The method according to certain specifications to machinery or equipment (multi-finger sets of) fixed at a certain place ~ ~ water pipes Your Phone Your ~ machines.
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No. 2
Installation of a printing press
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No. 3
The method according to certain specifications to machinery or equipment and other fixed at a certain place. Xu Chi "oil head": "is typed up by a well to move and spend a lot of time, to be demolished have to install." Bi Ye "water town character": "completion of the dam, installation of a water vortex generator sets , blocking the flood, made a call. "
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Software Installation
Software code or file through the production of high compression, so the file is small, easy transmission medium, such as burned into the disc, or for download. Others there is a theft prevention codes. When installing the high-compression file or restore a file code released computer can read and write to the registry., Or not installed software downloads are generally smaller, computer hard drive after installation occupies much larger. There need not be installed. Such software can also run the registry does not cling, called "green software."
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English Expression
: connecting-up, sit, setting up, Install
n.: setter, installing or being installed, erect, be equipped with, setting, montage, installing, installation, fixing, fixation, fabrication, erection
v.: installed, set up, put up, fix, mount, fit
vt.: superimpose, configure
French Expression
v. installer, monter, placer
assemble inauguration, inauguration, inauguration, accede, instal, site installation Residential areas, installation Community Installation Juweihui