does not matter'."
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  唐代贵族阶级,多养奴隶。庄园中之田地,当然使之耕种,然以地面辽阔,田多至千顷,自家奴隶,不敷应用,不能不利用佃户,耕种田地,收其租税,以供挥霍。此种佃户,称为客户,或庄客。......士豪大族,收纳逃户(既客户),留居庄上。结果致“客户”二字,可作佃农解,庄园之大者,收容客户,多至数百人,一家数口,集居一隅,於是庄园之中,发生客户所居之村落,后世称农村为“庄”,称农家为“庄户”,称农民为“庄家人”,其义殆起於此。(摘自历史学家黄现璠著:《唐代社会概略》 ,商务印书馆,1936年3月初版)
  中国古代户籍制度中的一类户口 ,泛指非土著的住户 。它不是一个统一的阶级或阶层,包括有地主、自耕农、城市小商贩、无业游民。唐玄宗开元时,正式出现客户称呼。其中的寄庄、寄住户是地主,客户大多是拥有少量田产的小农。唐玄宗时曾进行大规模的括户,将客户变为编户,称附籍客户,其赋税负担在一定期限内有所优免。德宗建中初实施两税法,客户和土户同样要按资产多少分等交纳两税。至于无产客户(佃客、雇客)虽然继续存在,因为不是两税户,一般没有正式编入国家户籍。此时的“土客”乃是土著户和客籍户之分,有的史书记为“主客”。
  宋代则凡属无常产者,都划为客户客户绝大多数是佃户,散居农村,佃人之田以谋生。客户虽与部分三等户、四、五等户都属农民阶级,但它却是这个阶级的最低层。客户同主户(有常产的税户)的依附关系,则因地而异。经济落后区,客户同主人具有较为强固的人身依附关系。在实行封建租佃制的广大地区,客户同主人结成了封建的契约关系。宋代客户已经发生了明显的分化,其中少数有了一块田园,有的上升为主户,有的发展成为佃富农,有的去做商贩,并且成为富商 。宋以后 ,一般将非土著居民称为客户或"流移客户",但客户不列在政府的户口统计中。
    唐 唐玄宗以前没有客户这一名称,但背井离乡逃往外地的人,两汉以来历代常有记载,通常称为“流庸”、“流民”、“逃户”、“浮户”、“浮浪人”、“浮客”、“浮寄人户”等等,他们基本上都是劳动人民。颜师古解释汉代的流庸,“谓去其本乡而行,为人庸作”,杜佑认为隋代的浮客,“谓避公税依强豪作佃家”。可见长期以来不少逃亡人民在外地当雇工或佃农,唐代也同样如此。“或因人而止,或佣力自资”、“佣假取给,浮窳求生”,就是指的雇佣和佃作劳动。玄宗开元时,正式出现客户称呼以后,“浮人”、“浮客”等在社会上也仍然没有根绝。
    武则天统治末年,曾派十道使“括天下亡户”,开创了唐玄宗开元九年至十二年(721~724)宇文融出使括户的先例。不过,武周时括户准许在一定条件下“听于所在隶名,即编为户”,逃户在客居地方固然不乏佃农或雇农,但被收编的逃户主要不是他们。宇文融主持的括户是和括田同时进行的。开元十二年括出客户八十余万和相称的田地。有的地方官追求逃户括出的数量,甚至把原有土户也作为客户。过去括到逃户,附籍即是编户,这时出现了附籍客户。括出的新附客户,“免其六年赋调,但轻税入官”,所称轻税是每丁交纳一千五百文,按时价计算,客户每丁要一次交纳相当于租庸调两年的总量,实际负担并不轻。开元十八年,六年优免期满,按照规定,所有客户应当与当地百姓一样承担课役。当时裴耀卿上疏认为,“若全征课税,目击未堪”,因此他建议予以分别对待,宽乡地区组织客户佃耕官府闲田成为营田民。人多地少的狭乡可将客户移往地多人少的宽乡。在他提此建议之前两年,朝廷已下令,诸州客户有情愿去缘边州府开垦的一律给予土地,裴耀卿再次提出类似建议,反映迁徙客户去宽乡实际难以执行。事实上裴耀卿建议后也没有执行。但由此可以看出,开元中括出的客户多数仍是具有少量土地的贫困下户。天宝十一载 (752)诏书指出那些“王公百官及富豪之家”广置庄田,他们“别停客户,使其佃食”,即招留客户当佃农。可见也有不少客户充当了庄田上的佃农。
English Expression
  1. :  Guest
  2. n.:  client,  clientele,  correspondent,  tenant-farmer family,  customer,  settlers from other places
French Expression
  1. n.  client
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